extreme dog days

Chapter 1277 Sword Soul

Chapter 1277 Sword Soul

In the evening, many people couldn't wait any longer and rushed up into Wangkong Cliff. After entering the interior, everyone felt a sense of panic.Because of the appearance of the internal soul magnetic field, it affects everyone's soul and state of mind.

"Why is there nothing?"

Qin Yuyan and Ling Yun also came outside Wangkong Cliff. Although the evil spirit became heavier at this time, they looked around, and it seemed that nothing special happened.

"Yes, it's just that you can't see it, but you can sense it when you enter Wangkong Cliff."

Ling Yun said in a deep voice.


"The soul magnetic field, perhaps the key to opening the Holy Land of Yujian lies in this soul magnetic field."

Wangkong Cliff was the former gate of the Holy Land of Sword Controlling. Those who tried to challenge the Holy Land of Sword Controlling were left behind in this gate.With the accumulation of time, a powerful soul magnetic field is formed.

And just as Ling Yun guessed, this soul magnetic field is the key to opening the Holy Land of Yujian.It is just necessary to find the sword soul that exists in the soul magnetic field.The soul of the sword is the key to open the holy land of the sword.

"I come here every year, but I have never found any traces of ancient ruins here."

It's not the first time for Hun Beiyi to come to Wangkongya, and he used to be in the soul magnetic field in Wangkongya at this time every year, but he never found anything special.

Seeing everyone rummaging in Wangkong Cliff at this time, he couldn't help sighing.If there was really something inside, he would have discovered it a long time ago, so why wait for these people to arrive?

"Uh, why is there a scar on the palm of your hand?"

"I have it too."

"I have that too"

"What's going on, let me see."

In Wangkong Cliff, suddenly dozens of people had scars on their palms, as if they were scratched by someone with a sword.Everyone was very curious.It didn't take long for those people with sword scars on their palms to die suddenly, and the scene suddenly became panicked.

These people who died suddenly had a common action before, and that was to touch the ground with their hands.

"let me see"

After Ling Yun disguised himself and Qin Yuyan also entered Wangkong Cliff, he came to a dead casual cultivator and checked his body.A fatal sword wound was found on his back.

But the sword scar that originally existed on the palm disappeared, as if it had taken his life because it was transferred to his back.

"What's the matter, why is there no blood coming out of this wound?"

"He was standing next to me just now, when did he get hit by the sword?"

"It's not good, I, I also have a scar on my palm, will I know?"

Because when many people squatted down to inspect the bodies of those who died suddenly, some reached out and touched the ground, so like those people before, there was a sword scar on their palms.

The end, of course, is the same as those before, dying for no reason.No one saw who killed them, nor did they know how the other party did it.And the wound was also very special, it was obviously a sword wound, but it didn't bleed, as if it had been dead for a long time.

"No. Not good!"

Someone checked the back of a person with a sword scar on his palm. At first, he saw that there was no sword scar, but in the blink of an eye, a terrible sword scar appeared on the person's back, and he died immediately.

It's so true!Take everyone by surprise.

"No, I don't want to die, it's terrible. I want to go home."

A man with a sword scar on his palm, he was terrified to see those like him continue to die!He thought that as long as he escaped from Wangkong Cliff, he would be fine.

But he ran outside Wangkong Cliff, and he still couldn't escape death.

"This is what's going on. Why are we fine, but they suddenly died. There must be something weird. If we can find out the reason, it may be the key to opening the Holy Land of Yujian."

A suzerain said in a deep voice.

"Sect Master Wei is right. The scars on their bodies were obviously caused by swords. Do you remember what special things they did just now?"

Another suzerain said.

"I remembered, after my senior brother touched the ground with his hand just now, a scar appeared on the palm of his hand."

"Uh, if you don't tell me, I really didn't notice. The two people who were standing beside me before seemed to find scars on their palms after they pressed their hands to the ground."

"I'll try! Or, you come."

"Fuck you, I don't want to die yet? I haven't figured out what's going on here, so I'm not that stupid."

Everyone guessed that as long as they put their hands on the ground, they might die, but no one dared to try it, it was fatal.

"Ayun, do you know what's going on?"

Qin Yuyan asked in a low voice beside Ling Yun.

"Sword Soul!"

Ling Yun opened his soul eye to observe the ground carefully, and he found a sword soul on the ground.

On the side of Fengyun League, Sombra passed a special secret method, and he also knew the reason.

"You mean there is a sword soul on the ground."

Ji Shuibo looked at Soi Ying and said.

"Well, that sword soul is very strange. It has been hiding on the ground. It should be stared at by it when the body touches the ground, and then killed by it."

Sombra speculated.

"Uh! Does that mean that the sword soul is the key to the Holy Land of Yujian?"

Zhou Shaofeng asked.

"Maybe! The subordinates are not sure."

Sombra replied.

"Very good, spread the news about the existence of the sword soul on the ground, and those people will find a way to lure the sword soul out to open the holy land of the sword."

Whether Sword Soul is the key to unlocking the Holy Land of Yujian, just try it to know.

(End of this chapter)

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