extreme dog days

Chapter 1291 Materialization

Chapter 1291 Materialization

Sword Sacrifice Mountain is the entrance where Lingyun and the others stayed when they came in.

Although soul swordsmanship is also considered one of the ways of the sword, it is listed as a taboo swordsmanship by swordsmen because it belongs to the sword art of spiritual cultivation.Hun Beiyi used his Lingsha sword technique to enter this secret realm half a day later than Ling Yun, but he had already hunted down fifty sword cultivator souls.

The power of this Lingsha sword technique is so terrifying that the soul of a single sword cultivator was killed by him in just one encounter.

"Isn't it ten times better than what? You're cheating! Who the hell uses forbidden swordsmanship? Isn't that harmful?"

A Loose Cultivator in the Supreme Realm cursed loudly.His swordsmanship is not bad, and one or two sword repair souls can't beat him.In a one-on-one situation, he is absolutely sure that he can kill the soul of sword repair.

But now the difficulty has been increased by ten times, which means that the strength of the sword cultivator's soul will also be increased by ten times.

"Mom! Materialize, and if you are killed, you will definitely die. What kind of trial is this? Run, let's go back to the sword sacrifice mountain and seek shelter."

"What? You can't be resurrected after being killed. Isn't this a dead end? Run?"

"It's too powerful. Before the four of us teamed up, we could barely deal with a sword cultivator's soul. Now their strength has increased by ten times? What kind of concept is that! Quick, return to Sword Sacrifice Mountain"


Most of the monks who have not been eliminated at this time choose to return to the Sword Sacrifice Mountain where the entrance is located. As long as they survive the trial period for entering here, they can leave the secret realm.

"The difficulty has increased by ten times? What's the situation? Doesn't this mean that the strength of those sword repair souls will increase by ten times? They were so difficult to deal with before, but now they have increased by ten times. Is this still alive?"

After Ye Futian heard the voice of Sword Soul, he immediately yelled.Previously, with his strength, he could barely kill a sword cultivator's soul alone, but now the strength of the sword cultivator's soul has increased tenfold.

Then: Haha!

"Realization, this will be troublesome."

Ling Yun frowned tightly.The difficulty increased tenfold, and he thought it was nothing, but if everything in this secret realm became materialized, it would be a big problem.

If he was killed here before, it just means that he was eliminated from the competition, and he will not die.But it's different now. Under materialization, if he is killed here, it means real death.

"Hiss! Who on earth has practiced taboo swordsmanship? Isn't this killing people?"

Qin Yuyan said with light lips.

"Senior brother Ling, what should we do now. How about we return to the origin and seek asylum?"

Ye Futian swallowed and said.

He felt that the strength of these sword cultivator souls had increased tenfold, which was simply not something they could afford, and the best way to do so was naturally to hide it, and it would be most appropriate to be eliminated when the time came.

"Are you stupid? If this kind of thing happened in the past, then it would be wise to return to the Sword Sacrifice Mountain. But now? Do you think there will be something in the Sword Sacrifice Mountain that can protect us?"

Qin Yuyan said angrily.

In the past, the Holy Land of Yujian was still there, and this kind of thing happened.The Holy Land of Yujian will naturally send people into the secret realm to protect the disciples participating in the trial, and at the same time find the person who practiced taboo swordsmanship and behead him.

But now the Holy Land of Sword Control is long gone, you go to Sword Sacrifice Mountain and find someone to protect you.At this moment, those who headed to the Sword Sacrifice Mountain without thinking, it is too late to regret.

There is the entrance, and if you are a strong person in the divine way, you can also forcibly open the passage from there to leave the secret realm.Now that the taboo in the secret realm is opened, there will naturally be the soul of the sword cultivator, and even the sword ghost will go there to guard, preventing the person who practices taboo swordsmanship from escaping the secret realm.


After Ye Futian was reminded by her, he suddenly woke up.

"Sword Sacrifice Mountain is not allowed. Besides, we are still some distance away from Sword Sacrifice Mountain."

Ling Yun took a deep breath and said.

"Then, Brother Ling, what should we do now?"

Ye Futian asked.

"When it comes, it will be safe."

Ling Yun didn't know what to do either.If you want to get out of the predicament right now, there are only two ways to go.One is to complete the task, and the other is to delay the time as much as possible.But now that the difficulty has increased by ten times, Ling Yun is not sure that he can complete the task.

As for the latter, they still have two days.

It is obviously not an easy task to survive the hunting of the sword cultivator's soul within these two days.

The souls of sword cultivators all have a certain degree of wisdom, but although they know that there is a person practicing taboo swordsmanship in this secret realm, they cannot tell who it is.In the case of being unable to tell, they have only one approach.

That is to kill without mercy, as long as everyone who enters the secret realm for trial is killed, the secret realm will return to its original state.

All the monks who entered this secret territory were the hunting targets of the sword cultivator's soul.


Just after dawn, Youzifeng's voice rang in Lingyun's ear.

"You Lao, can you sense how many sword repair souls are coming?"

Ling Yun asked immediately.

"One, but its aura is really powerful, and it is not known how many times stronger than the ones I encountered before."

You Zifeng said immediately.

At this time, the one approaching Ling Yun and the three of them was not the soul of the sword cultivator, but a sword ghost.Sword Demon's strength has also increased tenfold.Moreover, the scope of activities of the sword ghost originally was deep in the secret realm.

But now that the taboo of the secret realm is opened, they naturally all came out.

(End of this chapter)

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