extreme dog days

Chapter 1300 Sword Realm

Chapter 1300 Sword Realm

Although there are many people on the Difeng and Renfeng peaks who have tried the sword and mirror, the failure rate is very high, and sometimes even the entire army is wiped out.The main reason is that their hearts above the way of the sword are not strong.

If they failed in the trial of the sword realm, if they could not exit the trial of the sword realm in time, even the former Sword Master would not be able to save them, and everything could only depend on themselves.

"Wow! Woohoo, what am I doing with a sword, what am I cultivating for, I don't want to kill people, but my hands are covered with blood, no, I'm not worthy of holding a sword. I'm not worthy of being a human being. Ah!"

"Sword, why do I have a sword in my hand, no, I didn't kill my father, I didn't do it on purpose. I can only blame you for being partial, why didn't you love me since childhood. Why did you abandon my mother and marry someone else? Why, Why? Ah! I want to kill, I want to kill."

"Haha! I am a sword cultivator, I want to become the overlord of sword cultivators, and anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Less than an hour later, no matter whether it was the ground peak or the human peak, some people began to go crazy. Some people were in a bad mood and fell directly into the sword demon. Before they were excluded from the sword realm, they had already triggered the sword realm trial. The guardian among them shot to kill.

"Sect Master, are you alright?"

After two hours of trial at the Sword Realm, the Sect Master of Icefield was rejected by the guardian of the Sword Realm because he failed to comprehend it.

"What's wrong with me. Why am I here."

The Sect Master of the Icefield looked ignorant, and didn't know what happened.

"Sovereign, after you retreated from the secret realm just now, you actually said that you are not worthy of holding a sword and wanted to raise your sword to kill yourself. Fortunately, Senior Sword Soul saved you."

This Icefield Sect Master lacks xinxing, he went mad during the trial of the sword realm, but fortunately, their Icefield Sect has a set of Mingxin Jue, which protects the mind in time, so they didn't fall into the sword after going crazy, but Temporarily lost his mind.

After he came out of the sword trial, he shouted that he was not worthy of holding a sword, and he was ashamed to use a sword, so he wanted to kill himself.If it was before, there would be elders from the Holy Land of Yujian to rescue him.

But not now, so Sword Soul did it for him and saved him.

"Ah! This happened, hoo. It's so dangerous! Thank you, Senior Sword Soul, for saving me."

The lord of Icefield came back to his senses and immediately thanked Sword Soul.

"If you lack xinxing, don't force it!"

Sword Soul said in an indifferent tone.If a novice disciple enters it and fails in the trial, it is estimated that he will not even look at it.Elite disciples, even if they cannot comprehend the sword state, they can become a generation of sword cultivators in the holy land of sword control in the future.

"Yes, the disciple knows his mistake."

The lord of the ice field responded and immediately stepped aside.Several people had withdrawn before him, and among them, some of them had completely crippled their cultivation bases, while others had been traumatized and severely injured.

Seeing this, the Sect Master of the Icefield was afraid for a while.

A day later, Li Chuyin also retreated in failure, but she retreated completely, thus gaining the praise of Sword Soul.The only problem with being able to retreat after failing to comprehend the sword realm in the trial of the sword realm was that he did not know enough about swordsmanship.

As long as there is guidance from a famous teacher and time, it may be possible to enter the sword realm trial and successfully comprehend the sword realm.

It is not an easy task to comprehend the sword realm. Hun Beiyi from Tianfeng has entered the secret realm of the sword realm for a month, but so far he has not comprehended his own sword realm.

In the past, in the holy land of sword control, some people practiced for ten years in the trial of sword realm.Of course, being here for a long time does not necessarily mean that you will be able to comprehend the sword state.

However, the fastest record in the Holy Land of Yujian is three months later.

Sword realms are different, and there are also strengths and weaknesses.There are three levels of strength and weakness, namely heaven, earth and man.The Holy Land of Yujian is divided into three main peaks, which are also divided according to the strength of the sword.

Heaven is the best!

It's just that there are too few people who have successfully comprehended the heavenly sword realm.But such a person is usually selected as the candidate for the next Holy Master or Peak Master.Possessing a heaven-level sword realm, no matter how poor the level of swordsmanship is, the power it will display is unimaginable.

Sword art is dead, but people are alive.The ultimate power of the sword formula, apart from the limitations of the sword formula itself, also has a lot to do with the person who uses it.

This is the meaning of the existence of the sword realm.

The sword realms are much the same, some sword realms are very simple, and some sword realms are extremely vast.However, the difference between strength and weakness has little to do with the scene of the sword realm.

Some people's sword state is simple, but it has reached the point of returning to the true state, which is stronger than most sword states.

Ling Yun saw endless birth and death in his sword realm, and it went round and round. This is the beginning of the world, and birth and death are endless.This is the direction of the Lingyun Sword Realm, and it is also where the swordsmanship lies in his heart.

As long as Ling Yun can understand the mystery, he will naturally find his own sword state from it.

"My heart is not so big. I can't do anything about the birth and death of heaven and earth. But why is it like this? Sword realm, my sword realm?"

Ling Yun was dumbfounded. He has been immersed in the birth and death of this world and cannot extricate himself. Is this his sword state?No, if he thought it was that simple, or thought that his sword realm was so great and vast, then he might become obsessed because of this, and even be trapped in the sword realm forever, making it difficult to leave.

This is the beginning of heaven and earth, the way of birth and death.Who in the world can control it.

Shinto doesn't even have this ability, let alone Ling Yun.Even Shinto powerhouses don't have this ability.If you overestimate your capabilities, the consequences will be serious.

Because of such a big ambition, you can't realize it at all, and you will only end up getting yourself trapped in it.

(End of this chapter)

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