extreme dog days

Chapter 1304 Besieged and Killed Soul North 1

Chapter 1304

During the trial of the second level of swordsmanship, the leader of Qianzhu's sect was relatively lucky. As soon as he entered, he was besieged by the soul of the sword cultivator, and was eliminated early, so he did not die in the second level of the secret realm of swordsmanship.

Because he got a set of earth-level high-grade sword formulas from Cangjian Pavilion, he temporarily stayed on Tianfeng to practice.Send out his men to find out if there is anything good left.

The scope of Yujian Holy Land is very wide, although nothing good has been found on many hills before.But those who have not passed the trial before, still do not give up.

They even thought of the method of digging three feet into the ground, trying to find the place where the disciples of the Holy Land of Yujian used to hide the treasure.Of course, such places also exist.

At the time of the heyday of Yujian Holy Land, there were more than ten thousand disciples, and it had gone through countless years.Some disciples don't like to carry all their possessions with them, and that's true.

If they didn't bring their belongings with them, they would naturally hide them somewhere within the Holy Land of Yujian.

Secondly, after so many years in the Holy Land of Yujian, where are the dead disciples and elders buried? If they can be found, they might be able to make a fortune.

There is a forbidden area within the Holy Land of Sword Controlling. At that time, it was the place where the sword masters of the Holy Land of Sword Controlling were buried, and those below the level of sword masters were not eligible to be buried in the forbidden area, even if they were elders.

However, there are rules in the Holy Land of Yujian. All the dead elders and disciples are buried in a mountain forest. There is a maze in that mountain forest, and it is generally difficult to find there.

However, there are over a thousand monks entering the Holy Land of Yujian at this time, as long as they are given more time, they can always find there.

"Ah Yun, could the person who hunted down the monks be that Lingxiu?"

Qin Yuyan and Ling Yun have already come out of the trial hall, and their current tokens have also been promoted to become core tokens.This core token is the credential for entering the forbidden area.

The sword soul of the first generation of holy masters also told them about the location of the forbidden area.

But when he heard the news that someone was hunting monks, Qin Yuyan naturally thought of Taboo Jianxiu.

"That guy is a spiritual cultivator, and his cultivation base is not weak in the first place. Now he has become a soul sword cultivator. Ordinary people can't deal with him at all. These people are going to trouble him. I'm afraid it's bad luck. Let's go with him." have a look."

Ling Yun said.

Although he was able to defeat Hun Beiyi before, but now Hun Beiyi has become a soul sword cultivator.Ling Yun didn't know what was so special about Soul Sword Cultivator, so he didn't dare to say that he would be able to deal with him.

"Well! Alright. Since we have agreed to that first-generation Holy Master, if we have the opportunity, we will help him complete the task. After entering the forbidden area, we can also have an explanation with him."

Qin Yuyan has already told Ling Yun about the good fortune promised to her by the first Holy Master.But don't let other people know about this, or the consequences will be very serious.

At present, Tianfeng is led by three Supreme Realm, all three of them have passed the trial of the first floor before, because they got the sword formula, so they stay in Tianfeng for the time being.

They all also learned about the existence of Taboo Sword Cultivator from Sword Soul. At this time, they heard that someone was hunting and killing monks wantonly, so they also thought of Taboo Sword Cultivator, so they joined forces with other monks near Tianfeng to plan to kill Soul together. north one.

It's a pity that they didn't know how terrible that Hun Beiyi was.

"But that person is missing."

The leader of Qianzhu asked.

"Back to the leader, half an hour ago, someone found two dead bodies in the woods ahead, indicating that the person might be in that mountain."

An elder of the Thousand Bamboo Gang said.

"Very good, fellow daoists, that taboo sword cultivator who kills innocent people indiscriminately is a common enemy of our monks. We will ask you two to help us later."

The leader of the Qianzhu gang looked at the other two Supreme Realm and said.Of the two supreme realms, one of them is also the head of a sect just like the leader of the Qianzhu sect, while the other is a casual cultivator.

"The master of the Bamboo Gang is out of his mind. Now we can be regarded as disciples of the Holy Land of Sword Controlling. If the first generation of Holy Master ordered to get rid of this taboo sword cultivator, then we have a duty to do so."

Chen En, the master of Feitianmen, said.

"That's right, we have inherited the sword art from the Holy Land of the Imperial Sword, and we can be regarded as half of the disciples of the Holy Land of the Imperial Sword, and the forbidden sword cultivator is here to hunt and kill monks. The sword master's disciple, Token, is here. Even if we don't look for him, I'm afraid he will find us."

Said Ma Chao, the Supreme Venerable Realm of Loose Cultivator.

Hun Beiyi is here to hunt and kill monks, so it is not difficult to guess that this guy is here for the sword cultivator.Those who have obtained the tokens of the disciples of the Holy Land of Yujian can be regarded as half sword cultivators.

"Brother Ma is right. That guy is called a taboo sword cultivator, and his strength is definitely not weak. If we don't unite and are defeated by him one by one, it will be miserable."

Chief Qianzhu had already thought of this.That's why he asked Chen En and Ma Chao to join forces with him.If this taboo sword cultivator doesn't get rid of it, he really doesn't dare to walk around at will.

As soon as Hunbei knew that someone wanted to surround and kill him, he was happy to see it succeed, so he deliberately stayed in a valley and waited for these people to go.

"You are the forbidden sword cultivator."

"It doesn't look like anything?"


Hun Beiyi is not tall, and his appearance is considered pretty.People who don't know think he is a monk who is harmless to animals?

(End of this chapter)

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