extreme dog days

Chapter 1306 Battle of the Sword Realm

Chapter 1306 Battle of the Sword Realm

Ling Yun knew that this soul technique was very powerful, so he immediately poured his soul power into the magic sword, and used the power of the sword to defend.

"Divine Soldier, damn it."

Soul Sword Qi was blocked by Huanyun Divine Sword, Hun Beiyi couldn't help feeling depressed for a while.With the power of the divine weapon, Ling Yun could withstand his soul sword energy.

"Now it's my turn."

Ling Yun said with a smile.As soon as the voice fell, he was already a hundred feet away from Hunbei, and he stabbed out with the Huanyun Divine Sword in his hand, only to see a solitary arc of lightning passing by.

Hun Bei was startled, he pulled back ten feet away, his clothes were still torn.

In Ling Yun's comprehension of the sword state, the speed when wielding the sword is not as simple as increasing a little bit.Faced with some unknown spiritual cultivation soul Beiyi at this time, Ling Yun certainly did not dare to neglect, and he used his limit and full state when he appeared on the stage.

In full state, the sword speed is astonishingly fast.

The ultimate sword gang's display has reached a point where he can do whatever he wants.

"How did he manage such a fast sword speed?"

"Oh my god, if it were me, I probably wouldn't be able to catch even one move from him"

The leader of Qianzhu's gang and Chen En were both dumbfounded. The speed of the sword Ling Yun used was completely beyond his imagination.

Hun Beiyi was naturally even more surprised, he dodged left and right, but he couldn't dodge the attack no matter what, within ten breaths, dozens of sword wounds had appeared on his body, and it was because he avoided [-]% of the sword gang.

In other words, within ten breaths, Ling Yun used his sword hundreds of times.

"Spirit Ferry"

Under the attack, Hun Beiyi displayed the Lingsha sword technique, which is impossible for ordinary sword cultivators.

"The Power of the Illusory Cloud"

Ling Yun used the trembling sword, exerting the power of the divine sword, blocked the attack again, and advanced instead of retreating.Swinging the sword pointed directly at the heart of Hun Beiyi.

"Damn it, how can this guy's sword speed be so fast, is there any reason? There is no gap at all."

Hun Bei quickly backed away. He didn't have any magic weapon on him that could stop Ling Yun's Illusory Cloud Excalibur. Just relying on his previous soul magic weapons, they were not worth mentioning in front of the Illusory Cloud Excalibur.

Sword Realm, Spirit Sha Realm

Under the circumstances, Hun Beiyi could only use his sword to fend off the enemy.The evil spirit turns into a fierce spirit, and the fierce spirit forms a sword realm.When the sword came out, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and fierce spirits rushed out for the soldiers.


Seeing this, Ling Yun had to give up and continue chasing Hun Beiyi, and swung the Huanyun Divine Sword to quickly kill the ominous spirit.

"Stinky boy, the spirit sword realm of this seat is not bad!"

When Hun Bei saw that Ling Yun looked a little embarrassed, he immediately became proud.Ling Yun's offensive was interrupted by his sword state, so he would have a chance to fight back.

"Soul Eater"

A ghost hand stretched out from the Lingsha Sword Realm and grabbed Ling Yun, trying to pull him into the Sword Realm, that Sword Realm would be like hell.

"Haha, come in!"

Hun Bei shouted loudly.

"Then you also try my sword state."

Ling Yun smiled, opened the Illusory Sword Realm, moved the sword, and the sword energy turned into a clone, which was pulled into the Lingsha Sword Realm by Soul Eater.

"Haha, brat, you are dead. Enter my spirit sword realm, and I will kill you without a place to bury you."

Sword realm, the strongest means of sword repair below the way of the sword, is also the foundation for sword repair.

"Yes. You are blind!"

The real Ling Yun was not pulled into the Lingsha Sword Realm.It's just that he blocked himself with the illusory sword realm just now, so Hun Beiyi didn't see him at all.

"what's the situation."

Hun Bei was dumbfounded.

"Unreal Limit, Explosion"

Ling Yun smiled, and the sword energy avatar that had been pulled into the Lingsha sword realm exploded on its own.

"Wow, puff"

Hun Beiyi's mouthful of old blood sprayed very far.

"You, you actually master the sword realm. Impossible, impossible."

Hun Bei was dumbfounded.He thought that in the previous second floor, he triggered the taboo of the secret realm of swordsmanship, and even if other people were lucky enough to survive, they should not be able to pass the trial.

Then he is the only one who enters the third floor trial.

"Hehe, let's see, my swordsmanship below the sword realm. The limit is illusory, extremely."

Ling Yun smiled without answering, and stabbed out with his sword.

The speed of the sword is so fast that even Ling Yun himself can't believe it, and at the same time, it makes it impossible for the opponent to distinguish between real and fake, fiction and illusion.

"Ah! Deathstroke"

Hun Beiyi's heart was almost pierced through, and in a hurry, he sacrificed a sub-divine weapon, a soul-type sub-divine weapon, there are very few in the world, even the Soul Sect has few.

Ling Yun picked up the death bell, and Hun Beiyi took the opportunity to escape.But the death bell naturally fell into Ling Yun's hands.

"Stinky boy, you use the divine sword in your hand to fight fiercely. After I refine my sect's Forbidden Soul Sword, I will definitely tear you to pieces."

Before leaving, Hun Beiyi yelled loudly, but he said in his heart, don't let me meet this guy again.

He knew very well in his heart that even if he got the Forbidden Soul Sword from their Soul Sect, he might not be able to defeat Ling Yun.


"It's really fast! The soul sword cultivator really has something unique. Huh, if it wasn't for the Huanyun Divine Sword, even if I could defeat him, I'm afraid I would have to pay the price."

Ling Yun took a deep breath.Soul sword energy is different from ordinary soul attack techniques, it can be said to be invincible.In addition to the power of the divine weapon that can be resisted, only some magic weapons that specialize in defense against soul attacks can defend against it.

"Thank you, Young Master, for your rescue. Zhu Gao, on behalf of all the disciples of the Qianzhu Gang, would like to express his gratitude to Young Master."

"Chen En is very grateful to the young master for saving me."

After seeing Hun Beiyi fleeing, Qianzhu's leader and Chen En immediately stepped forward to salute Ling Yun to express their gratitude.If Ling Yun hadn't made a move, few of them would have survived.

(End of this chapter)

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