extreme dog days

Chapter 1308 Leishan's Rebellion

Chapter 1308 Leishan's Rebellion

At this time, Chi Qianduo, the great elder of the Tianlei Sect, came down from the Tianfeng Peak, and brought two disciples of the Tianlei Sect to the disciple peak. He was about to join the Leicang!


After Lei Cang heard this, he immediately let out a long sigh.

Lei Shan suddenly shot behind him, hitting his vest with his sword finger.

"Pfft! Lei Shan, you..."

Lei Cang immediately vomited blood, and his vest was directly pierced.

"Master, I'm sorry. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. If you want to blame, you can only blame you for being ignorant. If you have been surrendering to Feng Shao, I will not attack you. But don't worry, think about it as a brother, as long as If you hand over the Five Thunders and Tiangang Jue, I can spare you."

Lei Shan has always been Zhou Shaofeng's person.Before the Tianlei Sect surrendered to the Fengyun League, he had already joined the Fengyun League.If Lei Cang hadn't pretended to be attached to Fengyun League at that time.

I'm afraid that Lei Shan has already cooperated with Fengyun League to deal with him.

"You, you dare to betray me. You, you will die."

Lei Cang's vest was torn, and his qi was interrupted. Even if he forcibly used his qi and soul at this moment, it would be difficult to exert [-]% of his strength.

"Haha, isn't it obvious that if you are going to die, you die first? As for the betrayal, hehe, if it wasn't for the grandfather who was biased and passed the position of sect master to your father, I would be the master of Tianlei sect now."

Lei Shan and Lei Cang are cousins.But Lei Shan's father was actually just an adopted son.

Lei Shan has always been dissatisfied with Lei Cang, because he thinks that his talent and understanding are no worse than him. If he was asked to practice the Wulei Tiangang Jue, his strength would have surpassed Lei Cang long ago.

"Hey, poof. You really have been ambitious. I hate that I didn't listen to the words of the great elder and expelled you from the Tianleimen."

Chi Qianduo has always had the foresight. He has long seen that Lei Shan has evil intentions, but he suffers from lack of evidence.But he once suggested to Lei Cang that Lei Shan be expelled from the Tianlei Gate and let him go out and establish his own family.

But Lei Cang thought of brotherhood and ignored this matter.

"Haha. Chi Qianduo is indeed smart. It seems that the person who saw Lei Xiaowen at the beginning should be him. Hehe"

Lei Shan smiled triumphantly.

"What, you killed Xiaowen. You bastard, I'll kill you."

Lei Xiaowen is the son of Lei Cang.The talent potential is very good, if it is not for being killed, it can also reach the supreme state now.Hearing that Lei Shan was the murderer who killed his son, Lei Cang tried his best to fight him.

But the injury to his vest made it difficult for him to continue his energy, and his reaction speed was naturally very limited.As soon as he made a move, he was kicked away by Lei Shan.

"Lei Cang, I advise you to hand over the Wulei Tiangang Jue obediently, and write down the sword formula you got, otherwise I will make your life worse than death."

Lei Shan's luck was bad, he only got a set of earth-level sword formulas in Tianfeng Hidden Sword Pavilion, and the power was not very good.Otherwise, he wouldn't be in a hurry to deal with Lei Cang, and wanted to get the sword art of Tianleimen's uninherited unique knowledge and Lei Cang from him.

"Don't think about it."

"Haha, I'm not afraid that you won't say it. Now that old Chi Qianduo is dead, Tianleimen will respect me in the future. Who..."

Lei Shan heard movement nearby and turned to look over.With a leap, he saw two Tianleimen disciples who had been knocked out.These two disciples came with Chi Qianduo.

Chi Qianduo just saw the scene where Lei Shan injured Lei Cang, but he was injured, and he has not recovered to [-]% now, and he has seen Lei Shan's true strength in the secret realm of swordsmanship.

If Lei Cang hadn't been injured, maybe he could still check and balance him.But Lei Cang was attacked by him, if he ran out, he would undoubtedly die in vain, so he chose to run away.

However, in order to protect the lives of the two disciples, when they were escaping, they knocked them unconscious so as to hide the truth from Lei Shan.


The Sixth Disciple Peak of the Holy Land of Yujian

Ling Yun and Qin Yuyan stayed there to practice for a while.In addition to waiting for the opening of the Holy Land of Yujian, they stayed here so that the Qianzhu gang leader and the others could notify him after they sent people to find the whereabouts of Hunbeiyi.

It's just that after Hun Beiyi was injured by him, he restrained himself a lot. He didn't show up for a month, and he didn't find anyone killed by him.

"Senior Brother Ling, we have searched all over the area, but we have not found the whereabouts of the taboo sword cultivator. He must have been hiding. It is not easy to find him. In addition, I also heard that the After Taboo Sword Cultivator was wounded by you, Senior Brother Ling, he met the core disciples from Renfeng, and was wounded again and fled."

Ye Futian said.This guy has recently practiced that set of heaven-level swordsmanship, and his strength has greatly increased. At the same time, with the help of Ling Yun, his cultivation has also reached the ninth level of the Great Luo Realm.Ordinary Supreme Realm might not necessarily be his opponent.

"Someone has also become a core disciple in Renfeng, do you know who it is?"

Qin Yuyan asked first.

The condition for becoming a core disciple of the Holy Land of Yujian is to master the sword realm.

"Brother Zhu and Brother Chen have already sent people to investigate. There will be news in a short time."

Ye Futian said.Because he is relatively close to Ling Yun, Zhu Gao and Chen En have always made friends with him. Although they know that he is only in the Da Luo Realm, they have always been called his brothers.

All that is missing is a righteous knot Jinlan.

"Oh, these two guys can do business."

Ling Yun said with satisfaction.

The next day, Zhugao and Chen En brought him the news from Difeng and Renfeng.Among the three peaks, only three from Tianfeng managed to be promoted to core disciples.However, there are about a dozen people on the ground peak, and more than twenty people on the human peak.

It's just that those twenty or so people were dragged away by Zhou Shaoyun.

(End of this chapter)

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