extreme dog days

Chapter 1321 Rescue Qin Yuyan

Chapter 1321 Rescue Qin Yuyan

"I'm going to kill you! The real body shakes the ground, the sky-collapsing style"

Ling Yun didn't expect that Linghu would follow him, always ready to go.It came suddenly, too violently.Fortunately, he is not bad, he has been condensing the strength of the physical body before the title.


"Pfft, so smart, so powerful!"

Linghu was successfully pushed back by Ling Yun, but Ling Yun couldn't retreat, he forcibly carried it down, and under the impact of strength, his chest was blocked, and blood spurted out.

"Hey, human beings have always been very cunning. Don't think I don't know that you want to save the woman who was frozen by me. But you don't have this chance."

Ling Yun used the red gold flames to surround and hide Qin Yuyan, but he couldn't hide it from Binghu.

"Cunning is actually a desire to survive. I have it, and you have it too. Wulong Xuantian Furnace, open"

Ang, Ang

Fortunately, he got rid of the Hell Envoy in Wulong Xuantian Furnace back then, otherwise he really has nothing to do today.


Linghu has seen through Ling Yun's intentions, so naturally he won't talk nonsense with Ling Yun anymore, it's just looking for the best time to strike.When I saw Ling Yun offering a magic weapon instead of refining the ice on Qin Yuyan's body.

It rushed over immediately, with a cold light in its claws, and its sharpness was perfect.


Ling Yun had been prepared for a long time, using his mind to control the sword, and controlled the magic cloud sword to defend against the enemy.Although the Huanyun Divine Sword was sent flying by Linghu's claw, it gave Lingyun time to react.

"In ancient times, there is no limit, the heaven and the earth have no way, and I am the only one who controls it, and it breaks the mystery."

When turning around, Ling Yun picked up the black tortoise and threw it at Linghu.The fox's speed was very fast, it avoided the heavy blow of the black turtle, and a big hole was smashed out in the ice ground.


The ice fox is definitely not to be trifled with. It opens its mouth to spit out cold air. If it is in other places, the surrounding area will be frozen by the cold air.

In the full state of operating limit, Ling Yun retreated from Baitai with the Wulong Xuantian Furnace on his shoulders. The Huanyun Divine Sword that was shot down by Linghu earlier was just ten feet away from him.He moved his sword finger and controlled the Huanyun Divine Sword to fly to his hand with his mind.

"Human, let me let you know what power is. Thousands of miles are frozen."

The ice fox stepped on the ground, the power of the ice element appeared, and bursts of cold light radiated from its body. The temperature in the ice area dropped again, and Ling Yun couldn't help but shudder.

On Binghu's forehead, streaks of cold light shot towards Ling Yun.

Ling Yun didn't dare to neglect, and immediately spread his speed to avoid the cold light. This is the power of ice, and Qin Yuyan was hit by this force before, so he was frozen.

The ice fox is too smart, it sees Ling Yun too fast, it is very difficult to hit him, so it shifts its target to Wulong Xuantian Furnace, and uses the power of ice to attack Wulong Xuantian Furnace.

Once the Five Dragons Xuantian Furnace is frozen, the five dragons inside will naturally stop refining the ice on Qin Yuyan's body.

"Damn! How is it so smart."

swoosh, swish


Ling Yun used the Magic Cloud Excalibur to block the cold light, but under the impact of the cold light's icy power, he almost lost his hand and threw the Huan Yun Excalibur out.

Without the Huanyun Divine Sword in his hand, his Shinto physical body couldn't withstand the frozen power, even a golden body protection was useless.

"Unreal limit, extreme. Breaking"

The illusory sword realm appeared, blocking the cold light. While enduring the power of the ice, Ling Yun forcibly used the holy sword to slash it.

click, click


The ice fox screamed and flew out.After landing, run away immediately.

"Pfft! Damn it! It hurt half of the meridians in a row."

The Illusory Sword Realm is constantly under the power of ice, and it will naturally become slower and slower in operation. Under Ling Yun's forcible attack, half of his meridians were naturally broken.

This injury was serious, but he successfully repelled the ice fox, but it didn't dare to come back in a short time.

In the Five Dragons Xuantian Furnace, the ice on Qin Yuyan's body was gradually refined. If Ling Yun hadn't opened the Five Dragons Xuantian Furnace in time, it is estimated that even Qin Yuyan herself would have been refined.

"What to look at. Turn around."

After the ice seal was released, Qin Yuyan naturally woke up, but her clothes were refined in the Wulong Xuantian Furnace.What appeared in front of Ling Yun was a perfect body.

"Don't turn, it's not like I haven't seen it."

Ling Yun responded so bluntly that his eyeballs almost fell out.You must know that all this way, he has raised his heart for her.

At this time, seeing her safe and sound, I felt very at ease.Of course, as a husband, it was inevitable that he would be very excited about this scene.

"little bastard!"

Qin Yuyan cursed helplessly.She has nothing to do with Ling Yun.

"Now it should be the big bastard. You gave birth to two little bastards for me. Why do you still call me little bastard?"

Ling Yun became foolish, stepped forward and hugged Qin Yuyan into his arms.

"Let go. I'll get dressed first. It's not good for people to see. Do you want your wife to be appreciated?"

Qin Yuyan was very helpless, and couldn't push him away even if she wanted to, so she could only beg.

"Just don't worry about this. As far as I know, there is no one here."

Ling Yun said seriously.He was absolutely right.That ice fox is not a human being.Although quite a few people had entered the middle level of the forbidden area at this time, only the two of them could pass through the five levels.

Qin Yuyan was because of those sword spirits who let her go, but Ling Yun relied on his sword skills.

"Isn't there a spirit fox here? Little friend! I really thought I would never see you again."

(End of this chapter)

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