extreme dog days

Chapter 1330 Minefield

Chapter 1330 Minefield

What Ling Yun meant was that he wanted Qin Yuyan to refine the Heavenly Tomb Sword.The Heavenly Tomb Sword is a very rare divine sword of the defense system. Looking at the Three Realms of Futian, there will never be more than five.

If Qin Yuyan refined this sword, then she would be able to use the sword's defense. With her current cultivation strength, it would be difficult for anyone below Shinto to break through the sword's defense.

As long as she doesn't meet a top-notch powerhouse who possesses the spirit of the first-order divine way, Qin Yuyan is enough to walk sideways.The Heavenly Tomb Sword has a word called the Heavenly Tomb.

The tomb that God has created for himself is not something that anyone can dig whenever they want.

How powerful is the self-detonation of Hurricane Roar's inner alchemy just now, even a real third-order power of the divine way would have to lose a layer of skin, but it was blocked by the defense of the Heavenly Tomb Sword.

This defensive ability, as long as it is refined, can't be broken if it is below the divine way, even if they are exhausted.Therefore, Ling Yun hoped that Qin Yuyan could refine this sword for self-defense.

Without refining, no matter how strong the Excalibur is, everything can only be self-defense.Self-defense requires an opportunity.The reason why the Tomb Sword showed great power before was because it suppressed the inner alchemy of Hurricane Roar for many years, and the inner alchemy exploded, which caused the Tomb Sword to protect itself.

If it is replaced by other powers, it may not necessarily appear.

"I know this sword is very good. But I hope to get an attack-type divine sword. Let's keep this sword first. If I don't find a more suitable divine weapon in the last area, then I will refine it. If you have this sword, you can give it to Xun'er. Her cultivation is the worst among all of our sisters. With this sword by her side, you don't have to worry about her safety in the future. Don't you?"

Qin Yuyan was made to be a big sister.

At the same time, she is also a strong one. Her sword realm belongs to the sky-level attack system. If she can have an attack-type divine sword to assist her, the power will naturally double. This is what she wants.

As for the distribution of the two swords in her hands, she had actually already thought about it.The Cold Light Sword is more suitable for Yue Ningxue. Although Yue Ningxue's sword art is not very good, but with Ling Yun's guidance, there is no problem at all.

As for the Heavenly Tomb Sword, it can be given to Nangong Xun as a defensive weapon. Although her cultivation base and strength are not worthy of this sword, using it can better protect her.

Defensive weapons are hard to find in the world.


Ling Yun was very helpless, and stretched out his hand to gently scratch the bridge of Qin Yuyan's nose.She has already figured out how to distribute the sword, so what else can he say.However, if he couldn't find a more suitable sword for Qin Yuyan in the minefield, then he would definitely ask Qin Zhuyan to refine the Heavenly Tomb Sword.

As for Nangong Xun, he would naturally find a way to find something for her to defend herself.

Hurricane Roar died, its inner alchemy disappeared, the suppressing sword was also taken out, and the gate leading to the last area was naturally opened.That door is in the tornado.

Without the threat of the hurricane roar, although the tornado is powerful, as long as you don't touch its brow, with Ling Yun and Qin Yuyan's cultivation, it is not a problem to walk in.


Minefield, this is the most peculiar place among the eight middle-level districts.It has the power of natural thunder here, which is very terrifying.It was no less than a hundred times stronger than the Thunder that Ling Yun saw when he met the God of Punishment overseas.

The weakest thunder attack here is equivalent to a blow from the sky level.Ordinary Da Luojing would not dare to carry such a thunder.It's just that this place is the most dangerous, and it's also not the environment.

It's the guy who has been sealed in the minefield by the first generation of the Holy Master.

The guy who is sealed in the minefield is the highlight, and it is also the existence that has always made the former Sword Sword Holy Land restless.Every day in the minefield, there is a drama of heavenly thunder killing the world.

Because every day there will be a force against Thunder.As a result, the minefield was dilapidated, and it was difficult to see a few flat lands.The guy trapped in this minefield is not a spirit beast.

But the real big devil.He is not a demon, but stronger than a demon.

"What a powerful thunder."

Ling Yun stepped into the minefield, and the powerful thunder force awakened the Divine Punishment Soldier who had been sleeping all this time.

"This is the first time you have spoken on your own initiative."

The corners of Ling Yun's mouth raised slightly, and he gave a light laugh.The Heaven's Punishment Divine Soldier ignored him before, even if he can perfectly withstand its thunder power now, this guy is also very noble.

Never take the initiative to communicate with him.

"The power of this thunder is more than a hundred times stronger than mine. Boy, I have been with you for so many years, and you have never done me any favors except for your advantage. Now is the time to show it."

The reason why the Divine Punishment Soldiers ignored Ling Yun before was not because it looked down on Ling Yun.It's because Ling Yun can't give it anything!The divine weapon also needs to grow. The reason why the Heaven's Punishment Divine Soldier could grow to this extent was because it had a good master.

And it has followed Ling Yun for so many years, and it has always been only Ling Yun who has relied on its power, and it has never benefited from Ling Yun.Such as absorbing the power of thunder.

This is mainly because Ling Yun is not of the Thunder type.Furthermore, there is no divine way in the fighting world nowadays, and the general power of thunder is of no help to the God of Heaven's Punishment.

But the power of thunder that exists in this minefield right now is completely different.


Just as the Heaven's Punishment Divine Soldier was speaking, a shocking thunderbolt fell hundreds of miles away from Lingyun, and the earth trembled there.Within a hundred miles, the ground could be seen rolling with the power of thunder.

This is the aftermath of the thunder, and just this aftermath can kill monks below the Daluo realm.

(End of this chapter)

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