extreme dog days

Chapter 1333 God Wuchen

Chapter 1333 God Wuchen

At the same time, I don't know how many years I have existed here.Still living at the time when the Holy Land of Yujian was first established.

"You are indeed here, old man, we have been tricked by you. We almost died in the ice area, you are so embarrassed!"

Qin Yuyan immediately complained when she saw this first-generation Holy Master.no way!Who made this old guy so foolish that he tricked her into coming to such a dangerous place.

"Uh, little girl, do you know who you're talking to?"

The sword soul of the first holy master was a little confused.The disciple who came in was a little funny.Who is he? Didn't his elders tell her before he came in?How dare he speak to her in such a tone.

"Nonsense, if you, a bad old man, hadn't lied to me, I could still come here. You told me at the trial hall that as long as you find your other sword soul in the forbidden area, you will give me a fortune. If If I knew this place was so dangerous, I wouldn’t have come if you knelt down and begged me. A scammer? Humph!”

Qin Yuyan scolded.

She was very dissatisfied.If Ling Yun hadn't arrived, she would definitely have died here, how could she have a good face?

"Uh, the Hall of Trials. You belong to that peak's disciple."

The sword soul of the first generation holy master asked.

"Old man, do you really not know, or are you just pretending not to know. What about that peak. The Imperial Sword Sacred Sword no longer exists."

Qin Yuyan rolled her eyes.The sword soul in the trial hall seems to know everything, but the sword soul here is obviously the same person's sword soul, but it is so stupid that it seems to know nothing.

"What? The Holy Land of Yujian is gone, why, who did it."

"I also want to know, this is an eternal mystery. However, the sword soul you left in the trial hall seems to know nothing, but it didn't tell me, and it tricked me to come here. It said that as long as you find you , you will give me a fortune, this is the proof."

Qin Yuyan spread her palms and said.

It was precisely because of the sword mark on her palm that when the sword soul of the first holy master saw her, he mistook her for a disciple of the Sword Control Holy Land.

"I see. If you can come here, it means that you have killed the Frozen Spirit Fox and Hurricane Roar. Give you a fortune, so what."

The sword soul of the first generation of holy masters was very smart, and he knew everything.The mystery of the ages is enough to prove that the Holy Land of Yujian disappeared a long, long time ago.

The reason why Qin Yuyan came here was, as she herself said, that she was tricked into it.Who was the one who cheated her? The sword mark on her palm already explained everything.

"Hehe! Old man, it seems that you can't protect yourself. You are too bad, and you will be ashamed of yourself while you are still alive."

Qin Yuyan contemptuously ridiculed the original Holy Master.From the fact that the sword soul is locked by twelve black lines, it can be seen that this sword soul has fallen into the Tao of others and is locked here.

"It's useless. You don't even know what the threat that exists in this minefield is. With your strength, even if you refine the Heavenly Tomb Sword, you still can't break through these twelve evil spirits."

Qin Yuyan wanted to help Sword Soul out of trouble, but her strength didn't seem to allow it.

"Old man, don't worry. My strength is not enough, but my husband should be able to find a way. If I didn't get him in this time, I probably wouldn't be able to get here."

Although Qin Yuyan was dissatisfied with the first Holy Master, she was very kind.If she could save the sword soul of the first holy master, she would not mind lending a helping hand.

"Haha, little girl, your heart is good. But it's useless. The person trapped in this minefield is the most proud disciple of this deity back then. Unfortunately, this deity has no eyes, and it is a treasure to mistakenly think of a devil. Sigh!..."

When mentioning his disciple of the great devil, the first generation of the Holy Master seemed very helpless and sentimental.At that time, he regarded him as his successor and taught him all his abilities, only missing the nine techniques of destroying souls.

It's also a good thing that he didn't teach him the Nine Soul Slayer Techniques back then, otherwise the situation would have been even worse.

His proud disciple is named Shen Wuchen, who is a member of the ancient gods lurking in the Holy Land of Sword Control.The adopted daughter of the first Holy Master was harmed by this person, and it would be too late when he knew the truth.

"Bastard, this guy is really a beast. A thousand cuts is not too much. Old man, why didn't you just kill him back then and leave his soul for what?"

Qin Yuyan was furious after hearing the story of the past from the first sage master.She can't wait to find that Shen Wuchen and tear him into pieces.Of course, she doesn't have that strength.

"Hey! He is a member of the Protoss. Every member of the Protoss possesses a kind of power that ordinary people do not have. They call it the power of ancient times. Although the deity beheaded his body back then, it was difficult to destroy his aura. Soul, as a last resort, he can only be trapped in the minefield, and use the power of thunder in the minefield to refine his soul. Never thought that he practiced a magic formula of invincibility, which can counter the thunder .Fortunately, this deity has the foresight to leave the Accompanying Divine Sword here, and at the same time separate out a sword soul, just in case."

The sword soul of the first generation of holy master said with a sigh.

"Ah, so powerful? Even you can't deal with him!"

Qin Yuyan seemed to understand.A look of surprise and worry appeared on his face.How strong the sword soul is, Ling Yun has long guessed that each sword soul is at least equivalent to a second to third-order divine spirit powerhouse.

Even this sword soul can't deal with trouble, can she and Ling Yun handle it?

(End of this chapter)

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