extreme dog days

Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338

It's just that Shen Wuchen didn't have such good intentions, and he reversed many abandonments in his martial arts and combat skills.

"Thank you, Patriarch."

Ling Yun frowned slightly after seeing the set of 'Big Luo Golden Body'. Although he knew there might be flaws in this exercise, he still memorized it.

There are too few body training exercises and combat skills, and there are even fewer body training exercises and combat skills that have reached the sky level or above.But if Ling Yun practiced according to the 'Golden Body of Da Luo' given by Shen Wuchen.

[-]% will refine himself to useless until he goes mad.

"Hehe, you are a very interesting boy. It is not in vain for me to help him change the big Luo seal, one of the top ten mudras of the Buddhist sect, into a big Luo golden body. It will be worth a lot of money when it is refined into a dead body golden body!"

Shen Wuchen thought in his heart, but said it out of his mouth.

"Haha, you boy is very good, very good. It is your good luck to meet this old man in the minefield, and it is also the fate between you and me. Tomorrow at noon will be a catastrophe in the minefield every 100,000 years. Shi Wanlei will return to hermitage. There will be demons coming, and the old man will need your help at that time. This is also your mission to enter here."

Shen Wuchen stated his intentions.No disciple from the Holy Land of Yujian has ever been to this minefield.What is going on inside, he believes that people outside are absolutely not clear.

So everything can be fabricated by him.

"I don't know what help the Patriarch needs from his disciples. What else is Wan Lei's retreat?"

Ling Yun asked.So far, he hasn't found anything wrong with the set of 'Golden Body of Da Luo' skills.So he trusted Shen Wuchen a little bit.

Just be wary.

"Boy Ling, this ten thousand thunder retreat means that the power of thunder here will become weaker. It will appear once every 100,000 years. During this day, no corner of the world will appear in the power of thunder. Therefore, it is called Call it 'Thunder Retreat'."

Before Shen Wuchen could answer him, You Zifeng had already solved Ling Yun's confusion.It's no big secret.

What Shen Wuchen said was similar to what You Zifeng told Ling Yun.And what Shen Wuchen wants Ling Yun to do is to ask him to help open the Heaven and Earth Thunder Seal.He also told Ling Yun that the thunder seal of heaven and earth is a spiritual thing of heaven and earth.

In fact, the Thunder Seal of Heaven and Earth is something extraordinary.It's not that Shen Wuchen doesn't have the ability to open it, it's just that he is a soul body now, so if he forcibly opens the Thunder Seal of Heaven and Earth.

It will do some harm to him.

It turned out that he thought it was nothing, as long as he could escape from here, but seeing a fool here, if he didn't make good use of it, he would be too sorry for himself.

He made an illusion, making Ling Yun mistake him for the sword soul guarding the minefield.

"Boy, there is still about a day. Although you have refined the Thunder Golden Body, it is only at the beginning of the first-order golden body. It is not easy to open the Thunder Seal of Heaven and Earth with your strength. You need to practice hard. 'Golden Body of Daluo'”

Shen Wuchen said with a smile.He thought that Ling Yun had completely trusted him, so he was about to push Ling Yun into the pit step by step.Practice, let you practice.As long as Ling Yun has practiced the set of 'Golden Body of Da Luo' that he has changed.

Then Ling Yun's little life will be held in his hands.Physical cultivation, although very powerful.But cultivating the physical body is also a great risk. If you are not careful, you may be paralyzed at any time.

This is also the reason why very few people have cultivated the physical body before.

"Patriarch, you also know that the disciple's strength is low. For such an important matter, the Patriarch should think of a way to help the disciple improve his strength. For example, let the disciple's cultivation level increase. Hehe, or send the disciple A little meeting ceremony, our patriarch in the Holy Land of Sword Control doesn't even have a divine sword, right? Although the disciple has accomplished his body, his swordsmanship is also very good. Besides, the patriarch has been here for so many years, since he is guarding the minefield to prevent evil spirits from invading With the soul body of the patriarch, it is impossible to personally shake the thunder mark of heaven and earth. There must be a divine sword in hand. Anyway, there are disciples here, the patriarch might as well give the divine sword to the disciple, so that the disciple can feel more at ease. The disciple heard from the elders in the sect that as long as he breaks into the minefield, he can at least be rewarded with a divine sword. To tell the truth from the patriarch, this disciple is here for this."

In fact, the more Shen Wuchen showed that he attached great importance to Ling Yun, the more Ling Yun became suspicious of him.But this guy actually took advantage of him, calling him Patriarch, he must give him some benefits!

Otherwise this is not justified.

Ling Yun didn't have much doubt about what Shen Wuchen said about opening the Heaven and Earth Thunder Seal and releasing the power of thunder to prevent evil spirits from invading on this day.But there are doubts.

He has already said the most important doubtful point.That is, he can see that Shen Wuchen is not a sword soul, but a real soul body.

Soul body is more afraid of sky thunder than sword soul.

"This kid is so smart, he dared to play up my idea. After I go out and regain my strength, I have to tear this kid into pieces."

Shen Wuchen gritted his teeth with anger.This hasn't helped him get things done yet!He even wanted to ask for benefits.

"Haha, you kid is really deceitful. Forget it, since you can come here, it means that you are destined for this old man. I will give you the sword that accompanied you back then."

Shen Wuchen didn't change his face, his expression was very indifferent, and he didn't show any distress at all.Of course he wouldn't be heartbroken, because he didn't own the divine sword that he wanted to give Ling Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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