extreme dog days

Chapter 1353 Soul North 1 Reappearance

Chapter 1353 Soul North One Reappears

There are as many as 30 Supreme Realm members in their Fengyun League alone, plus the casual cultivators and five lower sects and families who are allied with them, there are as many as [-] people or more.

Such a number is terrifying. You must know that although the Beizhou mainland is developing rapidly, it does not add up to this number.

But Zhou Shaofeng underestimated Hun Beiyi's strength too much, and also underestimated his IQ too much.The original plan was to lure and kill him, but he didn't want the backyard to catch fire, giving him an opportunity to kill the three people who held the order.

Another Supreme Realm was severely injured by him and almost died in Huangquan.

However, the defeat in the first battle, although their morale has been affected to some extent, it is not enough for their camp to disband immediately.Because they all knew that Hun Beiyi was not only powerful, but also very cunning.

Such a person is very terrifying. If an ordinary Supreme Realm accidentally encounters him, he may not even have a chance to escape.

This time, if the Fengyun League hadn't stood up and raised the flag, it would have been difficult for them to gather together.With more than thirty Supreme Beings together, of course Hunbei had to run away when he saw him.

It's not a problem at all to let him jump around like a mouse, but it's really not an easy task to kill him.

"Who are you."

Zhou Shaofeng was in a bad mood for a while, and appeared alone on the mountain behind No. [-] Disciple Peak. Suddenly, he sensed a dangerous aura.

"Haven't you been looking for me?"

The person who appeared had a very eerie voice, and his whole body was wrapped in a black robe, making him feel like a ghost.

"It's you, Taboo Sword Cultivator, you are so brave, you dare to come here."

Zhou Shaofeng is ready to fight, although he has never fought against Hunbeiyi, but recently Hunbeiyi has caused a lot of trouble in the Holy Land of Yujian, and many people are helpless against him.

He didn't dare to take such a person lightly when the ten Supreme Realm teamed up to besiege and kill them, and he wounded three of them before fleeing.

"Hehe! Don't dare. In fact, I have been under your noses for the past few days. It's just that none of you idiots have noticed. I heard that you are one of the two leaders of the Fengyun League, Zhou Shaofeng, right! "

The person who came was Hun Beiyi.He is a spiritual practitioner, changing his breath and hiding his soul is as simple as a routine for him.Furthermore, although the No. [-] peak of Human Peak is large, there are still many people gathered here.

So he hides in the crowd, and it is not easy for others to find him.And the most dangerous place is the safest place.

"That's right! I'm Zhou Shaofeng"

"Hehe, I heard that you are a coward. You are obviously stronger than your younger brother, and your status is similar, but you have always looked up to him. Even if you like a woman, as long as he likes it, he will give it up without hesitation. Just ask him to offer one. People like you live in this world, but they have no fun at all. Why don’t you give me your soul, this is the best ending.”

Hun Beiyi has been lurking here for several days, and has been close to people from the Fengyun League, so he has heard a lot of gossip about the two brothers Zhou Shaofeng and Zhou Shaoyun.

Zhou Shaofeng gave way to Zhou Shaoyun everywhere this week, which made Zhou Shaohun have no bottom line, even if it was Zhou Shaofeng's woman, he has always been involved.Even ordinary disciples of Fengyun League know about this matter.

But Zhou Shaofeng has always kept one eye open and one eye closed.

For example, Mrs. Tianju, who Zhou Shaofeng took a fancy to at first, but was snatched away by Zhou Shaoyun.Zhou Shaofeng learned that although he was dissatisfied, he still gave in without hesitation.

"You don't need to talk too much about our brothers. If you want to take my soul, it depends on whether you have the ability. Forbidden Sword Cultivator, I have thought about it for a while."

Zhou Shaofeng didn't pay attention to what Hun Beiyi said.Because he took everything for granted.In fact, to put it bluntly, he is useless.

Dare not to compete with Zhou Shaoyun.

Although Zhou Shaoyun was gifted with savvy and potential, but in terms of mind, he was far inferior to Zhou Shaofeng.

Zhou Shaofeng knew that Hunbeiyi was very strong, so he shot first, and the Qilin spirit appeared, and at the same time he used the sword to attack quickly.His strength is only stronger than Zhou Shaoyun's.

Qi Soul is already infinitely close to the first level of Shinto, and its strength is no worse than that of a person with the first level of Shinto Qi Soul.It's a pity that he met Hun Beiyi. His body is like a ghost, not fast, and difficult to figure out.

Zhou Shaofeng attacked fiercely, but within half a stick of incense, he couldn't hurt him at all.

"The strength is not bad, but the reaction speed is a little bit worse. Hehe, if you are only like this, there is no need to play."

Hun Beiyi said very confidently, his voice seemed to come from hell.

"Big words, have the ability to confront this young master head-on"

Zhou Shaofeng said very unconvinced.

"Idiot, I can kill you in the least labor-saving way, so why bother to fight with you. Half the soul of Lingsha!"

Just now, Hunbei just avoided and didn't attack.The purpose is to see clearly Zhou Shaofeng's moves and routines, and at the same time find his flaws.The more important point is to consume his physical strength.

The decline in physical strength will not affect the soul power, but the reaction speed will be affected to a certain extent.


As soon as Hunbei activated his soul sword technique, a phantom charged at Zhou Shaofeng, attacking his soul.It felt like someone stabbed his soul with a sword.

(End of this chapter)

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