extreme dog days

Chapter 1359 Bickering

Chapter 1359 Bickering

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to flood the earth. If you dare to molested my wife in front of me, don't I dare to beat him? I didn't kill him, I have already given enough face. If that Yuandaomen insists on causing trouble, then I will also Not to be trifled with."

Although Ling Yun spoke very casually, he appeared very domineering.Looking at the entire Beizi area, those who dare not take the Yuandao Gate in the Xizi area in their eyes.

Apart from Fengyunmeng who has always been arrogant and arrogant, there is only Lingyun!Because Ye Yangsheng didn't dare to ignore Yuandaomen.

"Ayun, what is your strength now? I feel that you have become unfathomable. I'm afraid you are not weaker than Susu?"

Qin Yuyan asked curiously.

Although she can also defeat Wei Laojiu with her current strength, it is absolutely impossible for Ling Yun to be so casual.As Ling Yun continued to grow, Qin Yuyan felt more and more unable to see through him.

"Hehe. Almost! Sometimes you don't fight, how do you know who wins or loses. Besides, although Susu's Qi Soul has reached the third level of Shinto, her strength is somewhat watery. Let's go."

Ling Yun didn't answer Qin Yuyan directly.But she has already given her the answer.Ling Yun's trip to the Holy Land of Yujian has gained a lot this time, and his strength has not only improved by one or two grades.

Especially after comprehending the Supreme Sword Art, he himself has no idea about himself.

"Well, then we're going there. Get out of here?"

Qin Yuyan asked with a smile.The stronger Ling Yun is, the happier and prouder she is, of course, because this is her man.Once upon a time, the man in front of her had to rely on her to protect her from the wind and rain, but now this man can support her.

"Well, let's go to the No. [-] peak of Tianfeng first. If we can find that Qianzhu gang leader, maybe we can ask them to help find out the whereabouts of Ye Yangsheng and the others. Right now, the Holy Land of Yujian is full of turmoil, which has directly affected the general trend of the Beizi area. I think maybe they haven't left yet."

Ling Yun guessed.

Now even the forces in the Xizi area have come here.Ling Yun fully believes that more than [-]% of the forces in the Beizi area will enter here.

The Holy Land of Yujian does not need to be an existence that affects the general trend of the Beizi area.It is very possible to completely change the pattern of the Beizi area here.

"Greetings, Young Master, Young Master, we have found you."

A disciple of the Qianzhu Gang ran over immediately when he saw Ling Yun and the two of them.

"You are"

"The villain is a disciple of the Qianzhu Gang. We are ordered by our leader to find the whereabouts of the young master and the girl."

The Qianzhu Gang disciple said respectfully.Ling Yun may not know these Qianzhu Gang disciples, but they will never forget Ling Yun.If Ling Yun hadn't come to the rescue at that time.

Not only will their leader die at the hands of Hunbei, even they will not be spared.

"Cousin, are you okay!"

Seeing Qin Yuyan's return, Ye Yangsheng immediately ran over and asked with concern.

"It seems that you don't need to worry about it!"

Ling Yun glanced at him and said.There is a trace of hostility in the tone, this is a love rival for one day, and never repents for life.No way, who made his wife look so beautiful?

"It doesn't seem to be your business that I talk to my cousin."

Ye Yangsheng said not to be outdone.For Qin Yuyan's previous distress, he felt guilty, not because he had any unreasonable thoughts about her now.

"Hehe, I kissed my wife, maybe you still want to see it."

Ling Yun laughed and said provocatively.

"If you dare to kiss, I will dare to look."

Ye Yangsheng glanced at it and said with a sneer.

"Enough is enough. Two big men, bickering when they meet. More pussy than pussy"

Qin Yuyan said hastily.Because she knew that if Ling Yun dared to speak, then he would definitely dare to do it.Haven't you tried it before?

"I agree with this point. The two men can do it, so don't talk nonsense."

Ling Yun said immediately.Damn, he wanted to teach Ye Yangsheng a lesson a long time ago.

"Okay. Anyway, you can be regarded as a person with head and face. How about this, Miss Qin, I am relieved to see that you are fine. Otherwise, I will!"

Peak Lord Fuyun walked up to Qin Yuyan and said.Qin Yuyan was with her at that time, if something happened to her, she would be restless for the rest of her life.

Of course, when she stepped forward, that was also the man who protected her.She knew that Ling Yun beheaded Ji Shuibo, and at the same time defeated six Supreme Realm people with one sword, causing three deaths and three injuries.

With such strength, if Ye Yangsheng goes to war with him, it will be Ye Yangsheng who will suffer [-]% of the time.Even if Ye Yangsheng entered the forbidden area this time, it would be considered a gain.

Ye Yangsheng's strength is very good, if not for

"I'm fine. With him here, if something can happen to me, it's his incompetence."

Qin Yuyan smiled and looked at Ling Yun.

"Pfft, Miss Qin feels that this is to blame Mr. Ling. If Mr. Ling hadn't rushed to save you in time, then his head would be green and green!"

Li Chuyin smiled and joked.It was obvious that she was helping Ye Yangsheng get his place back.

"Then I think there will be bloody storms in the entire Western State continent."

As Ling Yun's wife, Qin Yuyan certainly wouldn't watch her man suffer.It is impossible to use her to step on Ling Yun.And she also believed that if something happened to her, the entire Xizhou continent would go crazy because of Ling Yun.

Maybe the previous Ling Yun couldn't do anything to disturb the situation in Xizhou Continent, but he might not be able to do it now.

(End of this chapter)

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