extreme dog days

Chapter 1363 Sword God Pavilion

Chapter 1363 Sword God Pavilion

This can be seen as a big circle.As long as there is this name, those who come to seek refuge will be labeled with this name.As long as Ling Yun's influence doesn't dissipate, these people won't be able to escape even if they want to.

Of course, if you use the name of power to recruit these people, if you don't have absolute prestige, prestige is the first, and others will have to think twice about coming.

"Isn't Ayun known as the Sword God of the North District? I think it's better to call it the Sword God Pavilion."

Qin Yuyan said.This name is very domineering, and the way of swordsmanship has declined. Although there are a certain number of sword cultivators on the Xizhou Continent, there are also some strong sword cultivators, and even forces, but none of them dare to use this name.

Personally known as the regional sword god, others can regard you as a legend, or even a joke.But if you use the word 'Sword God' in the name of your force, you are provoking the world's sword cultivators.

"Sword God Pavilion, isn't this too arrogant?"

Ye Yangsheng couldn't help but said.As for Qianzhu's leader, Ma Chao, and Cheng Wei, the three of them also seemed to think that the name was inappropriate, but they didn't express it.

Ling Yun was hailed as the Sword God of the North District. That was not his self-proclaimed title, but a title given to him by others.But if he named the formed force 'Sword God Pavilion'.

That is to say, he himself thinks that he is worthy of the word sword god.

This is the Holy Land of the Sword, claiming to be the Sword God inside the Holy Land of the Sword, which already has some meaning of stealing the limelight, and dare to build the Sword God Pavilion in the Holy Land of the Sword.

Indeed a little arrogant.

"I don't think so. Ah Yun should be worthy of the word 'sword god', he is confident, right!"

Qin Yuyan winked at Ling Yun.She knew that Ling Yun's swordsmanship was very powerful, and he had comprehended the supreme sword art before, even if it was only superficial, it was still a very remarkable existence.

After all, this supreme sword art was called a million-year-unsolved mystery by the original Sword Control Holy Land, which means that no one in the Sword Control Holy Land has refined it for millions of years.

"Listen to you"

Ling Yun smiled, he knew what Qin Yuyan meant.

"I beat you, Ling Yun, you are trying to die. My cousin is a real beauty, and if you give her a wink, you don't know whether you are a man or a woman. Do you know that here If you call yourself the Sword God in the Holy Land of the Sword, the people who want to kill you don't need to line up at all."

Ye Yangsheng yelled, Ling Yun really agreed with Qin Yuyan's opinion.This is madness, and it is courting death.

If you call yourself the sword god in other places, maybe others can take you as a joke, or even as air.But it is completely different within the Holy Land of Yujian.

Because this can be said to be the world of sword repair.

Ling Yun now has the title of Sword God of the North District, at best, someone else helped him get it, so it can be said that it has nothing to do with him.But the faction he formed is named 'Sword God Pavilion'. Doesn't that mean he proclaims himself the Sword God?

This is pushing yourself to the top of the limelight.As soon as this name came out, there were many people who wanted to step on him.

"Isn't this great? We don't cause trouble, but it doesn't mean we are afraid of trouble. The rise of a superior force, one is steady and steady, and the other is domineering. The former will take more than a hundred years, have you waited? "

Qin Yuyan explained.Ling Yun wants to establish his own power on the Xizhou Continent, and this Holy Land of Sword Control is his best opportunity, which is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

It is impossible to estimate how many people have come to Yujian Holy Land.The most important thing is that these people are all directed at the 'sword cultivator'.Therefore, Dali's establishment of a Sword God Pavilion to recruit talents can definitely achieve the best results.

"Miss Qin is right. But the harm outweighs the benefit. If you can't bear it, the consequences will be disastrous."

Peak Master Fuyun said.The words "Sword God Pavilion" are very important in the Holy Land of Yujian, almost causing public outrage.That is not as simple as a hat, but a mountain.

There are more than one or two people who want to level this mountain, and if they can't bear it, they may be smashed to pieces.

"That depends on my man's ability."

Qin Yuyan smiled and said without too much explanation.There are some things that can only be spoken by strength.

"Cousin, is that why you have so much confidence in him?"

Ye Yangsheng was surprised to see Qin Yuyan's confident expression.Although he thinks that Ling Yun is stronger than him, but if it is said that Ling Yun ignores these strong men who entered the Holy Land of Yujian, he does not believe it.

"A man can't say no."

Qin Yuyan said very firmly.

"Then we'll wait and see."

Peak Lord Fuyun replied.

"Zhu Gao, you are responsible for spreading this matter. As for recruiting monks into the Sword God Pavilion, don't worry. I have my own plan."

Ling Yun looked at Qian Zhu's leader and said.

Right now in this Holy Land of Yujian,

"Yes, don't worry, my lord."

Zhumiao responded, and immediately retreated, asking his disciples to spread the news that Ling Yun, the sword god of the North District, was in the No. [-] disciple peak of Tianfeng, and at the same time spread the word about the Sword God Pavilion formed by Ling Yun.

The purpose is not to attract others to join us, but to attract hatred.

Because at the beginning of the establishment of the Sword God Pavilion, it needed to withstand enormous pressure and risks.And the greater the risk, the greater the benefits it will bring to the Sword God Pavilion.As long as the Sword God Pavilion can bear the pressure and block the risks, it is natural that no one will come to seek refuge, or even be attached to the Sword God Pavilion.

"Ayun, do you really want to seize Tianfeng?"

Qin Yuyan bit her lip lightly, looked at Ling Yun and asked.It is already very difficult to establish the Sword God Pavilion. If you want to compete for the sovereignty of Tianfeng, the Holy Land of Sword Control, you will directly fight against the superior forces here.

(End of this chapter)

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