extreme dog days

Chapter 1366 Temple of Heaven: Li Family

Chapter 1366 Temple of Heaven: Li Family

Today's Temple: The Li family can be regarded as a colossus on the continent of Xizhou.In addition to the Tianzang Temple and the Linggui Gate on the Xizhou Continent, the Tiandian also occupies a place with a long history.

Belongs to one of the oldest forces.

Of course, the Tiandian is not entirely owned by the Li family, otherwise, neither the Yuandaomen nor the Guipuzhuang would dare to compete with it.Originally, they were the three pillars of Tianfeng Pang.

But now that there is another Sword God Pavilion, they can't help but pay attention.

"Jian Shen Pavilion, what a big tone! Have you inquired about the origin of that person?"

The person in charge of the Li family here smiled and asked the person who was kneeling on one knee in front of him. His name is Li Xuanzhong, the second in command of the Li family, and he is a person who can turn clouds and rain.

"Second Lord, the origin of this person is unknown, only that he came from this Beizi area. His strength is not bad. Some people saw him beheading Shuibo, the old Ji Shuibo of the Fengyun League with a sword in the forbidden area. But it is true and false. But it is hard to get. But there is one thing, according to the reliable information we got. He just came out of the forbidden area a few days ago, and as soon as he came out, he had an enmity with Yuandaomen. He defeated one of the four sword kings of Yuandaomen with one sword. One Wei Laojiu, at the same time, he even slapped the young master of Yuandaomen twice."

said the man.

"Oh, it's interesting that such a thing happened. It's really crazy. It's been a long time since I met such a crazy person. This is comparable to that little madman from our Li family. Haha"

It was Li He, one of the elders of the Li family, who spoke.A strong man like Ji Shuibo must not be underestimated.

"It's really crazy. But it can't be denied that people have the confidence."

Li Xuanzhong said.

"The second master is too flattering on him. I can also defeat Wei Laojiu with one move. The four masters of Yuandaomen, except Xikuangdao has some skills, even if the other three join forces, I will not take it seriously. .As for the boy who killed Ji Shuibo of Fengyun League with a sword in the forbidden area, how strong is Ji Shuibo?"

Li He laughed and said.Ji Shuibo seldom made a move because not many people knew his strength.Moreover, their Tiandian: The Li family had never dealt with the Fengyun League before.

It's not surprising that people from the Li family don't know about Ji Shuibo's strength.

"Second Master, no matter how strong this person is, his appearance will break the current balance of Tianfeng. Should we do something?"

Another strong man from the Li family asked.All idiots know that Ling Yun formed a faction, and chose such a domineering name. This is to attract the attention of all the forces within the Tianfeng area, as a sign and advertisement to attract all the middle and low-level forces and casual cultivators.

At present, the so-called Sword God Pavilion has not posed any threat to their three forces, but if they let it go, wait until they become powerful and gather the middle and low forces and casual cultivators here, then it will become theirs. biggest threat.

Although now their Tiandian: Li Family, Yuandaomen, and Ghost Servantmen are the mainstream of Tianfeng, there are middle-level and low-level forces within Tianfeng's range, combined with casual cultivators, they are also a force that cannot be underestimated.

It is enough to compete with their three forces here.

"Don't move for now, just wait and see what happens. Since the sword god of the northern district slapped Yuandaomen in the face, he still wants to create a storm in the Holy Land of Yujian. I'm afraid the first one from Yuandaomen will not agree easily. In addition, the wandering forces within the Tianfeng area are not so easy to subdue, and the appearance of the Sword God Pavilion is not necessarily a bad thing."

Li Xuanzhong is wise, with extremely vicious eyes, and at the same time is a ruthless character.

If the middle and lower forces within the Tianfeng area, as well as casual cultivators belong to the Temple of Heaven: Li Family, Yuandaomen and Ghost Servant Village are uncertain factors here, if any of them can subdue this force, they can directly suppress it. over the other two forces.

But those people are not so easy to subdue!Li Xuanzhong was well aware of this.

"By the way, Second Lord. Someone saw one of the three elders of Yuandaomen, Daozhi Ouyang Ge, leading the other two sword kings of Yuandaomen into the Holy Land of Yujian."

The servant who reported it earlier said.

"Uh, that old guy from Ouyang Pavilion actually came in person."

Li He frowned.It is conceivable that Ouyang Pavilion made him very afraid.And in addition to him, he also brought two sword kings.Among the four great sword kings of Yuan Dao Sect, each of them has at least three Supreme Beings.

The elders of the Yuandaomen came in person, and together with the power of the two sword kings, the formation surpassed the Temple of Heaven: the Li family and the ghost servant village.

"Second Master, it seems that Yuandaomen wants to take over the land of Tianfeng by force. Do we want to..."

One of the Li Family Supremes asked.Their heavenly palace: The Li family is currently only present at the Holy Land of Yujian with these five Supreme Realm members.

"Hiss! It's too late. Let's have a look first."

Li Xuan took a deep breath and said.

From their Heavenly Palace: Li's house, please come over again. It will take at least ten days to come back and forth.Now the people from Yuandaomen have come, will they give them ten days?

I'm afraid that when their people come, the overall situation here will be settled.

The overall situation is certain, if you want to take it by force, it will be a direct war.

Number one disciple peak, where Yuandao Gate is located.

"Grandpa Ouyang, you've come."

Ouyang Ge, one of the three elders of Yuandaomen, had just rushed to the No. [-] peak compound, Yuan Xiao immediately ran over and greeted him in his airy voice.

(End of this chapter)

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