extreme dog days

Chapter 1376

Chapter 1376

Just now Yuan Xiao said that he would cut off his limbs. If he lost to the three of them, then his fate would definitely be like that.Therefore, he will never be sloppy in his shots.

"No, don't. Mr. Ge save me."

Wei Laojiu was really scared, and hurriedly asked Ouyang Pavilion for help.


After Ouyang Pavilion and Xiao Zhongwang were wounded in Baishuisheng, they already realized that the situation was not good, and decided to rescue Wei Laojiu.Although Wei Laojiu's cultivation base strength is the worst among the four sword kings of Yuandaomen.

But he is also a real late Supreme Realm.

"No one can save him."

Right now, Wei Laojiu is surrounded by Ling Yun's sword energy, if he wants to save him, he must pass the sword energy level first, and then ask Ling Yun if he agrees.No matter how fast Ouyang Pavilion was, it couldn't be faster than the sword energy already on Wei Laojiu's limbs.

Ling Yun deliberately waited for Ouyang Ge to rush to Wei Laojiu's side before beheading his limbs.

"Oh no"

despair!And it is the despair of falling to the bottom.Wei Laojiu thought that Ouyang Ge would make a move, and he would be saved very close at hand, but he didn't want Ouyang Ge to be unable to do what he wanted.

He could only watch helplessly as Wei Laojiu was deposed and helpless.

"Wow, strong, too strong."

"The three great sword kings were all defeated, two were repelled, and one was abolished. This record! Good job!"

"Worship idol."


It took only a few breaths of time for Ling Yun to defeat the three great sword kings of the Yuandaomen. It was not until Wei Laojiu let out a desperate scream that everyone reacted.

"Bastard, you, you successfully angered the old man, how do you want to die!"

Ouyang Ge screamed angrily.Abolishing Wei Laojiu's limbs in front of him was not only a provocation to the Yuandao Sect, but also a provocation to him, the veteran of the Yuandao Sect.

Chi (Guoguo) doesn't take him seriously.

Of course, if the limbs were cut off, as long as the limbs are still alive, there is still a chance that they can be reattached.The two sword kings who had been repelled rushed over, one took Wei Laojiu away, and the other took away his limbs so that their pharmacist from the Yuandaomen could help Wei Laojiu get them back.

But even if he picks it up, the reaction of his limbs will not be as good as before, and the decline in strength is not as simple as one or two levels.

"Old man, don't you think you've said a very stupid thing?"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

Is he provoking Ouyang Pavilion?Of course not, because he is not worthy at all!The reason why he hit hard has nothing to do with Ouyang Pavilion.

All thanks to the young master of Yuandaomen, because he was the one who angered him.


The dignified veteran of the Yuandaomen, the person standing on the top platform in the Xizi area, someone called him stupid!

"Isn't it? It's none of my business whether you're angry or not. Old man, you're not young anymore. Even if you suffer through it, I can endure it until your bones are turned into ashes!"

How old is Ling Yun, less than a hundred years old.But now he has reached the Supreme Realm, that is to say, he has a lifespan of ten thousand years, and he is still just beginning.

However, the lifespan of Ouyang Pavilion is more than three thousand.Even if he was allowed to live until the end of his life, three thousand years would be enough to turn his bones into ashes.

"Haha! It seems that you are determined to force this old man to crush you today."

Ouyang Ge laughed back in anger, clenched his fists, and his momentum exploded.A short knife in front of him was shining brightly. This is his famous knife: Baizhan knife.The ranks of demigod soldiers.

Every time a hundred knives are issued, the power of the knife will be aroused, but it is a great knife.With this knife, he could kill and beat many masters of the same level.

Currently unpaid.

"I think you have gone beyond the scope of stupidity. You dare to say such unnutritious words. No wonder some people call people idiots!"

Ling Yun was stepping on Ouyang Pavilion in tone, although he was just bickering, it was to strengthen his momentum.The more he verbally took advantage of it, the more arrogant and fearless he showed.

As long as he can defeat Ouyang Pavilion in the end, he can add points for him.

"You're an idiot"

Ouyang Ge, the majestic knife idiot, was called an idiot Ouyang Ge.If it weren't for the fact that most of the people present were afraid of him, they would have already collapsed to the ground cramping from laughing.

They were all verbally trampled like this, Ouyang Ge really had no reason not to make a move.If he continues to fight with Ling Yun, if the fight fails, not only his face will be lost, but also their Yuandaomen's face.

At this moment, they came to Peak Six to find trouble, and I don't know how many pairs of eyes were watching.If someone intentionally wants to target them at Yuandaomen, they will suddenly stand up to help Ling Yun.

Then things got a little worse.

Dao Chi is not famous for nothing, he is very powerful under the attainment of sword skills.At the same time, the sword technique is also very powerful.Being enraged, Ouyang Ge naturally tried his best to attack.

Swing the knife to cut down, the knife energy becomes gangster.

buzz, bang

Facing the attack of Ouyang Pavilion's sword, Ling Yun stretched out his hand and waved it.The sword gang rose from the ground, stabbed from bottom to top, and hit Dao Chi's sword gang.

"Hey! Xuanyin Saber Qi. The tiger lowers its head."

Dao Chi used his sword skills and under the influence of soul power, he rushed towards Ling Yun like a tiger.

Facing a master like him, Ling Yun didn't dare to push himself too hard. The Sword God Huanyun appeared in his hands at some point, and when he drew the sword, his body was already close to Ouyang Pavilion.

The next master made a flash of swords and swords where they collided.It took about twenty breaths, and during these twenty breaths, Ling Yun used his sword more than two thousand times.

(End of this chapter)

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