extreme dog days

Chapter 1384 Unlucky Lin Yihai

Chapter 1384 Unlucky Lin Yihai

Furthermore, Mu Zhenghua was very clear.It is very important to establish the Sword God Pavilion at the beginning, to establish prestige, and to establish trust.Forbidden Sword Cultivator appeared in Tianfeng range, which was a huge opportunity for Sword God Pavilion.

Because he learned of this, he went immediately.

Zhu Gao was worried that Mu Zhenghua would not be able to defeat Hun Beiyi, so he rushed to inform Ling Yun.

As for Ye Yangsheng, the masters of Fuyun Peak and the others are not currently on the sixth peak. With Ling Yun's permission, they took over one of the two disciple peaks occupied by Yuandaomen.


Ling Yun opened his eyes and asked.

"NO.18 peak range."

Takeko said.


Ling Yun responded, and his figure disappeared before Zhu Gao's eyes.

There are a total of 24 disciple peaks in the Tianfeng area. Except for the top ten disciple peaks, the other fourteen are ordinary disciple peaks.At present, most of the people in these fourteen disciple peaks are casual cultivators, and only a few low-level forces exist.

It can be described as a mixture of dragons and snakes.

At the same time, it is far away from Tianfeng and No. [-] Peak.Otherwise, Hun Beiyi would not know that Ling Yun is in Tianfeng, and dare to come here to do evil.

"Hey, old boy, let's see you run there this time!"

Hun Beiyi has been chasing and killing Lin Yihai for two days.Speaking of which, Lin Yihai was quite unlucky. After being defeated by Ling Yun, he was looking for a place to retreat and practice, but unexpectedly met Hun Beiyi, a sword cultivator who was hunting for him.

Because he meddled in an extra nosy matter, he was followed by Hun Beiyi.For veteran sword cultivators like Lin Yihai, the sword energy possessed by their souls is much stronger than those who have turned into sword cultivators in the Holy Land of Sword Control.

"Damn it, this guy is really powerful. His sword speed seems to be three points faster than that of the North District Sword God. I don't even have the strength to fight back against him."

Hun Beiyi's sword is very fast, which Lin Yihai never thought of.In front of Hun Beiyi, he couldn't use his swordsmanship at all.Of course he didn't know that Ling Yun's sword speed was actually faster than Hun Beiyi's.

It's just that when fighting him earlier, Ling Yun didn't use his sword at all, but just used his sword energy.

Only the sword speed of Jian Qi far surpassed him.

"Hand over your soul, and I can leave you with a whole body."

Hun Bei said with a smile.Lin Yihai escaped from him three times, but this time his hamstring had been severed, so he absolutely couldn't run.

"Ah ha ha!"

Lin Yihai smiled wryly.A thought flashed in his mind, should he not enter this Holy Land of Sword Control?But if it happened again, he would still come here without hesitation.

Even if you know that you will die if you enter here.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, Mu Zhenghua is here. Forbidden sword repair is rampant. Gossip Yuheng. Disease"

Mu Zhenghua rushed over, swung his sword and slashed towards Hun Beiyi.

Hun Beiyi easily avoided his sword-level attack, looked at Mu Zhenghua carefully, then laughed and said.

"Not bad, not bad. God finally has eyes. He sent me another sword cultivator soul. Haha, absorbing your sword soul, this seat will definitely be able to improve to a higher level."

Hun Beiyi's strength has also increased these days.Currently at a bottleneck, if he kills Mu Zhenghua and Lin Yihai and obtains their swordsmanship souls, he can break through this bottleneck.Not only can the cultivation level directly reach the ninth level of the Supreme Realm, but his soul can also step into the second level, and at the same time, the sword level can reach the second level.

If his Lingsha sword level reaches the second level, then his strength will not be as simple as increasing by one or two times.

"Hmph! The tone is not small, if you want to kill us, it depends on your ability."

Mu Zhenghua showed his sword state again, ready to go.

"You are the swordsman Mu Zhenghua."

Although Lin Yihai had never met Mu Zhenghua, he was very fond of him.Swordsman Mu Zhenghua became famous but it was still before him.The two have the same name, that's because only the two of them are called sword cultivators in the Millennium Beizi area.

This Mu Zhenghua is much higher than Lin Yihai in terms of cultivation base and strength.

"It's the old man"

Mu Zhenghua nodded in response.

"You have to be careful, this guy's sword is incredibly fast, and you must not get close. At the same time, his sword technique also has the effect of soul attack, which is very terrifying."

Lin Yihai reminded.

He is in the hands of Hunbei, but he can't survive ten moves.And it's still in the parrying kind.


Mu Zhenghua responded, raised his sword and killed him.He had also heard about the forbidden sword cultivator Hun Beiyi for a long time.Although this is his first time fighting Soul Sword Repair.

But he had encountered Lingxiu before, and even beheaded him.

The two fought for more than ten moves, and Mu Zhenghua used the Yuheng Sword to resist the opponent's soul impact, but fortunately Hun Beiyi didn't do his best, otherwise he would not have survived the ten moves.

"How is his sword speed so fast!"

Mu Zhenghua's sword speed has more than doubled after Ling Yun's guidance in the past few days, but facing Hun Beiyi's sword speed, he still has nothing to do but parry.

"Hey! The purple qi is coming from the east, cut it off"

Lin Yihai saw that Mu Zhenghua's defeat had already appeared, so he rushed to help.He couldn't escape, but at present, Mu Zhenghua could still escape.

"Mu Lao, leave me alone, you go."

Lin Yihai used the sword realm to support Hun Beiyi's sword energy, and turned to Mu Zhenghua.

"Let's go together. Gossip Yuheng, sick!"

Mu Zhenghua used his sword state to attack Hun Beiyi with explosive power, and when Hun Beiyi avoided his attack, he stepped forward and pulled Lin Yihai to run away.But Lin Yihai, who had a broken limb, couldn't hold on without running five miles.

(End of this chapter)

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