extreme dog days

Chapter 1387

Chapter 1387

Mu Zhenghua saw that Lin Yihai wanted to join the Sword God Pavilion on purpose. After all, he was also one of the sword cultivators in the Beizi area, and at the same time, Ling Yun had saved his life this time.

"Is this what Elder Mu meant? I'm afraid Mr. Ling might not like me."

Lin Yihai expressed his worries.Ling Yun's strength lies there.He is so accomplished in swordsmanship that he can be defeated only with sword energy, and he possesses terrifying physical combat skills.

In front of Ling Yun, he seemed very inferior. Although he intended to join the Sword God Pavilion, he was worried that Ling Yun would not accept him, because he dared not speak out.

"Haha! Brother Lin's worries are superfluous. Young master asked me to stay, don't you see it? Although young master's strength is unfathomable, but the Sword God Pavilion is just established, you and I join in a timely manner, how can you not accept it?" It makes sense. But if you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid it will be icing on the cake in the future, and the young master may not accept it."

Mu Zhenghua laughed and said.This is a big fact.At present, the Sword God Pavilion is in the initial state, and those who join the Sword God Pavilion at this time are all the founders of the Sword God Pavilion.

But if Jianshen Pavilion survives the beginning of the establishment of the faction this time, and joins Jianshen Pavilion at will, it will not be so easy.

Because sending charcoal in the snow often shows the true feelings.And the icing on the cake is often accompanied by a certain amount of suspicion.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu for your guidance. Lin is also willing to join the Sword God Pavilion."

Lin Yihai reacted, and immediately said to Mu Zhenghua.

"Okay! Unexpectedly, we have the same name for thousands of years but have never seen each other, but today we belong to the same family. Fate! Haha, after Brother Lin recovers from his injury, it will definitely come to light."

Mu Zhenghua laughed happily.He is now one of the guardian elders of the Sword God Pavilion, and he can trap one by one.

"That's exactly what I mean."

Lin Yihai said with a smile.


Half a month later

"My lord, the seventh peak currently occupied by Ghost Servant Village has fallen into our hands. But!"

In the past half a month, the Sword God Pavilion has started a battle with the ghost servant village, and captured one of the three top ten disciple peaks occupied by the ghost servant village.The middle-level force that was originally attached to Ghost Servant Village was beaten to withdraw, and the casual cultivators even dispersed.

Because from the beginning to the end, Ghost Servant Zhuang didn't officially fight back.

"But what!"

Qin Yuyan asked.

"Someone of us saw people from Guifuzhuang going to No. [-] Disciple Peak. The subordinates are worried that Guifuzhuang may unite with Tiandian: The Li family will deal with us."

Xi Chao said.

The Ghost Servant was not in a hurry to fight against the Sword God Pavilion. His purpose was to let Tiandian: The Li family know that the Sword God Pavilion had already made a move. Although they are currently beating their Ghost Servant, as long as their Ghost Servant is defeated, The next person to fight is their heavenly palace: the Li family.

At the same time, it is also telling Tiandian: The Li family.Their Ghost Servant Village can give up here at any time, and let them Tiandian: The Li family fight against the Sword God Pavilion by themselves.

"Isn't that better! It saves a lot of trouble."

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Uh, but this Tiandian: If the Li family forms an alliance with Ghost Servant Village, it will definitely pose a huge threat to us!"

Takeko said.

"That's right, my lord, don't underestimate Tiandian: Li Family. I heard that this time Tiandian: The person sent by Li Family to the Holy Land of Sword Control is Li Xuanzhong, the second master of Li Family. This person's strength is unfathomable, and at the same time He's even smarter. Definitely not someone to mess with."

Mu Zhenghua said.Although he retired in the past, he did not directly retreat into the mountains like Lin Yihai.The so-called big hermit hides in the city, and the small hermit hides in the forest.

Hidden in the market, you can better watch the news from all directions.Therefore, Mu Zhenghua has a certain understanding of the forces in the Beizi area, Xizi area, and Xuanzi area.

"Oh! Really? Then it depends on the Temple of Heaven: whether the Li family's hands dare to extend directly into the Beizi area. Leave them alone, and take the eighth disciple peak occupied by Guipuzhuang as soon as possible. This is very rare Opportunity, as long as Ghost Servant does not make a move, then the forces attached to Ghost Servant will not fight us to the death!"

Ling Yun said with a slight smile.

"Uh, yes."

Xi Chao reacted.

Ghost servant Zhuang wanted to make Tiandian: Li's alliance with them in a way of concession.It's a pity that this has lost more opportunities for Lalong's middle and lower forces to join their camp.

Ghost servant Zhuang blindly backed away, and those forces that had been negotiated with them before, and they were attached to them, naturally would not put their money into fighting the Sword God Pavilion to the death.

Because no ghost servant Zhuang came forward, they didn't want to have any grudges with Sword God Pavilion.Therefore, during this period of time, the Sword God Pavilion can use the minimum cost to seize the territory allocated by the Ghost Servant Village to those forces that are attached to them.

At the same time, as long as the Sword God Pavilion can finally suppress the Ghost Servant and drive it out of the Tianfeng area, then those forces and casual cultivators who were originally attached to the Ghost Servant will most likely switch to the Sword God Pavilion camp.

Tianfeng, No. [-] Disciple Peak

"Third Steward, Tiandian: What does the Li family say? Do they agree to cooperate with us?"

A Supreme of Ghost Servant Zhuang looked at the third butler who had rushed back from the No. [-] peak and asked.

"That guy Li Xuanzhong is as smart as a monkey. Although he has verbally agreed, he has not made any alliance agreement."

The Supreme who followed their three housekeepers to Peak No. [-] said in a deep voice.From the expression on his face, it can be seen that he is very dissatisfied with Tiandian: the Taidu of the Li family.

"What kind of tricks does this Li Xuanzhong want to play? Could it be that he doesn't care about this place? You must know that the Tiandian: The Li family occupies four disciple peaks, and at the same time pulls two middle-level forces in Long. If they abandon this place, it is tantamount to abandoning it." Those two attached middle forces."

Said the former Supreme Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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