extreme dog days

Chapter 1395 Siege of Peak No. 1

Chapter 1395 Siege of Peak One

Ghost Nuqi's head was given to Tiandian by Ling Yun: The Li family's confession is also a warning.Tell Tiandian: Tianjia, Jianshen Pavilion is not afraid to kill them in the face of their three major forces.

At the same time, he generously reminded Tiandian: Li family, he is going to attack, and all the people in Guipuzhuang within the range of Tianfeng will be his account to Tiandian: Li family.

Tianfeng, No.[-] Peak

"Is there any movement from No. [-] Sword God Pavilion?"

The third steward looked at Guinu Liu and the others and asked.

"Not yet. But I heard that the owner of Yuelong rushed into the No. [-] peak yesterday and fought with Tiandian: The people of the Li family, but what happened? See if there are other people going to Peak No. [-] with the owner of Yuelong."

Ghost slave six said.

Tiandian: People in the Li family only reported that Ye Yangsheng had killed the No. [-] peak, but there was no news that Ling Yun appeared to take Ye Yangsheng away.

"Uh! Tiandian: How does the Li family react?"

The third butler frowned.It stands to reason that if Li Chuyin is lost, Ye Yangsheng should get mad and fight with Tiandian: Li's family members, and they will never return.As long as Ye Yangsheng kills Tiandian: The Li family, then Tiandian: The Li family will naturally be with him forever.

Ye Yangsheng is the only one in Yuelong Villa in the Holy Land of Yujian, of course he can't beat the Palace of Heaven: Li Family.So he could only ask Ling Yun for help.As long as Ling Yun participates in it.

At that time, their Ghost Servant Zhuang will be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman in turn, or join hands with Tiandian: Li's family to beat the dog in the water.

"Not yet. Third housekeeper, could it be that Li Xuanzhong guessed that we did this, so he purposely forbeared it."

Ghost Nuba said in a low voice.

"This is necessary. Li Xuanzhong is known as the world's counselor, and he can't guess it. But so what if he guesses it. As long as he can't find someone, Ye Yangsheng will not give up, and I heard that Li Chuyin is still a great beauty. She disappeared. The longer the time, Ye Yangsheng naturally became more anxious."

The third housekeeper said very proudly.He knew that Li Xuanzhong was very smart, so naturally he couldn't hide it from him based on his tricks.But time was short, even if Li Xuanzhong guessed it, he still didn't have time to break the situation.

Because the one who disappeared was Ye Yangsheng's wife, and she was a great beauty. Others could afford to wait, but he absolutely couldn't wait.

"The third butler is wise."

Gui Nu Liu and others complimented each other.

"It's not good, third housekeeper, get out, something serious happened."

A servant rolled and crawled into the No. [-] Peak Continent. He ran in a hurry, and jumped at the dog to eat shit as soon as he entered the door.


The third housekeeper's face was obviously very ugly.


Gui Nujiu shouted angrily.

"Peak No. [-] is surrounded. And there are still a lot of scattered waves coming towards us."

After the servant got up, he said in a hurry.

"Uh! What's going on?"

Gui Nujiu and the others looked at each other in dismay, and then walked out of the compound with their three stewards. At this time, the people from the bottom of the mountain had already killed towards the top of the mountain.

Because Ghost Servant Village retreated earlier, they no longer have any power to attach to, not even casual cultivators.Therefore, there was no way to stop the people in the Sword God Pavilion, and they were directly crushed one-sidedly and retreated steadily.

"Bold, this is the territory of Guifuzhuang. Do you want to be an enemy of our Guifuzhuang?"

Gui Nuba took the lead in shouting.The voice contained soul power and spread throughout the mountaintop.

"Haha, isn't this obvious? Others are afraid of you Ghost Servant Zhuang, but our Sword God Pavilion is not afraid!"

It was Mu Zhenghua who spoke.And the person standing beside him was Lin Yihai.This time they were led by the two guardian elders of the Sword God Pavilion.Except for Xi Chao who stayed at No. [-] Peak to heal his wounds, all the other people who joined Sword God Pavilion before came.

But some are just playing the autumn wind.

Because they are not optimistic about the Sword God Pavilion.It's just that the Sword God Pavilion is dealing with Ghost Servant Village and occupies Tianfeng's sovereignty.For them, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

"Swordsman Mu Zhenghua. I didn't expect you to join the Sword God Pavilion, and you have become more courageous. You dared to provoke our Ghost Servant Village. Hehe, I want to see what you are capable of."

The third butler came out and said coldly.

Although Mu Zhenghua is a strong man in the Supreme Realm, there is a big gap between him and the top three butlers in the Supreme Realm.

"Your opponent is me."

Ye Yangsheng flew from the foot of the mountain.

"Master Ye, you are so courageous. Is this representing Yuelong Villa to start a war with our Ghost Servant Village?"

The third steward frowned involuntarily.This is completely inconsistent with his plan!Shouldn't Ye Yangsheng go crazy and look for Li Chuyin's whereabouts, or go to Peak No. [-] to fight with Tiandian: Li's family?

"Haha, you Ghost Servants are riding on top of our Yuelong Villa. Do I still need to pamper you? Since you dared to order Li Nong to kidnap Hatsune, I will never stop with you."

Ye Yangsheng gritted his teeth and said.If Ling Yun hadn't found Li Chuyin in time, he couldn't believe what the consequences would be like.

"Well. What are you talking about, the old man can't understand at all."

Although the third housekeeper knew that Ye Yangsheng might have rescued Li Chuyin, he still denied it.Because this matter is not admitted.Once this matter is admitted, it will give Ye Yangsheng and the others a reason to deal with them in a straightforward manner.

At the same time, they have to admit the fact that they blamed Tiandian: the Li family.

(End of this chapter)

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