extreme dog days

Chapter 1403 1 Everything is under control

Chapter 1403 Everything is under control

In front of him, Lei Shan didn't even have the ability to resist, and he was simply at the mercy of others.And looking at Chi Qianduo's posture, if he doesn't tear him apart, it's obviously hard to get rid of his hatred!

"Very good, you go downstairs and confess to my daughter and son-in-law!"

Chi Qianduo sneered, he had done so much and took such a big risk just to avenge Lei Shan, how could he let him go.

"No, Young Master Yun, Young Master Yun, save me. I will listen to you, and I will be your dog. Save me quickly, don't let him kill me. Woohoo"

Lei Shan screamed, one hand had already been removed.

"Hehe, I can't believe you are a treacherous person like you! Lian'er, let's go, don't let him disturb our elegant mood."

Zhou Shaoyun couldn't trust Lei Shan because Zhou Shaofeng was still alive.Furthermore, he also thinks that Lei Shan is not as valuable as Chi Qianduo, a wily man.This time, if it wasn't for Chi Qianduo to help him make suggestions.

He can't take advantage of Shen Wuchen's retreat to control the situation.

Zhou Shaoyun and Mrs. Tianju left, and Lei Shan's fate can be imagined.

"Young Master Yun, do you think Master Dai can succeed?"

Before Mrs. Tianju left, she glanced at Lei Shan, showing a strange smile, and curiously looked at Chi Qianduo, who was bristling with anger.Chi Qianduo's plan can be described as incomparably subtle.

Count everyone in.

"Hehe! Although Sombra's strength has greatly increased in the Holy Land of Yujian, but with Shuangxing and Dai Qing joining forces, killing him is not a problem. You don't have to worry about this beauty. Let me pamper you! Do you know? Look at it earlier Seeing you and Zhou Shaofeng together, how much my heart hurts!"

Zhou Shaoyun hugged Mrs. Tianju tightly and said.Mrs. Chrysanthemum's charm is really not bad this day.But Zhou Shaoyun didn't really like her, and it wasn't because of her that he turned against Zhou Shaofeng.but rights.

"You are so bad! Young Master Yun, if one day you become the young master of Tianxia Peak, will you abandon me?"

Madame Tianju asked.

After Chi Qianduo helped her analyze the situation, she was very uncertain, whether it was Zhou Shaofeng or Zhou Shaoyun.

"Of course not. You are my sweetheart."

Zhou Shaoyun said something against his will, but his face didn't blush and his heart didn't beat.

The next day

"What, let the shadow run away!"

Dai Qing and Shuangxing followed Chi Qianduo's plan to besiege and kill Heiying. They thought it was safe, but they never expected that Heiying would escape.

"Sombra's vigilance is too high. The people we planted beside him tried to plot against him, but failed. With the combined efforts of all of us, we could only wound him."

Dai Qing shook his head and said.Sombra has the habit of soaking his feet every day.They bought and sold the maid in charge of fetching water for Hei Ying, and poisoned the water in which her feet were soaked.

But it didn't work out!

Dai Qing, Shuang Xing, and ten other Supreme Beings all attacked Soi Ying together.He was only seriously injured by Sombra, but failed to keep him.For this reason, four Supreme Realm were also injured by the shadow.



Zhou Shaoyun originally wanted to scold trash, idiot.But after thinking about it, he endured it.At such a critical juncture, it was not the time for him to play prestige.

"Young Master Yun, it's not too late. You must find Shao Feng's retreat as soon as possible and take him away! As long as Shao Feng dies, even if the shadow is alive, he will not be able to pose any threat to Young Master Yun."

Dai Qing said hastily.

Now they are already riding a tiger, and if Zhou Shaofeng has a chance to make a comeback, they will all be lost forever.But Zhou Shaofeng's place of retreat.

Dai Qing didn't know.

"Well! Call people, follow me! It's time to make a break with him."

Zhou Shaoyun made up his mind and said.He knew Zhou Shaofeng's retreat place in this peak, it was very hidden, and it was hard for ordinary people to find it.

"Zhou Shaofeng is inside, and there is a secret room in the courtyard, which was left by an elder from the Holy Land of Yujian."

Zhou Shaoyun brought people to the middle of the mountain, where there was a small courtyard, which used to be the residence of Elder Renfeng, the Holy Land of Yujian.There is a stone room in the courtyard, which was found by Zhou Shaoyun at first.

Get a lot of things in it.

"Third brother, don't blame my brother for being cruel. If you want to blame it, you can only blame you for not being able to control yourself. You can be rich and rich all your life, but you still want to fight with me, even if I can tolerate you. The sky will not allow you.",

Zhou Shaoyun stood in the small courtyard, watching Dai Qing, Shuangxing and others enter the stone room in the room, he raised his head and muttered.

After half a stick of incense, Dai Qing and the others walked out of the room.

"Young Master Yun, there is no one at all."

Dai Qing said anxiously.

"What, Zhou Shaofeng is not inside. Impossible!"

Zhou Shaoyun obviously didn't want to believe it, so he went into the stone room in the house to check it himself.It is true that this is Zhou Shaofeng's retreat, but it is a pity that Zhou Shaofeng is not in it at this time.

"What's going on. Where did Zhou Shaofeng go?"

Zhou Shaoyun couldn't find Zhou Shaofeng here, so he became anxious.If Zhou Shaofeng can't be killed, then Zhou Shaofeng can come back when the opportunity arises.Because one of the four sects is still loyal to him, and Soi Ying is not dead yet.

"Are you looking for me?"

When Zhou Shaoyun and the others walked out of the room, Zhou Shaofeng's voice came from the small courtyard.

"less wind"

"less wind"

"Zhou Shaofeng"

Whether it was Zhou Shaoyun, Dai Qing or the others, they were a little surprised when they saw Zhou Shaofeng appear.

"Fourth, you really let me down."

Shen Wuchen smiled and said, he now regards himself as Zhou Shaofeng.

(End of this chapter)

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