extreme dog days

Chapter 1423 The Unlucky Drunk Sword Fairy

Chapter 1423 The Unlucky Drunk Sword Fairy

"Drunk Sword Immortal, a pot of wine"

Lei Cang recognized the origin of the old man at a glance.

"I haven't heard this name for a long time. I thought the old man was not here, so any cat or dog dared to call himself the sword god! It's a pity."

The wine jug stood up, and the wine gourd that was originally used as a pillow appeared in his hand.He was dissatisfied with Ling Yun, the title of Sword God of the North District.

Even he, an older generation of sword cultivators, can only be called the Drunken Sword Immortal, and even dare not bear the word "Sword Immortal", yet someone also calls him "Northern District Sword God".

"It doesn't matter if you are here or not. If you like, I can engrave the word "Sword God" on you when you go to the grave, so it doesn't matter."

Ling Yun said.

"Young people are terrifying, it's really arrogant."

Jiu Yihu laughed, and the sword energy on his body was faintly visible, but he controlled it very well, only three feet away from him, and did not destroy anything in the hall.

He was preparing to fight Ling Yun.

Ling Yun looked at Gongsun Wuya, only to see that this guy smiled and made way with the others, and did not stop the move of a pot of wine.The Likong just now was just an appetizer, and a jug of this wine is one of the main courses.


Lei Cang wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Ling Yun.

This pot of wine is much stronger than the previous Likong, and even stronger than Mu Zhenghua.


With a wave of the wine pot, a sword qi cut towards Ling Yun.Ling Yun didn't release the sword energy, but when the sword energy from a pot of wine approached him, he stretched out his hand to block the sword energy and let the sword energy hit the stone wall of Feitian Tower.

"The sword qi is faster, but the strength is not enough. Old guy, don't you have a stronger move?"

Ling Yun said with a smile.


A jug of wine is very angry, and the consequences are serious.There were more than a dozen sword qi in an instant, but it was not the condensed sword qi like Ling Yun, he displayed it directly.

One-on-one, the power is much stronger than the condensed sword energy.

It's a pity that Ling Yun still couldn't hurt Ling Yun at all, all the sword energy was used by Ling Yun to demolish the building, even the roof was half lifted by the sword energy.This Lu Zhengyuan's heart really hurts looking at it!

He spent millions of Yuan Lingzhu to build this, and it took three months. Although it is only two stories high, it is not made of ordinary wooden walls, and ordinary swords are very difficult to destroy.

Below the Supreme Realm, if you don't use the divine way treasure, you can't hurt the building at all.

But under the sword aura of a supreme master like Jiu Yihu, there is something like paper paste.

"Are you flipping a building?"

With a jug of wine, his face was very ugly.It stands to reason that Ling Yun could knock his sword energy away and at the same time bring back his sword energy, but he let Jian Fei fly around.

"Uh, old guy, it seems that you are the one who is tearing down the building, right?"

Ling Yun smiled and said.Those sword qi were produced by this pot of wine, so it has nothing to do with him.

"Amitabha, the benefactor does not dare to confront the Drunken Immortal Sword head-on, what kind of sword god of the North District is he? Change his name to the Sword Insect of the North District."

Likong was very worried about Lingyun scratching his wrist before, if his uncle scolded him, he would have fought with Lingyun long ago.

"Haha, well said, the sword worm in the northern district is quite suitable for him."

A pot of wine will shake the clouds.Because Ling Yun was just a move, he couldn't test how strong Ling Yun's swordsmanship was.

"It doesn't matter. But old guy, your sword qi is not bad for demolishing buildings. If you want to kill people, I'm afraid it's a little weaker."

Ling Yun said neither sad nor happy.

He doesn't care about titles.If it wasn't for the purpose of establishing influence on the Xizhou mainland, he wouldn't be bothered to come up with such a title.But a pot of wine wanted to provoke him, but he also wanted to provoke him.

"Okay, then let me show you the old man's methods. The sword in the wine, drunk!"

Drinking a pot of wine, he smashed the wine gourd with both hands, and the wine spilled out. He was trapped between his hands by his strength, and used the wine to display his sword state.

A scent of wine immediately spread throughout the hall, and then a sword flew out of the wine and stabbed at Ling Yun.This is the sword state, and it is also the strongest move of Jiu Yiju.

"That's what it sounds like."

Ling Yun smiled, stretched out his hand and directly punched out the sword realm of a pot of wine.But this time the target is not Feitianlou, but Gongsun Wuya.

"not good!"

Jiu Yihu was taken aback, but it was too late to stop him. In front of Ling Yun, his sword state could not be retracted at all.


Gongsun Wuya was very calm, a man in green robe beside him stepped out, reached out his hand and blocked the sword state of a pot of wine.It is the ancient power that is used.

"go back."

The green-robed man gave a soft drink, and directly pushed the sword realm with a pot of wine towards Ling Yun.

"It's not mine, why come back?"

Ling Yun smiled and stepped forward.He didn't even stretch out his hand, but Jian Jing was forced back by him.


The green-robed man's face changed slightly, because the sword level of a pot of wine became stronger after being forced back by Ling Yun.He used one hand to beat the sword back before, but this time he had to use both hands.

To control the sword realm, he can only use brute force, but Ling Yun can use it skillfully.The sword realm was beaten back again, he stretched out his hand a little and went back, and the power of the sword realm was directly increased by ten times, he was deliberately testing the man in the green robe, and wanted to see what his soul was.

Whether it is an ancient mysterious turtle like him.

The power of the sword realm has suddenly increased tenfold, which is completely beyond the range that a pot of wine can bear.

The pot of wine was full of regret, and cold sweat broke out all over his body, so he almost knelt down and begged to be let go.

(End of this chapter)

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