extreme dog days

Chapter 1426 Reset Formation

Chapter 1426 Reset Formation

"Zen Master Kong Hang, don't worry about it. No one will spread the news of what happened today. As for Master Li Kong's hand, it was cut off by him when he offended the masked strong man."

Gongsun Wuya said in a deep voice.If today's incident gets out, it will be extremely detrimental to Airline's reputation.

The one who hurt the most was that it was all done, and his arm was broken, and he had to blame himself.

"Did you hear that?"

Air Aviation was defeated by Ling Yun, so naturally he didn't dare to trouble Ling Yun again.At least now even if he has anger, he has to swallow it.If this matter gets out, it will be very detrimental to Airline.

If there is a different version and people from Tianhang Temple come to trouble Ling Yun, then what Gongsun Wuya has done will be in vain.

"Yes, yes! Uncle Master"

Li Kong replied with aggrieved face.

"Master Ling, this Flying Tower is destroyed, it is not a place to entertain guests. We will make another arrangement tomorrow, and you and I will talk about it in detail."

Gongsun Wuya said.

This Feitian Building is beyond recognition, if they sit here and talk about the world, it is too incompatible with their identities.

"No problem"

Ling Yun replied.

"Zhengyuan, Mr. Ling is a distinguished guest of this seat, so please entertain me. Ah Yi, let's go!"

Gongsun Wuya gave an explanation, and left with the green robed man.

"Your lord, that Ling Yun is really too presumptuous. He completely does his own thing and doesn't take you seriously. I'm afraid it will be difficult to control in the future."

Ah Yi said in a deep voice.

"Really? Lao Gao, what do you think?"

Gongsun Wuya smiled and looked at Gao Xiu.

"He is indeed too presumptuous, but it is not difficult to control people who are ambitious and greedy. At the same time, the more greedy he is, the greater his ambition, which just shows that there is no problem with the current cooperation."

Gao Xiu analyzed it and said.

Although Ling Yun's performance made Gongsun Wuya suffer a lot, in fact Gongsun Wuya was very happy.

"Haha, you know me, Gao Xiu!"

Gongsun Wuya laughed and said.

If Ling Yun showed concessions and forbearance today, then he might directly terminate his cooperation with Ling Yun.It was precisely because Ling Yun made him very satisfied that he would let Ling Yun live here.

Of course it was his last attempt.

"My lord, what kind of tricks do you think this Gongsun Wuya is playing? Does he not want to cooperate with us?"

Lei Cang said in a low voice.How big is this fairy garden?It's not a matter of one sentence to find a place to talk about things, so why wait until tomorrow.This is obviously another burst of trouble.

"The matter is so important that he cannot be careless. Otherwise, not only him, but also the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce would have ceased to exist long ago. Oh, by the way, if that Lu Zhengyuan sends something tonight, you will follow it, come on!"

Ling Yun patted Lei Cang's shoulder and said, then walked out.

"Young master, what do you mean by that?"

Lei Cang didn't react in a daze.But soon he understood that Lu Zhengyuan sent two concubines to Ling Yun according to Gongsun Wuya's order.And it's the kind of one in a hundred.

Lei Cang had two big ones at one end, and almost fell to the ground.

He understood what the concubine that Gongsun Wuya gave to Ling Yun meant, it was obviously sending two spies.He had to help Ling Yun with this matter.

Gongsun Wuya learned that Ling Yun gave him the two concubines, so he turned around and gave them to Lei Cang.Although he was not angry, let Lu Zhengyuan question Lei Cang.Lei Cang's reply made Gongsun Wuya dumbfounded.

That is the grade is not enough.

Although the hundred women that Lu Zhengyuan found were all first-class existences, they were not as good as Li Chuyin, let alone Qin Yuyan and Fuyun Peak Master.

This matter can only be let go in the end.

The next day

"Mr. Ling, isn't your request a little too much? It takes three months to complete 21 large formations, so the difficulty is a bit high. Besides the nine holy lands of imperial swords, the other [-] large formations are all scattered around the world. In the Beizi area."

Gongsun Wuya said with a face of embarrassment.

"Is it difficult? With the ability of Shenmen, even if they dare to peep at the world, it is impossible to set up thirty large formations in the Beizi area in three months. I don't believe it. As far as the door is concerned, it is definitely a big deal. As long as I am satisfied with thirty large formations, all previous formations in the Beizi area can be replaced."

Ling Yun turned against the general.It felt like he was testing Shenmen's ability.

"What, you want to destroy the formation that was originally in the Beizi area"

Ling Yun's words were astonishing, Gongsun Wuya couldn't sit still after hearing this.At present, there are at least hundreds of formations in the Beizi area.This is all arranged by Shenmen with great effort.

"Is there a problem? These formations are not mine, so why should I use them?"

Ling Yun replied very simply.

Now the formations in the Beizi area are arranged by the former forces at the request of Shenmen, and some of them are arranged by Shenmen.It would be a pity for Shenmen to destroy it directly.

"We can tell you how to control the formation."

Ah Yi who was standing behind Gongsun Wuya said.

"As I said, these formations are not mine, so why would I use them. Tell me the control formations, can you guarantee that no one else will know about these formations?"

Ling Yun stared at Ah Yi and asked.

The formations that currently exist in the Beizi area are all left over from the past.Some of them have existed for more than a thousand years. It is hard to say how many of these formations know how to control them.


Ling Yun's worry is not only that Ah Yi can't guarantee it, but also Gongsun Wuya can't do it either.

(End of this chapter)

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