extreme dog days

Chapter 1446 Yuelong Villa's blood capital

Chapter 1446 Yuelong Villa's blood capital

If this continues, it will become a problem for Wanjiazhuang to have enough food.

"What should I do? If I give up now, I'm afraid that all previous efforts will be wasted?"

Wansan seemed a little anxious.If it continues, it is estimated that they will start to mortgage their Wanjiazhuang property.

"Third brother, do you think this will work? It doesn't matter if you choose a few of the things we bought and release them first, even if you lose a little. After all, it's not an option to hoard them like this!"

Uncle Wan thought for a while and said.At present, tens of billions of yuan of Lingzhu can be accumulated in their Wanjiazhuang, but this kind of thing is not edible.

For example, spiritual grasses and elixir, and various iron ores, how to eat them.

"Third Master, in my opinion, that's the only way to go. After all, some of the materials we have accumulated can't be stored for a long time. It's better to release these things first, or we will lose everything by then."


"That's all it takes."

Wan Sanye thought for a while and said.They released all the things that had been stored for a short period of time. At the beginning, they bought them at a price that was [-]% higher than the market price, and some even reached [-]%.

If you buy it now, you will naturally lose a lot.But it can solve the urgent need, at least it will not let them mortgage the property of Wanjiazhuang.

A few days later

"Father, look what this is."

Wan Yu took a piece of paper and happily ran to look for Wan Sanye.He knew that this piece of paper was enough to make his father look at him differently, and even reward him heavily.

"[-] Wuxin flowers and [-] devouring herbs. What's the situation, where did it come from?"

After Wan Sanye saw the piece of paper, he was immediately dumbfounded.Because this is a purchase order.Wanted list for twice the market price.

Wuxinhua and Devouring Vanilla are all elixirs that cannot be stored for more than three months. The price of these things often fluctuates. If there is an urgent need, it is possible to double or double it directly.

"This was brought by the chamber of commerce from the Beizi area. Originally they were going to the Wuxian chamber of commerce to buy these spiritual herbs and elixir, but a friend of mine knew someone from that chamber of commerce, so I intercepted the order. Dad , I remember that we have saved a lot of these spiritual herbs. I signed the contract. Don't tell me, no!"

Wan Yu said with a smile.He didn't know that these spiritual herbs had been taken away by his father two days ago.

"You're really right."

Wansan said with a face ashamed, and at the same time sat down, almost crying.

"What, Dad, are you kidding me? Don't make fun of me. Although there are only five or six kinds, the number is quite a lot. Twenty times the compensation!"

Wan Yu cried out.

"Twenty times the compensation, are you stupid? Ten times the compensation has always been the highest compensation ordered by the chamber of commerce, and you actually gave twenty times the compensation, you prodigal son of a bitch."


That list is worth 10 million Yuan Lingzhu.Ten times that is [-] million.Twenty times is [-] million.If it was in the past, they might not be able to look down on Wanjiazhuang.

But now?

Let them take out tens of billions of spiritual herbs, iron ore and other things at once, there is absolutely no problem.But asking them to take out 200 million Yuan Lingzhu at once would be a problem.

"How dare you beat me. Don't think I don't know. I definitely have these elixir at home, and you have lost them. I'm going to tell grandpa, you are a prodigal son."

Wan Yu was also in a hurry.He obviously did something beneficial to the family, so it's fine if he doesn't reward him, but he still beat him.There was nothing wrong with him in this matter.

Because Lingyun originally offered fifteen times the compensation.In order to compete for this order, he only paid twenty times.The reason is that people not only need these two elixir.

Will buy again after a while.At the same time, a large amount of iron ore will also be purchased.Because the situation in the Beizi area is about to rise, there are several sects there, and the families secretly unite to deal with the Sword God Pavilion.

Hearing this news, Wanjiazhuang bought these five or six kinds of spiritual herbs from Ke Bei at three times the price in order to close the deal.At the same time, they also sent people to the Beizi area to inquire.

After learning that the news was correct, they hoarded supplies even more unscrupulously.He did not hesitate to mortgage all the properties of Wanjiazhuang.

"Young master, Wanjiazhuang has been fooled. What should we do next?"

Lei Cang came to Ling Yun and asked.

"This matter will not be able to directly bring Wanjiazhuang down for a while."

Wanjiazhuang has deep roots. Apart from the superficial property, it also has a lot of family property.Those are the big plays.If you want to drag Wanjiazhuang down in business, you have to trick them into taking out all the old ones.

"I've seen your son."

Lin Yihai rushed back from outside with a big wooden box on his back.

"Did you bring something?"

Ling Yun looked at the big wooden box Lin Yihai was carrying and asked.

"Bring it, my lord, please take a look."

Lin Yihai opened the big wooden box, and inside was a precious sword, and it was of the sub-divine level.

"Old man Ye is really worth the money."

Ling Yun smiled and said.He didn't go directly to Ye Yangsheng and the others, but sent Lin Yihai to contact them, and at the same time told them about his plan.

His plan needs to use a weapon on Ye Changying's body.This ordinary monk can only have one or two weapons on his body, just like Ling Yun.It's just that he didn't expect that Ye Changying would send over the sub-soldier that he usually carries with him.

(End of this chapter)

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