extreme dog days

Chapter 1452

Chapter 1452

"Hehe, it seems that there is really a story."

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"What on earth do you want to do? Is it possible that you just want to stir up a scandal in our family? Or, you just want to laugh at me. If that's the case, you succeeded. If you want to kill, kill."

Gongsun Ming was remembering what happened back then, and suddenly became bloody.Over the years, he has been drunk and dreamed to escape the truth.

As time passed, I almost forgot who I was.

"It seems that you hate Gongsun Wuya very much!"

Ling Yun smiled and said.But Gongsun Mingzheng didn't answer him.He hated Gongsun Wuya in his heart, but he was also afraid of him.

"Tell me, the position of the elder of the Shenmen clan, and I can spare you from dying."

Ling Yun suddenly changed his mind.Gongsun Mingzheng and Gongsun Wuya are a pair of uncles and nephews on the surface, but in fact they hide grievances that cannot be told to you.Keeping him alive might become a sharp weapon against Gongsun Wuya in the future.

"You want to kill the elders of Shenmen, are you crazy? You want to fight against Shenmen, you are looking for death."

Gongsun Mingzheng cried out and said.Others don't know how powerful Shenmen is, but he knows a little bit.Although the Gongsun family has been attached to the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce in the past, its background is also very amazing.

But he was still subdued by Shenmen, and he didn't dare to resist at all.

The reason why Shenmen attacked the Gongsun family of Wuxian Chamber of Commerce may be a coincidence.It can only be said that Shenmen is to support Gongsun Wuya.

"Hehe, it doesn't seem to be your business."

Ling Yun said with a smile.The tone seems to have overtones.

"he is…"

Gongsun Mingzheng wanted to tell Ling Yun directly, but at this time one of his subordinates came here.

"Well, it's not good, something happened! Zheng Shao!"

That person was in the Supreme Realm, and he was also the number one master under Gongsun Mingzheng's hands. At the same time, he was a person sent by Gongsun Wuya to Gongsun Mingzheng's side, saying that he was protecting him.In fact, it was also to monitor him.

Gongsun Wuya can be regarded as Gongsun Mingzheng's enemy who killed his father and took his mother, so naturally he has to be on guard against him.

"court death!"

The man sensed that there were two auras in the tent, so he rushed out of the tent and attacked Ling Yun.

bang, hum

"What, Mami. The legendary Thunder Mami."

That person made a move, but under Ling Yun's running Thunder Avatar, the sword in his hand couldn't hurt at all.

"Shocking change"

Ling Yun smiled and punched the man, killing the man directly.

"Wow! You, you are the one who ransacked the forbidden courtyard of Wanjiazhuang,"

Seeing his strongest subordinate being killed by Ling Yun's punch, Gongsun Mingzheng panicked immediately.Originally, he sensed his subordinates coming, and thought that even if his subordinates couldn't beat Ling Yun, they could help him resist, so that he would have a chance to escape.

As long as he escapes, he can continue to live and dream.Because he betrayed the elder of the Shenmen clan, if this was known, his mother would not be able to keep him.

"You guessed it. Now you can talk!"

Ling Yun knew that Gongsun Mingzheng didn't have the guts to go to Gongsun Wuya to avenge his father and mother at this time, so he didn't dare to betray the elder of the Shenmen clan.If he can't defeat Gongsun Mingzheng's men as soon as possible, he will cut off his idea of ​​running away.

It is impossible for him to tell himself about the position of the elder of the Shenmen clan.Because as long as he can escape from his hands, he can continue to be the head of his Wuxian Chamber of Commerce and continue to live a life of drunken dreams.

"Northern Hunting Mountain Range, the main mountain on the east side. You should be able to find it. Come on, give me a good time."

After Gongsun Mingzheng said that, he closed his eyes and waited to die.He didn't believe that Ling Yun would let him go.In addition, if the news about him betraying the elders of the Shenmen clan spread to Gongsun Wuya or Shenmen, he would surely die.

"If I say I won't kill you, I won't kill you. I'm keeping promises."

Ling Yun smiled and said, and then punched Gongsun Mingzheng under the forehead, causing him to fall down immediately. As for whether he died or not, it is hard to say.

"I don't know what kind of god-level formation Shenmen has arranged for me. It actually needs to expand the base to the entire mountain range."

Ling Yun came to a mountain peak and said after looking around.The coverage area of ​​general arrays is limited.But the god-level formation is different.Ling Yun's coming this time was not only due to his calculations, but also because he wanted to grab the god-level formation.

At present, the most powerful formation that is circulated in the world is only the twelfth-order super-grade large formation.If Ling Yun's formation method wants to go further, he can only touch the god-level formation.

This is also the reason why he asked Shenmen to help him arrange the god-level formation at any cost.

The god-level large formation that Shenmen helped Ling Yun arrange this time requires a total of 36 formation foundations, and each formation foundation needs at least ten days to complete.Of course, this formation is the main defense.

When Shenmen couldn't fully trust Ling Yun, they didn't dare to help Ling Yun arrange a god-level formation for the main killer.Because the god-level formation is too difficult to control.

The North Hunter Mountains, the main mountain on the east side.Almost all the formation foundations here have been successfully built.

"Wuhen, where's Zi Nuo? That kid, didn't you want the old man to teach him the method of engraving the super-grade pattern, why didn't you run away?"

The elder of the Shenmen tribe looked at one of the top Supreme Realm experts of the Shenmen, Shoushen Wuhen, and said.Zi Nuo in his mouth is his disciple.

"Uh, I don't know about this. It was still there just now. Will it go down the mountain early? Clan elder, I'll help you find it."

Shoushen Wuhen said.

(End of this chapter)

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