extreme dog days

Chapter 1454 Keeping Gods Evergreen

Chapter 1454 Keeping Gods Evergreen

Shoushen Wuhen found that the opponent's strength was not weaker than him, so he directly used his ultimate move, which seemed to force Ling Yun to use the sword, but in fact it was to attract people nearby to help him.

Shenmen is not the only one here who is the top Supreme Realm powerhouse?

"Over there, Shoushen Wuhen started a fight with someone, come with me!"

Just tens of miles away, Shoushen Yutai saw the celestial phenomenon caused by Shoushen Wuhen, and immediately said to the two Supreme Realms beside him.Bring them to the direction of Ling Yun.

If Ling Yun couldn't kill Shoushen Wuhen with Ouyang Pavilion's Xuanyin saber technique before Shoushen Yutai arrived, then his wish to marry Fuyuan Daomen might fall short.

"Again, the knife absorbs water, avoid cutting from the sky"

Shoushen Wuhen once again used his ultimate move, but Ling Yun still had no choice but to avoid it, and he didn't dare to take it hard until he was sure of the ten moves.

"Ouyang Pavilion is capable, don't hide, haha."

Seeing Ling Yun choose to avoid his attack again, Shoushen Wuhenke became unscrupulous.He knew that the other party was looking for his flaws, but he had a certain amount of confidence in himself.

It's not so easy to find flaws in his knife skills.

"If you don't hide, don't hide, I listen to you."

Ling Yun narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.There was no time, although he hadn't found the flaw in Shoushen Wuhen's sword technique, but he thought of a way to kill this guy.

"Hmph, I don't need a knife, I want to see how you block my Jitian Zhan."

Shoushen Wuhen said in a cold voice.Attack again.When Dao Gang was ten feet away, Ling Yun dodged, which really made Shoushen Wuhen sweat for him.

"Xuanhu Township"


Ling Yun used an adventurous way to shorten the time to avoid the knife gang, thus creating a time for himself to make a move of almost one breath. Although it was less than one breath, it made Shoushen Wuhen unable to react in time.

"Not good, the ancient summons, the mysterious python will fight,"

Shoushen Wuhen was taken aback, released the ancient power, and used the Qi Soul to exert the ancient power to resist Ling Yun's knife gang.His soul is not a mysterious tortoise like Ling Yun, but a giant python, but it possesses ancient power very similar to Ling Yun.


"Pfft, Yudao!"


This Shoushen Wuhen displayed the ancient power, Ling Yun was also surprised for a while.After his sword gang was blocked, he forcibly resisted the impact, and the sword passed through Shoushen Wuhen's body.

"You, how did you become so, so strong!"

Shoushen Wuhen stared at Ling Yun with wide eyes, then fell down.

"Is it really dead?"

Ling Yun smiled, he is a pharmacist, very sensitive to vitality.This Shoushen Wuhen was killed by his knife, and he was only seriously injured at the moment, but he held his breath, as long as he temporarily deceived the other party, when someone came, he could escape.

But Ling Yun would not give him this chance, after taking back the treasured sword, he gave him another knife, but left Shoushen Wuhen with a sigh of relief.Because he needs to let him pass the word.

"Shoushen Wuhen! Who is it, who is it?"

Shoushen Yutai rushed over, seeing Shoushen Wuhen who fell to the ground, he was dumbfounded.

"Old Ancestor, Wuhen Ancestor shut his breath, he still has a breath."

A Shenmen Supreme Master who knew some medical skills stepped forward to check Shoushen Wuhen's body, and said anxiously.If Ling Yun hadn't made up the knife, Shoushen Wuhen would have been able to untie his breath at this time and slow down.

It's a pity that after making up the knife, he was already near the end of his life, so naturally he couldn't release the breath-hold by himself.

Shoushen Yutai heard the words and immediately used kung fu to help Shoushen Wuhen open and hold his breath.

"Shoushen Wuhen, who did it?"

"Yuan, Yuan Daomen! Help, help me get revenge!"

After Shoushen Wuhen finished speaking, he swallowed his breath.He didn't want to pretend to be dead, but the other party came up to make up the knife, it was too ruthless, this made him unable to rest in peace!

"Yuandaomen, it turned out to be Yuandaomen, damn it! Look for it, and you must find it for the person who guards Yuandaomen."

After Shoushen Yutai helped Shoushen Wuhen close his eyes, he yelled angrily.


Following the words of the two Supreme Realm beside Shoushen Yutai, they immediately dispersed to inform other people, and spread the news that Shoushen Wuhen was killed by the people of Yuandaomen.

But they never expected that the person they were looking for had already climbed to the top of the mountain and found their clan elder.They never dreamed that the people of Yuandaomen would dare to attack their clan elders.

Ling Yun is the supreme formation, and through his understanding of formations, he knows that the main core of this formation is in the center of the mountain.At this time, the people of Shenmen are still in this mountain, so the clan elders of this Shenmen should not have left the top of the mountain.

"Who is it, come out."

Shoushen Changqing's sensing ability is very powerful. Even though Ling Yun concealed his breath, he was still detected by him when he was within a thousand feet away.

"The clan elders of Shenmen are really powerful. This way they can sense my existence."

Ling Yun heard Shoushen Changqing's voice, and naturally knew that he couldn't hide, so he simply walked out.

"You are not from the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce, are you? From that force."

Evergreen is not a fool.The other party distracted the people around him, so it was because the visitor was not kind.Such a person is not a member of the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce.And there are too many delusions in the world to deal with them.

So he couldn't guess which faction the opponent came from.

"Where I come from, you don't need to know. But I have a few questions, if you can answer me, I can tell you who I am."

Ling Yun smiled and approached Shoushen Changqing step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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