extreme dog days

Chapter 1460 The Treasure of the Round Knife Gate

Chapter 1460 The Treasure of the Round Knife Gate

If Yuelong Villa had the ability to destroy Wanjiazhuang, they wouldn't have been fighting Wanjiazhuang for hundreds of years.

"That's right. Send someone to investigate, and they must find out who is destroying the Yuan Daomen. And keep a note of the movement at Yuelong Villa. In addition, since this invincible is not dead, then he will definitely hide. Yuan Daomen has stood in the Xizi area for many years, and it has preserved a lot of wealth. According to the old man, Yuan Enemy has built a treasure house, hiding more than [-]% of the wealth of Yuandaomen. The magic knife, that is also something that makes people jealous. The round knife door is gone. He is the only one left, hehe!"

Mr. Wan's family is a very thief.Although Yuandaomen was their ally of Wanjiazhuang before, but now that Yuandaomen is gone, he naturally doesn't mind beating the dog in the water.

He has done this kind of thing before.

"I understand, father don't worry, I will send someone to find him right away."

Uncle Wan said with a sneer.


The elder of the Shenmen clan was killed, and the formation of the formation was forced to be postponed.Gongsun Wuya personally approached Ling Yun, and changed the project of [-] large formations that was originally expected to be completed in half a year to three years later.

In fact, this was also in Ling Yun's calculations, but Ling Yun didn't expect that the delay of the Shenmen would last for two and a half years.

Ling Yun agreed to this matter, of course Gongsun Wuya had to give him the benefit.Discount, that's impossible.But this time, the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce will unconditionally give up [-]% of Wanjiazhuang's calculation.

Originally, it was [-]% or [-]%, but now it has become [-]% or [-]%.

"Your lord, this Lingyun is too black-hearted. We just delayed the formation of the formation. He actually asked for [-]% of our chamber of commerce city share, and [-]% of Wanjiazhuang's property."

The formation of Shenmen is only delayed, not stopped.This kind of thing has not happened before.And this time they postponed it because the elders of the Shenmen clan were killed.

Speaking of which, the formation of Shenmen was working for Ling Yun.But Ling Yun actually said that he had nothing to do with him, all he wanted was the result.

"Your lord, you really shouldn't agree to give him an extra [-]% of Wanjiazhuang's property. Didn't you say that Wanjiazhuang has a profound heritage and unparalleled wealth? It's better to give him [-]% more of the city of the Chamber of Commerce."

Ke Bei said in a low voice.

"Your vision is too short-sighted. If the city of the Chamber of Commerce in the Western Region is established, it may control more than half of the economic veins of the entire Western Region. Only [-]% of the annual share, how much there will be, you don't know. Will it count?"

Although the chamber of commerce city was used to plot against Wanjiazhuang, it was built with the wealth of Wanjiazhuang, so as to cross the line of the Wuxian chamber of commerce and control half of the chambers of commerce in the West area.

As long as the Chamber of Commerce City stands upright, it will be equivalent to a furnace for continuously refining Yuanlingzhu pills day and night.The previous agreement between Gongsun Wuya and Ling Yun was [-]-[-].

But because Shenmen delayed the formation, Ling Yun asked for [-]%.But Gongsun Wuya disagreed, and only agreed to give up [-]%, and the other [-]% would go to Wanjiazhuang.


Ke Bei gasped after hearing this.Half of the economic context of the Western Region earns an unimaginably astronomical amount of money every year.

You must know that although the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce is the number one chamber of commerce in the Western Region, it actually only accounts for [-]% of the Western Region.With only [-]%, the benefits brought to them by the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce are already unimaginable.

"As for Wanjiazhuang, it doesn't matter if all the properties on the surface are handed over to the Sword God Pavilion. Can the Sword God Pavilion be taken away? If they can't take it away, they can only sell it to our Wuxian Chamber of Commerce at a low price As for the wealth hidden in Wanjiazhuang, hehe, as long as there is a big problem with the Wanjiazhuang Chamber of Commerce, they will naturally have to take it out as a mortgage. You are now a partner with Wanjiazhuang. At that time, you can use Wuxian In the name of the Chamber of Commerce, they can purchase the mortgaged things, as long as the price is within the acceptable range, no interest will be charged, let alone any kickbacks, and there will be a three-year period for them to redeem them.”

Gongsun Wuya had already made up his mind.What he wants is the hidden treasure in Wanjiazhuang.As for the ostensibly Lingtian of Wanjiazhuang, Lingshan and the Chamber of Commerce, even if it is all given to Lingyun.

Ling Yun couldn't take him away from the Xizi area, and he couldn't sell these properties to Wuxian Chamber of Commerce at a low price.

The cooperation between Jianshen Pavilion and Shenmen has been confirmed, so it is impossible for Jianshen Pavilion to extend its hand to the Xizi area.If he dared to reach out, he would be chopped off.

So Gongsun Wuya thought that Ling Yun had no choice.The only thing he can take away is Yuan Lingzhu.

"Your lord is wise."

Ke Bei and the others flattered, raised their thumbs and said.

"Ha ha!"

Gongsun Wuya laughed out loud.What he calculated was not limited to the distribution of Wanjiazhuang.Even the city of the Chamber of Commerce, he will look for opportunities to take it into his hands.

"Yun'er, the divine gatekeeper's arrangement has been delayed for three years, which is obviously suspicious of us. Will they find anything?"

Xing Mang asked worriedly.

As the saying goes, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.Ling Yun calculated Shenmen and helped them get rid of Yuandaomen with the help of Shenmen. There are some loopholes in this.And he beheaded the clan elder of Shenmen, this is playing with fire.

Once discovered by Shenmen, I am afraid that Shenmen will spare no effort to deal with them. With the current Sword God Pavilion, it is impossible to compete with Shenmen.

(End of this chapter)

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