extreme dog days

Chapter 1471 Beyond the Alchemy Villa

Chapter 1471 Beyond the Alchemy Villa

Obviously, Wan Yunkai betrayed Wanjiazhuang. He wanted to support his son to become the owner of Wanjiazhuang.Now that his son is dead, it is equivalent to cutting off his thoughts.

"No! Zicheng. Wan Yuntong, I will fight with you."

Wan Yunkai betrayed Wan Yuntong in order to support his son to become the owner of the Wan Family. This was an agreement he reached with Ke Bei.But now his son is dead.

"Everything you have is given to you by me, and you dare to oppose me."

Wan Yuntong was very angry. It is good that he and Wan Yunkai are brothers, but without him, Wan Yunkai would not be what he is today, let alone live to this day.

Wan Yunkai and Wan Yuntong fought, and the ending was very obvious.Wan Yunkai was wounded and fled.

"Let Mr. Lin see a joke"

After Wan Yuntong repelled Wan Yunkai, he walked up to Ling Yun and said with a smile.

"Unfortunately, this joke is not funny at all. Wanlao, this matter is caused by your Wanjiazhuang. How it ends, I look forward to your performance!"

Ling Yun's acting skills can win awards.He sent someone to spread the news, but in the end the scapegoat fell to Wanjiazhuang.He predicted that Wanjiazhuang had no way out, because cooperating with him was the only way out for Wanjiazhuang.

"Haha, Master Ling, don't worry."

Wan Yuntong said with a smile, but his heart was very gloomy.Originally, everything was under control, but I never expected that such a thing would happen.

Now the fact that Yuandi is in the Alchemy Villa has leaked out.There are quite a few people who come to Alchemy Villa to find Yuan Enemy.Except for some casual cultivators who want to fish in troubled waters.

There are also regional giants in the West like Wanjiazhuang.

"Young master is really brilliant. This time Wanjiazhuang came here in full force. Excluding the previous Wan Yunkai father and son, there are eleven Supreme Realm here, and another three hundred Daluo Realm. This is not a small force."

Li Shuo looked around at the formation of Wanjiazhuang.Eleven Supreme Realm!More than [-]% of the Supreme Realm in Wanjiazhuang is here, leaving only three guards in Wanjiazhuang.

"This time, Wanjiazhuang will be completely removed from the Xizi area."

Ling Yun smiled and said.During this trip to the Alchemy Villa, Yuelong Villa also got news, but they didn't send anyone, but took advantage of the time when Wanjiazhuang came out in full force, they entered Wanjiazhuang.

The Alchemy Villa is built on the mountain, and there is an extinct volcano nearby, which happens to be used as the fuel for the daily extraction of ore in the Alchemy Villa.Alchemy Villa can only be regarded as a middle-level power.

There are only three Supreme Realm in the village, but the Alchemy Villa has been responsible for helping people refine ore raw stones, so it is also one of the local rich men in the Xizi area.

"Villa Master, the people from Wanjiazhuang have indeed come. And it seems that they are coming in full force. Even Wan Yuntong brought Wan Fei to appear near the Alchemy Villa."

Chen Kong, the third housekeeper of Ghost Servant Zhuang, came to a masked woman in black dress and said respectfully.

"Villa Master, it seems that the treasure house of Yuandaomen may be hidden in this alchemy villa."

The ghost general Sikong Yang looked in the direction of Alchemy Villa and said.

"Hey, if the treasure house of Yuandaomen is really hidden in this alchemy villa, it would be fun. In addition to Wanjiazhuang, people from Liuhemen seem to have come. And Wuxian Chamber of Commerce seems to be involved .In addition, it is hard to say whether the ever-unpredictable Huangquanmen will appear."

Ghost General Zheng Hai sneered and said.

"I don't want the treasure house of Yuandaomen, what I want is the Demon Devouring Knife in the hands of Yuan Enemy."

The ghost servant and owner, the ghost lady, said coldly.

"Don't worry, the owner, as long as the original enemy makes a move, the old man will help the owner get the Demon Devouring Knife."

The old man standing beside the ghost lady said.He is the big housekeeper of Ghost Servant Village.In the past, many people in the Xizi area were frightened by the news, and they belonged to the same era as Wan Yuntong.

"Uncle Yan, I'm sorry."

When the ghost lady heard the reply from the big housekeeper, she immediately laughed.They ghost servant Zhuang didn't care about the treasure house of Yuandaomen, but came for the Demon Devouring Saber in the hands of Yuandaomen's main enemy.

And with the same goal like them, there is Liuhemen.

As for Wan Yuntong's goal is to get the Demon Devouring Knife.This is the top ten magic weapon on the list of ancient knives.

Alchemy Villa

"Brother, something happened. Many people came near the villa. It is very likely that they came for the boss."

Ouyang Yiming, the second master of Alchemy Villa, rushed to inform Ouyang Pavilion.This Ouyang Pavilion is the owner of the Alchemy Villa.And he had always used his identity as the elder of Yuandaomen to hide himself.

No one would have thought that he was the owner of the Alchemy Villa.

"Damn it. How could someone discover the relationship between our Alchemy Villa and Yuandaomen?"

Ouyang Ge's face changed drastically, he thought he had done a good job.Even the people in the Alchemy Villa, few know that their Alchemy Villa is the backyard of Yuandaomen.

"Could it be that the young master leaked the news?"

Ouyang Yiming said in a deep voice.

He was absolutely right.It was through the Lantern Festival that Wanjiazhuang learned of the relationship between Alchemy Villa and Yuandaomen.

"Hiss! Damn it. This bastard has come to this point, and he still doesn't want to repent."

Ouyang Pavilion reacted.Apart from the possibility of Yuanxiao leaking the news, he couldn't think of anyone else.Fortunately, Yuan Xiao left Yuandaomen at that time, otherwise he would not have survived to this day.

"Brother, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. What should we do? Withdraw, I'm afraid there will be some difficulties."

Ouyang Yiming said.

"Hiss, I'm going to find the boss, you continue to send people to watch, remember not to act rashly"

Ouyang Ge said in a deep voice, and hurried to find Yuan Enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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