extreme dog days

Chapter 1485 Defeating Shou Shen Tianjian

Chapter 1485 Defeating Shou Shen Tianjian

With Ling Yun's strength, even if he doesn't use the sword state, he can defeat Shoushen Tianjian with his sword energy, but in this way, the people at Shenmen will guess his current real strength.

At present, for him, exposing his full strength prematurely is a very dangerous thing.Once Shenmen panics towards him, he will not only lose a chance to train.At the same time, it will attract the desperate culling of Shenmen.

Therefore, even if he wants to defeat Shoushen Tianjian, he still has to show his weakness!

He is a sword cultivator, which is no secret to Shenmen.As a sword cultivator, if you don't have a sword state, it's not justified.

"Sword realm? Then I will destroy your sword realm. Ancient power, come"

Seeing Ling Yun displaying his sword state, Shoushen Tianjian also used the unique skill of pressing boxes, using ancient power to act on his body, and attacked Ling Yun in close quarters.This is one of his two strongest methods.

Ling Yun sacrificed the Magic Cloud Excalibur, swung the sword to defend, and fought with the guardian Tianjian for hundreds of rounds.Shoushen Tianjian tried to destroy his sword realm, but he failed no matter what.

"Hiss, Ling Yun's strength should be much more than that. He is a fan of guarding the gods and establishing the authority, and the rhythm is completely controlled by him. I don't know if I can get rid of his control."

Li Shuo watched Ling Yun's battle with Shoushen Tianjian, constantly speculating about Ling Yun's strength.

The battle rhythm of Shoushen Tianjian was completely controlled by Ling Yun, but he himself didn't know it, but as a bystander, Li Shuo knew it very well.With Ling Yun's strength, if he wants to win!

Shoushen Tianjian can be defeated at any time, and it is even possible to kill Shoushen Tianjian.

Because in the battle, once the rhythm is controlled by the opponent, it is very dangerous.If there is no hole card to save life, there will be no chance to escape.

"The ancient call, the god tiger descends from the sky, suppress!"


Since Shoushen Tianjian, he and Ling Yun are evenly matched, so he wants to make a quick decision.Shi Dian came out with another unique skill at the bottom of the box.The white tiger transformed into a god guarding one side, restraining Ling Yun's sword realm.

"Ling Yun, you lost."

Shoushen Tianjian was domineering and shouted sharply.

"Oh, idiot, my sword state is like this. Get up, holy sword, cut"


Ling Yun dug a hole for Shoushen Tianjian, and asked him to send Qihun himself to the guillotine.Ling Yun's sword state is not sword energy, but a holy sword.The holy sword fell, directly on the neck of the white tiger spirit, and chopped it off.

Shou Shen Tianjian recognized the appearance of the Lingyun Sword Realm, but unfortunately it was too late, and he couldn't withdraw even if he wanted to.

"Pfft! You, you actually tricked me."

Shoushen Tianjian's soul was injured, causing his blood to roll and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"That's not because you're too stupid."

Ling Yun smiled and walked towards Shoushen Tianjian.

"You want to kill me."

Shoushen Tianjian's Qi and Soul had already been severely injured, and if he fought Ling Yun again, he would have completely lost his qualifications.But if he wanted to escape at this time, he believed that Ling Yun would not be able to stop him.

But he didn't think Ling Yun should kill him.Otherwise, it wouldn't have just crippled Shoushen Qingfeng's leg before.

"Kill you, you think too much. Or you Shenmen haven't settled your attitude yet. Don't forget that I am now a cooperative relationship with your Shenmen. It's just that there seems to be some doubts about who is in charge of this cooperation. Hard to say. Are you right?"

Ling Yun stepped forward, smiled and said.

"Hmph, don't get too complacent. You're right. It's hard to say who will be in charge of your cooperation with our Shenmen. But you think you can ignore our Shenmen because you have defeated me. Then you are wrong. .I'm just the bottom of the Shenmen Clan. If you defeat me, other Shenmen Clan elders will come to you. Our Shenmen is not as simple as you imagined."

Shoushen Tianjian said unwillingly.

"Haha. Isn't this exactly what I want? After defeating you, the elder of the Shenmen clan, I can be regarded as a slap in the face of your Shenmen clan. I expect you to give me a surprise! You go!"

Ling Yun said slowly.

"Hmph! Yes! Ling Yun, I hope you don't tremble!"

Shoushen Tianjian turned around and said something to Ling Yun, then flew away.

"Shivering, I really want to know who is trembling in the end."

Watching Shoushen Tianjian leave, Ling Yun laughed softly.

"Huh. Today I finally saw the demeanor of the Sword God of the North District, and it really deserves my reputation. Mr. Ling probably didn't try his best just now, right?"

After Shoushen Tianjian left, Li Shuo came over and asked Ling Yun tentatively.

"President Li, how does your strength compare to Shoushen Tianjian?"

Ling Yun didn't answer, but looked at Li Shuo with great interest and asked.


Li Shuo was stunned for a moment.Ling Yun directly compared him with Shoushen Tianjian, which meant that Ling Yun guessed his general strength, which really shocked him.

"It should be between the two, but if life and death are a match, he must be the one who dies."

"Oh! Hehe. President Li. It's almost time for me to leave the Xizi area. I need you to worry about the chamber of commerce city."

Ling Yun had a showdown with Gongsun Wuya today.Although this matter is not going to turn heads, but this Gongsun Wuya is very insidious, the incident here is so big, if Gongsun Wuya pushes it on his head, and exposes the fact that he is in the Xizi area.

He was bound to get into some trouble.So he had to leave the Xizi area as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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