extreme dog days

Chapter 1487 Old Fox

Chapter 1487 Old Fox

"They came for Madam. We just stopped them."

Lin Yihai spoke first.

"I also think that Gongsun Wuya did it."

Xing Mang heard that Ling Yun was back, so he rushed over, just in time to hear their conversation.


Ling Yun stepped forward and hugged her into his arms.

"At that time, if these two guys hadn't worked so hard to anger those two people, those two people wouldn't have hit them hard. In fact, even if we didn't make a move, those two people wouldn't have killed them. But we have abolished them that's for sure."

Star Python said with a smile.

If Lei Cang and Lin Yihai hadn't fought so hard at that time, Xing Mang would not have easily helped them.And if Lei Cang and Lin Yihai hadn't tried their best at that time, Xing Mang might have killed them too.

"What about those two?"

Ling Yun asked.

"Kill one, let one go. Someone has to go back and pass on a message."

Xing Mang said with a smile.With her ability, she was absolutely sure that she could keep those two together, but she let one go on purpose.

The person she let go was also seriously injured, and I'm afraid he won't be able to recover in a year or so.


Lei Cang gasped.At that time, he thought it was Xing Mang who couldn't stop that one?But now it sounds like he still underestimated the strength of their witch lady.

"In this way, it is really Gongsun Wuya's work. He is planning to take you away and use you to threaten me."

Ling Yun smiled and said.Although his tone seemed flat, a frightening coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Yun'er, what are you going to do about this?"

Xing Mang knew that Ling Yun would never let it go.In other words, they are Ling Yun's bottom line.If someone stretched out their hands to them, Ling Yun would be indifferent, it would appear that Ling Yun was too cowardly.

"Hehe. I will give him a big gift back."

Ling Yun said with a sneer.The sudden anger emanating from him shocked both Lei Cang and Lin Yihai.Is this the first time they have seen Ling Yun get angry?

Three days later, Yuelong Villa

"Ling Yun, you are finally here."

Ye Yangsheng laughed when he saw Ling Yun coming.He knew that Ling Yun had come to the Xizi area a long time ago, and what happened in the Xizi area recently was all related to Ling Yun.

He can be regarded as a great gift to Yuelong Villa.

"Brother Ye, you are still satisfied."

Ling Yun asked with a smile.

"Can I say dissatisfied? Haha! Please!"

Ye Yangsheng laughed and said.Ling Yun destroyed Yuandaomen, and at the same time helped them pull Wanjiazhuang down from the altar.This gift is not light.

"Miss Susu, I'll show you around."

When Peak Master Fuyun saw Xing Mang, he immediately stepped forward to pull her and said.They were already familiar with each other in the Holy Land of Yujian before.Although sometimes bickering, but it is fun between women.

"I want to go to your backyard!"

Xing Mang smiled and said to Peak Master Fuyun.

"Pfft, I'll take you there!"

Peak Lord Fuyun laughed.She understood what Xing Mang meant.The so-called backyard is actually the secret garden of Yuelong Villa, which is also where Ye Changying, the old man of Ye, lives.

Ye Changying had pretended to be injured earlier in order to lure Ling Yun over and let him solve the trouble of Yuandaomen by himself.Ling Yun also came according to his wishes, not only solved Yuandaomen, but also helped them pull Wanjiazhuang down from the altar in Yuelong Villa.

Ling Yun has already given them great face.

At this moment, Ling Yun came to the door in person, but Ye Changying still wanted to show off, relying on the old to sell the old, this is not possible.

"Nana, what are you doing here with a witch? Could it be that kid Yang Sheng provoked you?"

Ye Changying sat on the rocking chair and said leisurely.

"Old man, you misunderstood. She is Ling Yun's wife. She came here to visit you specially."

The master of Fuyun Peak gave Ye Changying a white look, and said angrily.Ye Changying definitely did it on purpose, because they had told him earlier that besides marrying Mo Long, the head of the Qin family, Ling Yun also had a witch wife by his side.

Secondly, Ling Yun came to Yuelong Villa today.It is impossible for Ye Changying not to know about Ye Changying's hands and eyes in Yuelong Villa.This is obviously making the star python ugly.

"Ugh! Haha! That kid from the Ling family is really lucky."

Ye Changying glanced at Xing Mang, and then said.

"Mr. Ye, I heard that you were injured. Yun'er came to visit you specially. But I think you are fine. If you don't get some injuries, it seems a little unreasonable."

Xing Mang smiled sweetly, and Peak Master Fuyun quietly stepped back a dozen steps.


After Ye Changying heard this, she immediately stood up, and her momentum was released immediately.

"Hehe! How dare I be bold?"

Xing Mang smiled and took a step forward.He reached out to pat Ye Changying.

"Huh, um"

Ye Changying was very angry, and directly slapped her, but when his clothes touched, his expression changed drastically.


A huge star python appeared behind the star python, and its power completely abused Ye Changying.


Ye Changying vomited blood and took three steps back.

"Master, Susu girl, enough is enough."

Seeing that Ye Changying was injured, Peak Lord Fuyun became anxious, and immediately rushed forward to support him.

"Hehe, my eldest sister is right. You old fellow is really an old fox. You actually injured yourself by shocking yourself."

Star Mang said with a smile.


Star Python will not lie.Peak Lord Fuyun couldn't help but look at Ye Changying.

(End of this chapter)

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