extreme dog days

Chapter 1492 Gongsun Wuya's Insidiousness

Chapter 1492 The Insidiousness of Gongsun Wuya ([-])

"Shuang, Li Shuo of the Shuangzi Chamber of Commerce is actually from the Lu family."

Wan Yun swallowed openly and said.He was afraid of Ling Yun, but he was also afraid of Gongsun Wuya.


Gongsun Wuya was startled.

"Not good. Li Shuo is from the Lu family. Does that mean that Ling Yun secretly colluded with the Lu family?"

Lu Zhengyuan said in surprise.

Li Shuo is from the Lu family, this is enough to prove everything.Without the consent of the Lu family, Li Shuo would not have dared to take orders from Ling Yun.

"Ke Bei, check it out immediately. Is Ling Yun entrusting Li Shuo with the affairs of the chamber of commerce. Also, send someone to directly question Li Shuo. If he refuses to admit it, then..."

Gongsun Wuya reacted and signaled to Ke Bei that if Li Shuo refused to admit that he was from the Lu family, he would be killed directly.

"But what if he admits it?"


Before Ke Bei could finish speaking, Gongsun Wuya had already smashed the table in front of him with his palm.

If Li Shuo admits that he is a member of the Lu family, it means that the Lu family has entered the city of the Chamber of Commerce.Unless he wants to tear his skin apart and don't want the skin of Wuxian Chamber of Commerce, otherwise he can't touch Li Shuo.

Because now Li Shuo is not only the person in charge of helping Ling Yun manage the chamber of commerce, but also the representative of the Li family.

"It seems that the Lu family wants to use Ling Yun to restrain your lord."

Shoushen Qingfeng said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, the Lu family? Humph! After the Tianhang Temple's once-in-a-thousand-year subduing demon meeting, the Lu family will do nothing. They will never turn over. As for Ling Yun, hum!"

Gongsun Wuya knew that Ling Yun wanted to use Lu's family to weaken his position in the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce, so as to compete with him.Once Ling Yun is allowed to succeed, then when he sees Ling Yun in the future, he will probably bow his head to him.

And the key lies in the Lu family.As long as the Lu family is gone, he will be in charge of everything in the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce, and Ling Yun, an outsider, naturally cannot interfere in the affairs of the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce.

However, the old man of the Lu family is still alive, and Tianhang Temple is also the backer of the Lu family.

Therefore, only by controlling Tianhang Temple can the Lu family completely lose their ability.

Ling Yun cooperates with the Lu family and hands over the shares of the chamber of commerce city to the Lu family as an agent.In this way, even if Ling Yun is not in the Xizi area, Gongsun Wuya will not benefit from it.

However, he still sent people to spread the news of Ling Yun's appearance in the Xizi area, which was a bombshell topic.At the same time, he even made people push the flames, and blamed Ling Yun for the destruction of Yuandaomen.

Misleading the people of the world, making them think that the reason why Shenmen made a strong move to destroy Yuandaomen was because Yuandaomen offended Jianshen Pavilion.

"Have you heard? It turns out that the destruction of the Yuandao Gate is related to the newly excavated Sword God Pavilion in the Beizi area."

"No way, where did you hear it?"

"People outside say that. If you don't believe me, you can go out and ask someone. Has someone seen that Northern District Sword God appear in the Western Region? And he was the one who reported the treasure of Yuandaomen."

"No way! He is too hateful. Hundreds of people died in the battle of Alchemy Villa. Two middle-level forces in our southwestern area have fallen because of this, and at least five low-level forces have ceased to exist."

"Hey, this Northern District Sword God is too much. If he dares to show up in the Western Region again, I will be the first to kill him."

"I'm going to fuck you up. Are you exaggerating? I heard that the Sword God of the North District is very powerful. Even Ouyang Pavilion, one of the elders of Yuandaomen before, was defeated by him alone."

"Hmph! I can't beat him. But what he did will definitely arouse public outrage. I'm afraid that as long as he leaves the Beizi area, people who want to kill him will line up."


The news of Ling Yun's appearance in the Xizi area was spread, it was like poking a hornet's nest, and everyone who heard about it condemned Ling Yun with one voice.

I'm afraid that if Ling Yun leaves the Xizi area one step later, he won't be able to leave.

Yuelong Villa

"Master Ye, hand over Ling Yun."

"Yes, we know that your Yuelong Villa has a very close relationship with the Sword God Pavilion. The Sword God of the North District must be hiding in your Yuelong Villa when he comes to the Xizi area."

"The Sword God of the North district colluded with Shenmen, and dared to go to the Xizi area to make trouble. Everyone of these demons can be punished. Master Ye, if you don't hand over people again, don't blame us for being rude."


A large number of people gathered outside Yuelong Villa to make trouble.These people are not just casual cultivators in the southwest.There are also other local forces from the Xizi area.

The reason why they came here was of course instigated by others.The purpose is to attack Yuelong Villa!

And the instigator, of course, came from Wanjiazhuang.It's just that the planner is Gao Xiu, the smartest person around Gongsun Wuya.He was specially transferred by Gongsun Wuya to help Wanjiazhuang fight against Yuelong Villa.

"Master Gao is really wise and powerful. Hehe! There are so many people coming to Yuelong Villa to ask for someone. If Yuelong Villa can't hand over someone, I'm afraid this Yuelong Villa will be demolished by them."

Wan Yunkai said.

Gao Xiu designed to point the finger at Yuelong Villa, which is equivalent to helping Wanjiazhuang win a game against Xinwei.If Yuelong Villa caused public outrage because of this, then in the southwest area, their Wanjiazhuang should be ranked first.

As long as there is no rival, there is no competition.Wanjiazhuang can gradually recover, and even become better than before.

"Don't be too happy. Ye Yangsheng is not an idiot. Maybe he can come up with a way to break the situation, not necessarily."

Gao Xiu said with a sneer.He said so in his mouth, but he didn't think so in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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