extreme dog days

Chapter 1803 The price of no credit

Chapter 1803 The price of no credit

"Absolutely, that guy has gone crazy."

Ye Yangsheng had the same expression as Gao Xiu when he learned about this.

"This! Perhaps Pavilion Master Ling has his own plans. It's just that the matter is of great importance. If you lose, then all previous efforts will be for naught!"

At present, Ling Yun doesn't need to compete with Gongsun Wuya in strength at all, because he has already grasped all the initiative.From now on, whatever Gongsun Wuya wants to do, he has to rely on him.

Coupled with the existence of Lei Ting, Shenmen will never tear up their skin with Ling Yun easily.

But the situation is different now. If Ling Yun cooperates with the Shenmen Clan, if they can't provoke trouble, then they will do nothing, and they will even fall into a passive state.

Gao Xiu had no choice but to follow Ling Yun's decision.He proposed to Gongsun Wuya the last chance to turn defeat into victory, that is to attack Ling Yun with strength and let Ling Yun obey him, so that even if he loses the Feitian Chamber of Commerce, he can still control the overall situation.

There is no one around Gongsun Wuya who can make a move. At the same time, because of him, two clan elders of Shenmen were killed by Lei Ting. Shou Shen Mi Dao broke his arm.

Although he was about to return the last arm, he missed the best time.

Right now, he still wants to ask Shenmen to help him again, so he can only go back to the altar in person.However, when he returned to Shenmen this time, he gave Gongsun Mingzheng a huge opportunity.

Beizi area

"Master Mingzhen, it's not good. There are news from all the mines, we can't recruit people."

A steward came to Gongsun Mingzhen and said anxiously.

They bought a large number of mines, but after half a month, they couldn't find any miners to work.Without miners, these mines are just mountains of stones to them, and they can only look at them!

Unless they dig it themselves, the problem is, they are the only ones who dig farts!

"Why can't people be recruited? Didn't I tell you that everything is paid according to the standard? Could it be that those idiots below dare to deduct wages?"

Gongsun Mingzhen hadn't realized the seriousness of the situation. He thought it was just because the wages were not enough, so no one gave him a part-time job.Miners have always been among the dirtiest and most tiring jobs.

So the salary is low.

Of course, Gongsun Ming is really stingy, the wages he offered are not attractive, they are just paid according to the standard.

"It's really rare, this matter is wronged! The job listings we posted are based on standard wages, but no one dares to falsify."

No one has been recruited yet. Those who are in charge of the mine have no chance of deducting their wages.

"Then why?"

Gongsun Mingzhen was silent for a few breaths. He controlled so many mines. Those people who used to be miners who used to be miners did not come to him to work, wouldn't they be unemployed?

Therefore, he believes that there is no need to raise wages at all, and a large number of people will come to work.

"I heard those people say that our reputation is not good. Instead of working for us and not even being paid in the end, it is better to go home and sleep!"

The steward said with a bitter face.Nor did they expect it to end like this.With so many mines under the market, there is absolutely no one to work for them, that is aggrieved.

If nothing else, they have a bad reputation.

"Bastard, what is a bad reputation? With their little wages, can I still rely on it? Huh! I don't want to process money, and no one has come to mine for me yet. Order all miners' wages to increase every month." Ten percent, no, increase by two percent."

Gongsun Mingzhen said grandly, but the steward was still unmoved.

"Don't go soon!"

"Master Mingzhen, it's not that I don't want to go, but those people said that even if we double the wages, they won't come, unless"

No matter how high the salary is raised, if you can't get it in the end, it will be useless even if it is ten times higher. Therefore, the credibility of a person is very important.

"Cough! What! Unless what?"

Gongsun Mingzhen almost choked to death with a sip of tea, and he was twice as unwilling to work for him, so wouldn't it be a joke for him to increase by [-] to [-] percent?

"Unless we advance wages for more than a year."

The steward said weakly.

This is the request put forward by those representatives of the miners. It is not a small sum of money to pay in advance for more than one year, because the monthly salary of miners is more than three hundred yuan in spiritual money, five hundred for senior miners, one thousand for masters, and one thousand for masters. Level three thousand.

"The advance payment is more than one year, why don't they grab it!"

Gongsun Mingzhen cried out.

He now owns quite a few mines. If he recruits all the miners and pays each one a year's wages in advance, he will go bankrupt.But there are doubts about his credibility.

A year's advance is not too much.It's just that if he advances them a year's wages, he can't bear it.

In the end, after several rounds of negotiations, an advance payment was made for half a year.

The miners were recruited, and the black iron ore was dug out, and new problems came.No one wants to do business with them at all.I was cheated once before, and some people almost went bankrupt. Who would want to cooperate with such people.

Now it's all right, the ore has been dug out, and no one wants it.These ores are some waste rocks.

It's fine for a day or two, but after a long time, you'll even have trouble finding a place to put it, unless you put it directly into a storage ring.

"It can't be sold, you told me that it can't be sold. I control more than [-]% of the mines in the Beizi area, and you actually told me that my ore can't be sold. Are you kidding me?"

Gongsun Mingzhen cried out hysterically.A few days passed, but no customer was found, and no customer was willing to cooperate with them and use his ore.

(End of this chapter)

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