extreme dog days

Chapter 2007 Blood Dragon's Defeat

Chapter 2007 Blood Dragon's Defeat

"Haha. I am not from the dragon clan, but Lord Blood Dragon treats me well. Without Lord Blood Dragon, I would have already become the food of other demons. If you want me to betray Lord Blood Dragon, ghost bat, you are dreaming Bar,"

"That's right, if you want to fight, you can fight. Ghost bat, if Tianzang Temple knows what you have done, it will definitely not tolerate you. You are digging your own grave."

King Tiancrocodile and King Xuanmang are both blood dragon's confidantes, only they know where the blood dragon retreats.But it is impossible for them to sell the blood dragon.

"Haha! Tianzang Temple! In a short time, this deity will enter Tianzang Temple and kill all those smelly monks. Haha!"

"Ghost bat, since they don't say anything, let's kill it! I don't believe that the entire Wanzhangyuan was overturned, and the worm couldn't be found."

The two men in black standing behind the ghost bat said coldly.

These two men in black robes are none other than Undying Nize and Hujiao.It was also they who found the ghost bat and forced the ghost bat to cooperate with them, so the ghost bat ordered to attack Wanzhangyuan.

He planned to take down the blood dragon while it was weak.


How could the Great Demon God of the fifth level of the blood dragon's majestic Demon Dao bear this grievance!Let the demons under him die for him, and he hides himself?

"Blood Dragon!"

Seeing the blood dragon appearing on its own initiative, Ghost Bat's face changed slightly.

"Hey, it's not bad, you can't be a pet."

Hujiao slapped the blood dragon flying in mid-air and started joking.This is a look that doesn't take it seriously.

"Ghost bat, are you crazy? How dare you mess with my vast demon abyss and kill my demon people."

The blood dragon was furious and looked directly at the ghost bat.

"Blood Dragon, I have no other choice. The demon clan has already risen. As long as you agree to conspire with me, I will be punished and plead guilty in the future."

The ghost bat hopes that the blood dragon can cooperate with them, so that their strength can also grow a lot.At the same time, he lived in this Chinese character area with the blood dragon for many years.

Although I seldom deal with each other, I can still be regarded as an old neighbor.There is some reluctance to start with him.

"Hey, Ghost Bat, the demons have finally recuperated, but you still want to start a war between the two. You are simply crazy."

The blood dragon doesn't want to provoke a war between the two clans again.Because once a war breaks out, there will be endless deaths between the two clans, and one side will disappear from the world.

This will be a scene of people dying and blood flowing like rivers.

"Useless things. Thanks to you, you are still the king of the dragon clan. Since you are so useless, then I will eat you. Aww"

The tiger dragon uses the real body of a monster, the head of a dragon, and the body of a devil tiger, and its aura is very terrifying.The speed is also very fast, because he can use two natural forces of wind and rain at the same time.

"Tiger Flood Dragon..."

Seeing the real body of the tiger dragon, the blood dragon naturally ate it.Seeing that the tiger flood dragon was rushing towards him, he could only fight immediately.If he wasn't in a weak stage, he might still be able to fight the Tiger Jiao.

But at this moment, his strength is less than [-]%, so how could he beat the Tiger Jiao.

In less than a hundred breaths of fighting, the blood dragon was already covered in injuries, and was knocked and flew by the tiger dragon, smashing his body heavily into the mountain.

"Master Blood Dragon, roar! Fight them..."

Xuan Mang King shouted loudly, and wanted to rush towards the tiger jiao, but was stopped by the undead mud flat.

"I'm overthinking myself, I'll eat you first."

The Undead Swamp turned into a swamp that continuously surrounded the Xuan Python King.King Xuan Mang struggled several times but couldn't break free.

"Master Blood Dragon, run quickly..."

When Xuan Mang King was completely devoured, he yelled.

"Hey! Lord Blood Dragon, run!"

The crocodile king slammed into the tiger flood like crazy.Under the attack of the two forces of the Tiger Jiao, his body was smashed to pieces.

"Ho-ang. No!"

Xuelong saw with his own eyes that his two confidant generals were killed, but he was powerless to save them.He knew that he had to find a way to escape right now, or else he would die here.

But facing Undead Nize and Hujiao, two powerful fifth-order demons, plus ghost bats, it would be difficult for him to escape from their siege even in his heyday.

Not to mention now.

"Blood Dragon, I'll give you another chance, would you like to revive the Demon Race with us?"

Hujiao blocked the blood dragon's retreat and asked coldly.

"Haha, you are not trying to revive the demon clan, but for your own selfishness. If you provoke a war between the two clans, you will bring disaster to the demon clan."

The blood dragon is very clear that once a dispute between the two clans is provoked, those low-level demons will eventually suffer.

"If you don't know how to flatter, then you're going to die... ouch"

The Tiger Jiao roared away, its speed was astonishing, and its strength was far above that of the blood dragon. With the strength of the blood dragon at this time, it was completely useless to parry him.After being hit hard, he was immediately thrown into the air.

"The mutual force between the two poles...tears..."


The blood dragon screamed, and the blood dragon's real body was constantly being torn apart under the action of two forces


The blood dragon's real body collapsed and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

"It's useless, just die like this."

Immortal Nize said boredly.

"No, he's not dead yet, Dragon Ball, stop him quickly...don't let Dragon Ball escape."

When the Tiger Jiao withdrew its two polar powers, a red light suddenly rushed out.Seeing this, the ghost bat screamed hastily.

"What, damn it!"

By the time Hujiao reacted, it was already too late.

"Dragon Ball cannot be allowed to escape to Tianzang Temple,"

The ghost bat said, and then flew in the direction of Tianzang Temple.At this time, the blood dragon's demon body is only destroyed, and his dragon ball can be reborn as long as it finds the host body.

Once his Dragon Ball escapes to Tianzang Temple, Tianzang Temple will know that his Ghost Bat has taken refuge in Hujiao and the others.At that time, there will be no room for him in this Tianzi area.

(End of this chapter)

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