extreme dog days

Chapter 2026 Surrender

Chapter 2026 Surrender

"Ah! This guy's strength is too strong, I can't hold it down anymore."

Ling Yun's power is much lower than that of the Hell Envoy, as long as the Hell Envoy pulls out the Divine Punishment Weapon, he can get rid of the suppression.

"Innate force field... disease"

When the Hell Envoy was about to take out the Divine Punishment Weapon, Ling Yun rushed over, holding the Divine Punishment Weapon with both hands, and fought hard.At this time, he still has the upper hand.

If he was allowed to break free, he would have to retreat into a hard fight.

"No, don't kill me! I can surrender to you..."

The messenger of hell has realized that he might be killed by Ling Yun, so he had to beg for mercy from him.Of course, right now he is just pretending to be a snake, and it is not so easy to make him surrender.

"I believe you ghost. Didn't you say it last time?"

Ling Yun is not so easy to deceive.

"This time it's true, let me go, I surrender to you."

"Okay, then you give up the fight and remove your strength."

"No, do you think I'm an idiot? If I withdraw my power, can't you kill me? Back off first..."

"It's so insincere, you proposed to surrender yourself. If you don't want to, forget it, everyone will break up."

The power of the Hell Envoy is too strong, if Ling Yun backs away at this time, this guy will be able to pull out the Divine Punishment Weapon immediately.Of course, if the Hell Envoy withdraws his power, Ling Yun can also kill him.

In the absence of mutual trust, it is simply bullshit.

"Boy Ling, this Hell Envoy is powerful. If you can make him submit to you, then you will not only be of great help. At the same time, you can also get information about the so-called heaven, earth and nine states from him."

Yu Zifeng said.

This Hell Envoy has reached the fifth level of Shinto. If he is allowed to surrender, then Ling Yun will be of great help to cope with the situation in the world.But if you really want him to surrender, it's impossible to just open your mouth.

"Of course I do. The problem is that I don't have the ability to make him submit now, okay?"

Ling Yun also secretly complained in his heart, he is just in a stalemate with the hell messenger now.Subdue him, he has not reached this point yet.

"The old man has already said that you are stupid. You won't use your pupils at such a close distance. And what about your black dragon spirit?"

You Zifeng had a tone of hatred for iron failure.Ling Yun is not only cultivating the Thunder Golden Body, he also has other methods.Although the things to practice are too complicated and it is very difficult to improve, but sometimes in battle, it can defeat the enemy and win the victory.

"Uh, limit pupil, open..."

"What! No... ah!"

Face to face, Ling Yun used his extreme pupils to directly injure the Hell Envoy.

"It really works... Xuanlong, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Seeing that the ultimate pupil could really hurt the Hell Envoy, Ling Yun immediately gave up the stalemate with him, held the Xuanlong Qihun, and immediately greeted him with the divine flame.

"Ah! I admit defeat, I surrender! I hand over my soul imprint, and I will forever recognize you as Lord!"

The messenger of hell was convinced now.If he denies the Lord, he must die.

"That's about the same, hand over the soul imprint! Otherwise, it's a big deal and die together. In fact, I can't kill you."

Ling Yun is telling the truth!But until now, the messenger of hell believes him a ghost!

The only way to truly subdue the Hell Envoy is to get his soul brand.In this way, if Ling Yun died, then he would not be able to live.So he can only stay by Ling Yun's side to protect him.


The Hell Envoy offered his soul imprint aggrievedly, and Ling Yun sat down on the ground feeling relieved.He wasn't lying to the hell messenger just now, he really couldn't kill him.

In the confrontation with the Hell Envoy just now, his strength has been almost exhausted, coupled with the explosive limit eyes, and the use of the black dragon spirit, as long as the Hell Envoy persists for a while.

He has a chance to escape.

"Are you really out of strength?"

"Why did I lie to you!"

"Woo, bad luck!"

The Hell Envoy was not completely out of strength at first, but after donating the soul brand, his strength was exhausted, and he also sat on the ground paralyzed. Hearing Ling Yun's answer, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"What are you looking at, you want to eat too!"

Ling Yun took out the golden elixir and ate there. Seeing the hell messenger looking at him eagerly, his expression was very unfriendly, so he asked with a smile.


The Hell Envoy doesn't want the golden elixir of vitality, but the golden elixir of the soul is very helpful for him to restore his exhausted soul power.

"Ah, I still have a temper! I wanted to give you a bottle at first. But now it seems that I have saved it."

Ling Yun took out the Soul-Entering Golden Pill, opened it deliberately and shook it.

"what is that!"

"Soul-like golden pill, do you want to eat it?"

"give me…"

"Is it polite? Doesn't the master know how to bark?"

"Roar! Don't yell!"

"That's fine. Whatever you want, but I can tell you that the corpse ancestor who was stealing the corpse energy magnetic field also surrendered to me, but at that time he gave it only as a mark, and now he is about to break through the fifth level of the divine way. Once he succeeds, He will break away from my restraint, if he has evil thoughts in his heart, then you can be buried with me!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

Zangu is different from the messenger of hell, he uses soul attraction.As long as he can successfully prove the god before Ling Yun, then he will no longer be bound by soul attraction.

Right now, Ling Yun and the Hell Envoy can be regarded as a lose-lose battle.If after Zangu's breakthrough, evil thoughts arise in his heart and he wants to get rid of Lingyun.Ling Yun is dangerous.

"What, what did you say? You bastard, is there someone as unreliable as you? Knowing that he will break free after he breaks through, why do you still help him break through?"

The messenger of hell yelled.

Pit, this is a grave goods.

(End of this chapter)

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