extreme dog days

Chapter 2030 Very cowardly, very cowardly!

Chapter 2030 Very cowardly, very cowardly!

"No, my lord, I have witnessed your growth, and I am willing to pursue you to the death."

Zan Gu understood Ling Yun's intentions.If he is unwilling to continue following Ling Yun at this time, then he can leave.However, he has witnessed Ling Yun's growth. In just a dozen years, Ling Yun has grown from a weak boy to the level where he can challenge those powerful figures standing at the top.

This is not something everyone can do.

Zang Gu fully believes that Ling Yun's strength will still be able to surpass him in a short time.

In addition, it is thanks to Ling Yun that he is able to have what he is today.If Ling Yun hadn't risked to help him this time, it would be difficult for him to prove himself.In addition, the corpse clan has always been rejected, if he stands on his own.

It is difficult for him to stand on his own.

But Ling Yun is different. Along the way, he was first recognized by the heroes of the Northern State Continent and the Eastern State Continent, and now the Western State Continent seems to recognize his existence.

Follow him, then even if the heroes of the world know that he is the ancestor of the corpse clan, they will not embarrass him.

"Are you stupid? Why don't you leave if you have a chance. With your body as a general, there are very few people in the world who can kill you. What are you afraid of?"

The Hell Messenger gave Zan Gu a blank look.In other words, if Ling Yun let him go free, he would run away [-]% of the time.

"You don't understand! You have been living here all this time, and you don't know the external situation. Now that the world is in trouble, so what about the witnesses, in the face of the world's general situation, if you don't stick together, you will be too weak."

Taoist Kong Sang came over and said.

"He's right. If it wasn't for that, the lord wouldn't take the risk of letting me break through to the fifth level of Shinto."

Zan Gu broke through to the fifth level of Shinto this time, but came at a great risk.But he has no regrets.

"Hell Messenger, collect all the elixir here. Almost. We should also leave."

Now the messenger of hell has followed him, so naturally he has to leave here with him.However, within this mountain range, there are countless soul-type elixir, which is a natural treasure house.

It would be foolish not to take it.

Ling Yun and the others had been in the ancient mass grave for three months, and of course there were constant disturbances outside.Tianzang Temple found the whereabouts of Undead Nize and the others, and entered the siege.

Unfortunately, it still failed.

In addition, in the Tianzi area, many monasteries have also been persecuted by the demons.

At the same time, rumors about the blood dragon's survival and escape from serious injuries also spread. Whether it is Tianzang Temple or other forces, they are all looking for his whereabouts.

At present, the Tianzi area and the Zhongzi area are all in a mess.

Because Tianzang Temple has some uncontrollable situations, the chaos in the Xizhou Continent has been settled.

"Master, someone is following us..."

Not far from the ancient mass burial mound, Zang Gu found someone following them.

"Uh, who could it be! Hell Messenger, Zan Gu, you two don't show up. Old Sang, let's go..."

For a moment Ling Yun didn't know who was following them.After all, this time he came to the ancient mass burial in the yellow area, except for those powerful people in Tiandu, only Shifang knew about it.

"Seventh Young Master, Ji Young Master, we have seen the Sword God of the North District appear in the Burying God Mountain Range, heading towards Zhongting City."

"It finally came out, I thought he died inside?"

Zhou Shaozhen laughed when he heard Ling Yun appear.

"This guy is not simple! I heard that a magnetic field of corpse energy was formed in this ancient mass grave, and there are powerful undead inside. He can walk out alive, this strength should not be underestimated."

They also heard about the ancient mass grave in the Burying God Mountain Range.After waiting for three months, they almost thought that Ling Yun had died.

"Let's go! Let's go and see how powerful he is."

Tong Shaozhen was full of energy at this time, imagining that after he killed Ling Yun, he would become the master of the Tianxia Peak, and then all the powerful people in Lalong Tianxia Peak would work for him, and finally beat the other qilinzis, and got his father's all. inherited.

In the end, he sacrificed honorably to the peak master of the world and served everything.

Ji Jiuqu frowned, and followed him to kill Ling Yun.

"Not good, two strong witnesses."

Taoist Kong Sang sensed the breath of Zhou Shaozhen and Ji Jiuqu, and his expression changed drastically.

"Understood. What are you afraid of? You are also a powerhouse at the level of proving gods, so don't always be so surprised."

Ling Yun also sensed the aura of Zhou Shaozhen and Ji Jiuqu, but if there were only the two of them, he would not be worried at all.At this time, he remained calm, just wanting to wait, whether there are other strong men coming.

"Hehe, the old man is a medicine concocter. When it comes to fighting, you can only fight soy sauce, beat the drums, cheer up and so on. You must not expect the old man to be able to do it."

Taoist Kong Sang said very spinelessly.It is true that he has reached the fifth level of Shinto, but he is the weakest fifth level of Shinto, and he has not even condensed the power world.

Without the power to prove the way of God, the strength is limited after all.

"Okay, I don't need you to take action! Just pretend to be natural. If you see something wrong, you can run first, okay?"

Ling Yun was speechless.

However, he also understands that, like Taoist Kongsang, the god of medicine, usually if he can not fight, he will not fight.Because You Zifeng is that kind of person.

"Success! Hehe, you are kind and kind, much better than Qu Lingfeng. You really have the demeanor of your father. Haha."

Taoist Kongsang was very happy to hear that he didn't need to do anything later.Immediately praised Ling Yun.

"I'm really defeated by you."

Ling Yun gave him a blank stare.

(End of this chapter)

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