extreme dog days

Chapter 2069 Miao Qingping is also here

Chapter 2069 Miao Qingping is also here

But now that the Sword Domain is open, those sword cultivators who usually stay at home will all come out.

"Don't worry! I brought all the one hundred and eight sword spirit puppets over here."

Yu Xinglou said proudly.

"Uh, then it's safe."

"That's right, with the help of the master's sword spirit puppet. From now on, our Five Elements Sword Gate will be the holy place for sword cultivators in the Western Province Continent."


Hearing the Sword Spirit Puppet, all three of Jiang Nanyu were excited.

The sword spirit puppet was refined using a special method, and its strength was close to the third level of the Shinto, which was an absolutely terrifying existence.

"I met Li Changling, the Sword God of the North District."

A middle-aged man brought five or six cultivators to Ling Yun.

"you know me"

Ling Yun was slightly taken aback, and looked at the other party.This Li Changling is a third-level Shinto cultivator, and he is carrying a sword on his back. He is obviously a sword cultivator, and the people behind him are all above the first-level Shinto cultivation.

Ling Yun can be sure that he does not know him, nor has he met him.

"The name of the Sword God of the North District is like thunder, we are entrusted by the Prophet Buddha of Tianzang Temple, and we are at your service."

Li Changling was entrusted by the Prophet Buddha to assist Ling Yun in his journey to the Sword Domain.Although with Li Changling's realm and strength, it is difficult to help Ling Yun deal with the spirit ghost sword god, but he is also a sword cultivator, and he has a certain understanding of these hidden world sword cultivators in the Western Province Continent.

At the same time, this is also the second time he has entered the Sword Domain.

"Oh, since the prophet found it, then you should know my purpose?"

Ling Yun asked cautiously.

"I know! Although our strength can't help much, I know that there is a huge conspiracy hidden in this trip to the sword field. And this conspiracy is also related to the spirit ghost sword god."

"Appreciate further details!"

Ling Yun frowned and asked in a low voice.

"According to reliable information, the Five Elements Sword Sect of the Hidden World Sword Sect is related to the Spirit Ghost Sword God. The Five Elements Sword Sect originally belonged to the Hidden World Sect and never cared about world affairs. But in the past hundred years, it has been recruiting sword cultivators with great fanfare. There is news that if Most of the sword cultivators who do not want to join the Five Elements Sword Sect will be retaliated by the Five Elements Sword Sect."

"It is rumored that a named disciple of the ancestor Jianying was once recruited by the Five Elements Sword Sect. After he refused, he disappeared not long after. It was also for this reason that the ancestor Jianying made a move to become the gate of the Five Elements Sword Sect."

Jianxiu, who was standing behind Li Changling, stepped up and spoke.They are not Li Changling's disciples, they are just headed by him.

"It's such a thing! Then you guys have news from Spirit Ghost Sword God."

Ling Yun took a deep breath, without Li Changling and the others explaining, he could guess the purpose of Spirit Ghost Sword God.But before that, he didn't expect that the Spirit Ghost Sword God would be so ambitious.

Not only does he want to obtain the sword soul in the sword domain, but he also wants to unify the world of sword cultivators.

"No. But I guess he should have come."

What kind of person is the Spirit Ghost Sword God? If he doesn't want to show up, how can people like Li Changling be able to see him.

"Hiss! Hey, Miao Qingping."

When Ling Yun took another deep breath, he saw a familiar figure.That is Miao Qingping, the God of Sealing Demon Sword.

"Sword God of Sealing Demon, he really came."

When Li Changling and others saw Miao Qingping's appearance, they were all overjoyed.Compared to Ling Yun, this Miao Qingping has a higher status in their hearts.Although Miao Qingping and Spirit Ghost Sword God are both one of the two major sword gods in the Western Province Continent.

But it is obvious that Miao Qingping has a higher reputation in the hearts of sword cultivators under heaven.

"Don't go there! Remember those who stand by Miao Qingping's side at this time. Entering the Sword Realm, they may become allies."

Ling Yun stopped Li Changling and the others from going to Miao Qingping.Although Miao Qingping appeared here at this time, Ling Yun saw that his eyes did not have the brilliance of the past, and he had never woken up from Cheng Yuniang's death.

Coming here at this time is only to fulfill his responsibility, and at the same time take the opportunity to avenge Cheng Yuniang.

"My lord, Miao Qingping is here. With him here, the sword cultivators who have entered the sword domain may gather because of him."

A sword servant heard the news of Miao Qingping's appearance, and hurried over to inform the spirit ghost and sword god.

"Miao Qingping! Hehe. It's good that he's here. It won't save me from looking for him when the time comes."

Spirit Ghost Sword God's expression was slightly heavy.Originally thought that Cheng Yuniang's death would make Miao Qingping disheartened and would not come to participate in the trip to Sword Field.Now that he's here, it's a big trouble for him.

With Miao Qingping's prestige, if he entered the Sword Domain, he would definitely respond to every call from the top.Once all the sword cultivators unite, there will be great resistance to his people trying to suppress these sword cultivators.

It might even make him fail.

"My lord, one of our four major sword servants is missing now. I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist Miao Qingping. I wonder if the lord has any clever plan."

No. [-] sword cultivator asked.

"When the time comes, you just need to entangle Miao Qingping at all costs. As long as I get the sword soul and successfully advance to the sixth-level sword realm, you will naturally be resurrected, and you will be stronger than now."

The Spirit Ghost Sword God was able to create these four sword servants before reaching the sixth level of the sword state. If he successfully reaches the sixth level of the sword state, mastering the method of the sword soul, it will not be difficult to recreate the sword soul.

"Thank you, Lord. As long as it makes us stronger, then we can settle accounts with that brat by ourselves."

The four major sword servants belonged to the same mind, and Ling Yun beheaded one of them, naturally he was the sworn enemy of their other three major sword servants.It's just that when their four major sword servants teamed up before, one of them was beheaded by Ling Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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