extreme dog days

Chapter 2101

Chapter 2101

"My sword realm is named Unreal!"

Ling Yun said loudly.With a swing of the unreal sword, the holy sword shrank into the unreal sword, stepping forward to counterattack the spirit ghost sword god.The two almost broke out into a full-strength battle.

"You, you actually broke through the fifth-order sword realm!"

Ling Yun's sword level has reached the same level as the Spirit Ghost Sword God at this time, which means that he has successfully advanced to the ranks of the fifth-level sword level.This surprised the Spirit Ghost Sword God.

"What's so strange about this, my sword realm is originally the fifth-order sword realm. It's just that I've been misled by the word illusory before. But I have to thank you, you ruined my sword realm for the ball, I But it may not be able to gain insight into the mysteries of illusion."

Ling Yun is still in the state of breaking through, that is to say, his sword state is not yet at its best.


The illusory mysteries of the sword realm are constantly being revealed by Ling Yun.The sword power is still rising.And it seems to have affected the sword domain, gradually changing the environment of the sword domain.

There is a feeling that resonates.

"Sword Soul is about to appear. But this guy has advanced to the fifth-level sword realm, so he is not easy to deal with."

Spirit Ghost Sword God said in a low voice, his mind was racing.

Ling Yun's sword realm has now been promoted to the fifth-order sword realm, and his strength seems to be no longer inferior to him, so he can't help being afraid.Once the sword soul appears, Ling Yun will become his competitor.

Five Swords Sword Realm, Sword Realm Unity.At this time, Ling Yun was constantly merging with the Illusory Sword Realm. The Spirit Ghost Sword Realm knew that Ling Yun's sword realm had not yet reached its peak state, but because of the fight just now, he did not dare to act rashly.

In fact, if he makes a move at this time, there is a chance to interrupt Ling Yun's advancement. As long as he interrupts, Ling Yun will not be able to reach a perfect state in a short time.

But he didn't dare, and fell into Ling Yun's trick.Just now, Ling Yun exploded his strength crazily, which created the illusion of a tie with the Spirit Ghost Sword God, and he himself suffered a very serious hidden injury because of this.

It was all carried down by Thunder's golden body.

With the sudden change of the situation in the sword field, the sword spirit in the place where the sword was buried seemed to be affected by some kind of power, and rushed here madly, even the sword seal.


An ordinary mountain peak in the place where the sword was buried suddenly shone brightly, and a strange white shadow gradually appeared.Shiro Shadow looked similar to a human, but his facial features were missing.

When Bai Ying appeared, that mountain peak turned into a huge sword lotus, very powerful, not weaker than a fifth-level Shinto powerhouse.

"Sword Soul."

"Sword Soul, finally appeared. Finally appeared."

The Ghost Sword God cried out excitedly.

"Sword Soul, it really is Sword Soul. The legend is true, there really is Sword Soul in the Sword Realm."

"Why are you excited! You can only look at this sword soul, and if you want to fight, you can only seek death. Didn't you see that the ghost sword god is there? And the sword god Miao seems to have suffered a serious injury."

Mingshan Sword Immortal and Shadow Immortal Patriarch also rushed here.The moment they saw the sword soul appear, both of them were very excited.For a long time, among their sword cultivators, it has been rumored that there is a sword soul in the sword domain.

But the Sword Soul only appears once every ten thousand years, and the Doujie is sealed, and the normal lifespan is limited to ten thousand years, so no matter who it is, it can only see the Sword Soul once in a lifetime at most.

Whether it is the sword fairy of Mingshan or the ancestor of shadow sword, they all thought that this sword soul was just a legend before.

"Sword God of the North District, he doesn't seem to be in a good situation! What can we do? Sword God Miao was seriously injured, so we might not be able to fight the Ghost Ghost Sword God just because we join hands with the Sword God of the North District. "

Mingshan Sword Immortal looked at Miao Qingping, then at Lingyun.Because the appearance of the sword soul concealed Ling Yun's sword power, the Sword Immortal of Mingshan did not notice that Ling Yun was in the state of unity of the sword realm.

In the previous battle, Ling Yun was not only injured, but also in an extremely embarrassing condition.

"Ugh! The Sword God of the North District, it seems a little weird. You didn't notice that he seems to be false."

The sword realm cultivated by the shadow sword patriarch is Jianying, but there are some illusory sword realms similar to Lingyun, so his perception of Lingyun at this time is different from that of Mingshan Sword Immortal.

He seems to have discovered something.

"It's not true, can it be said that the Sword God of the North District has already, already!"

Mingshan Sword Immortal was taken aback.How can people be false and true!Unless it is dead, the soul left behind may be in a state of virtual reality.

"You're stupid, aren't you? If the Sword God of the North District dies, it's fine. Besides, he's just talking about his feelings. Don't you think he's standing there well?"

Shadow Sword Patriarch said angrily.At this moment, Miao Qingping was seriously injured and seemed to have lost the ability to fight. If something happened to Ling Yun, then they would have no way to survive here.

"Watch them! Go and deal with him."

Spirit Ghost Sword God asked Zhu Kang and Fei Chengfeng to deal with Mingshan Sword Immortal and Shadow Sword Patriarch, and at the same time asked the sword spirit puppet who rushed over to deal with Ling Yun, first to test Ling Yun, and second to interfere with him so that he could not draw out Come to stop him from taking the sword soul.

He had created quite a few sword spirit puppets before, but now there are not three hundred, but more than two hundred. These are all sword cultivators who have entered the sword domain before, in order to defend against Ling Yun and Miao Qingping.

When the sword soul appeared, Ling Yun also sensed it, seeing a group of sword spirit puppets rushing towards him, Ling Yun showed a sneer.

huh, huh, huh

Previously, Ling Yun had activated hundreds of sword spirits. Although it was not like the spirit ghost and sword god who directly refined into sword spirit puppets and completely obeyed his orders, these sword spirits were all awakened, and they would naturally help Ling Yun defend against the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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