extreme dog days

Chapter 2107

Chapter 2107



"Hey, what's that! The big bat shadow, it can't be the devil soul of those bats!"

"Wow, this, what's going on here."

"What a big bat!"

Those who were cleaning up the corpses of the bat demons were all stunned when they suddenly saw the phantom of the bat manifested from the main peak of the Earth Peak.The size of this bat phantom is equivalent to a hill.

The bat demons are much smaller than other demons. Such a large bat phantom is absolutely unprecedented.Everyone couldn't help being stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Second ladies, look!"

Shoushen Tianchen and the others also noticed, and hurriedly reminded Xing Mang and Qin Yuyan.

"There are also masters of the bat demon clan."

Star Python frowned tightly.She is very clear that to condense such a huge bat phantom, it must be at least above the fourth level of magic.


Qin Yuyan reminded.


Xing Mang stepped forward and used the powerful power of the demon soul to coerce Bat Phantom.


The power of the star python's demon soul acted on the phantom of the bat, only making it shake a few times.

"Demon Snake Clan, you have such a big burden, you dare to kill the Bat Demon Clan, do you want to exterminate the clan?"

During the retreat and healing, the ghost bat sensed the green bat's cry for help when it was dying, and then it manifested.He still doesn't know that his bat demon clan has been exterminated now.

"You have already wiped out the entire clan. The Holy Land of the Sword is a holy land of the human race. It's fine for you to break into it without permission. You dare to allow the bat demons to harm the human race. You are to blame for it."

Star Python has not yet discovered the realm of the ghost bat. After all, the ghost bat was seriously injured before and has not recovered yet.

Xing Mang thought that the ghost bat was at most a fourth-order demon god like her.Together with Qin Yuyan, she was able to deal with it, so she was naturally not afraid of him.

"Hey! What are you talking about!"

When the ghost bat heard the word extermination, it immediately jumped out of a secret room on the main peak, and stood proudly on the main peak, majestic and majestic.Although his vitality was severely injured, his momentum was still higher than that of the star python.

This surprised Xing Mang for a while, she is one of the most noble demons among the demons, Xing Mang.The power of its demon soul is far better than that of the same level.But the strength of the opponent's demon soul is at least three times stronger than hers.

"Are you blind? You can't see for yourself!"

Qin Yuyan stood with Xing Mang holding a sword.She also sensed that this is definitely a strong enemy.

"Hey! Damn you all! I'm going to tear you apart!"

The ghost bat looked around, saw the piles of bat corpses, the coffin boards couldn't cover it, and ran away immediately.Carrying the powerful power of the demon soul, he rushed towards Qin Yuyan and Xing Mang.

"So strong! Dragon Soul Sword Realm, nine soul-killing moves!"

Qin Yuyan was taken aback. Although her sword realm reached the fourth level, her own realm was only the third level of Shinto, so the power of the devil soul released by the ghost bat made her feel a little trembling.

As for cowardice, it's not enough.

The star python turned into a starry sky giant python, and she also used the Dragon Soul Sword Realm to perform the nine soul-killing moves to fight the ghost bat.In terms of strength, the second daughter does not have the slightest advantage, but in terms of moves, Qin Yuyan has her advantage.

Moreover, her sword realm has advanced to the fourth level, and the soul-killing sword has also reached the fourth level.The destructive power of the fourth-order soul-destroying sword is astonishing, especially for Qi Soul and Demon Soul.

"Hey! What kind of sword is this? It actually directly hurt the demon soul of this deity."

Ghost Bat was taken aback, he repelled, and injured Xing Mang and Qin Yuyan, but with Xing Mang's cooperation, Qin Yuyan stabbed Ghost Bat with a sword, which wounded his demon soul.

"This guy is so powerful! Even if it's the fourth rank, I'm afraid it's the pinnacle."

The power of the ghost bat made Qin Yuyan dare not be careless. With him, he could block the attack of the two of them, and he didn't need to use explosive power to shock and injure them, repelling this.

She even suspected that the ghost bat was a powerhouse at the level of proving the gods.

"He was injured. This guy may be a fifth-order proving god-level demon god, and we are not his opponent at all."

Star Python has a special ability, he can barely sense the state of the ghost bat, and at the same time, he can find out that he is injured.

"Uh. Fifth-level proving god, this is troublesome. Let's go!"

Qin Yuyan is self-aware. Although she has reached the fourth-level sword realm at this time, her cultivation is only the third-level Shinto. Facing a fifth-level proving god-level powerhouse, even if the opponent is injured, it is not something they can contend with.

"go there!"

Star Python asked eagerly.

They have formed an endless hatred with each other, even if they retreat, it is impossible for the other party to give up.

"follow me……"

Qin Yuyan had long thought of a way out.Facing the powerhouses at the God level, they couldn't beat them, but they didn't have nowhere to hide.

"If you want to leave, can you go? I slaughtered the bat demon clan of this deity, and this deity wants you to live like death."

The ghost bat never expected that he wanted to use the aura here to rebuild the bat demon clan, but in the end it brought an extermination blow to the bat demon clan.He absolutely couldn't swallow this breath.

"If you have the ability, come here!"

Qin Yuyan turned around and smiled at the ghost bat, but Yu Jian retreated quickly.


Arrogant, too arrogant.

How could Ghost Bat bear the scorn of two women for a dignified fifth-level proving god-level demon god.

"Sure enough, it's a fifth-level demon god! Hiss! This is too bad. Big sister, what should I do!"

The star python has already sensed the ghost bat's realm very clearly. The fifth-level demon god is quite different from her fourth-level. If the soul bat hadn't been injured, the two of them might not be able to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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