extreme dog days

Chapter 2110 Goodbye Soul Sovereign

Chapter 2110 Goodbye Soul Sovereign

The six Great Heavenly Demon Gods are equivalent to six powerhouses of the fifth rank of the divine way. Looking at the Western Province Continent, that power can send out six powerhouses of the God-proof level at once.


"Ugh! Great."

Zhou Shaozhen's eyes lit up. He has been in the Devil's Mountain for a while, so he naturally knows how powerful this Great Demon God is.With them going, he can feel relieved.


After Ling Yun left Sword Domain, he immediately returned to Tiandu.Originally, the trip to Tianzang Temple was regarded as a complete accomplishment for him, and he was preparing to bid farewell to Long Tiandu, bringing Lu Wanrou and Ling Xianyu with him.The plague demon and the messenger of hell returned to the Sword God Pavilion.

Unexpectedly, on the second day after returning, Tiandu got the whereabouts of Sect Master Hun.

The Soul Sect was destroyed, and the spiritual cultivation was torn apart. If the Soul Sect Master could not be found, it would be a great hidden danger in the world.Moreover, Ling Yun and Soul Sect didn't know each other, and now that Soul Sect was in trouble, he couldn't sit idly by.

The Soul Sect was destroyed, and the Soul Sect Master was wounded and escaped under the desperate cover of the Supreme Elder of the Soul Sect.However, the Spirit Ghost Sect still refused to let him go, and sent many people to look for his whereabouts.

They were even besieged and killed several times.

In just a few months, hundreds of Soul Sect disciples were killed or injured in order to cover his escape, and currently there are less than twenty people left by his side.

"I'm the one who hurt you! Ahem!"

Sovereign Soul was severely injured by Zhou Shaolin at that time, because he majored in soul, and his physical defense was not as good as other fifth-order divine powers, so more than half of his meridians were interrupted, and several bones were broken, and all internal organs were injured. Get angry and cough non-stop!

Although it has been several months, but only [-]-[-]% of the injuries have recovered.

"Sovereign, don't say that. We are all willing."

"That's right. It's our honor to live and die with the suzerain."

Now apart from the four major tribes of the Soul Sect, there are only two main sect elders left by the Soul Sect Master's side.Although the Soul Sect Master has fallen so far at this time, in the minds of many Soul Sect disciples, the Soul Sect Master is the Soul God, the belief.

That's why they swear to follow.

"Death is not terrible. But the hatred of the Supreme Elder! Cough cough cough!"

Thinking of the elder Hunzong's death to save him, the Hunzong master would never forget it.He wants to take revenge, but unfortunately his strength does not allow it, and it is difficult to even protect himself at present.

"Sovereign, I remember that when the Supreme Elder gave the special order of the Soul Sect to the Sword God of the North District, he said that the Sword God of the North District values ​​love and righteousness, and is worthy of friendship. If we go to him, I dare say he will help us .”

"Uh, yes! The special decree of the Soul Sect represents our Soul Sect Supreme. Now that the Supreme Elder has died, the Sword God of the North District can be regarded as the new generation of our Soul Sect Supreme."

In the past, the Supreme Elder of the Soul Sect presented the Special Order of the Soul Sect to Ling Yun. Although he knew that Ling Yun would not be able to join their Soul Sect, it represented their attitude towards the Soul Sect.

At that time, Ling Yun didn't refuse, so even if he wasn't the Supreme Master of the Soul Sect, he could still be regarded as a good friend with the Soul Sect and reached an alliance.

"Will he help us?"

Although the Soul Sect Master didn't have a good impression of Ling Yun, but now that the Soul Sect was in trouble and their Soul Sect Grandmaster had fallen, if he wanted to help their Soul Sect Grandmaster to avenge or rebuild the Soul Sect, it was impossible given his current situation.

Only with the help of others.

But the question is, who will help them?In the past, the Soul Sect was a sacred place for spiritual cultivation, and monks had no communication with other forces.

Only Ling Yun!But whether Ling Yun is willing to help or not is another matter.

"Don't forget, the grievances we had with him before."

"That's right, it is said that he was forced by us into the ruins of God's Scourge. If it wasn't for his fate, there are no bones left now. How can he help us?"

One of the elders of the Soul Sect couldn't help but feel discouraged when he remembered the matter of chasing and killing Ling Yun earlier.

"Am I so stingy?"

Just as they fell silent, Ling Yun's voice sounded.


"Northern District Sword God!"


The three of Sect Master Hun took a closer look and were all stunned.

"You, why are you here."

Seeing Ling Yun appearing, Sect Master Hun couldn't help being vigilant.Today is different from the past, he is seriously injured and cannot display [-]% or [-]% of his strength. If he faces Shang Lingyun, a strong thunderbolt who specially restrains their spiritual cultivation, he will definitely die.

"Of course I'm looking for you. Here it is!"

Ling Yun could tell at a glance that Soul Sect's main body was damaged, and it was impossible for ordinary pills to cure it.Only golden pills of physique will do.Although Soul Sect also had vitality and physique golden pills before, they escaped in a hurry, so they didn't bring physical golden pills with them.

"This is! Jindan!"

Sect Master Hun looked at Ling Yun, but never let go of his guard.Giving him the elixir as soon as he came, is this to test whether he is injured?

"Don't worry, if I'm bad for you, why bother talking nonsense with you. Your injury can't be delayed, or even if it is cured, it will be difficult to recover."

With Ling Yun's strength, if he wanted to attack the Soul Sect Master and the others, even at the peak of the Soul Sect Master, it would be impossible to beat him.

"Thank you!"

Sect Master Hun came to his senses, and then he took the golden elixir.

"Northern District Sword God, our Soul Sect has been killed, I wonder if you can help us."

one of the elders asked.

"I came here for this purpose. The existence of the Soul Sect commands the world's spiritual cultivation. If the Soul Sect is lost, the spiritual cultivation will cause chaos everywhere, and that is not a good thing."

The harm of spiritual cultivation is really too great. Ling Yun saw it with his own eyes in Beizhou mainland.Although he has subdued the messenger of hell now, the harm of spiritual practice is not limited to this.

(End of this chapter)

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