extreme dog days

Chapter 2124 Pure Heavenly Lotus

Chapter 2124 Pure Heavenly Lotus

"Iron girl, are you okay!"

"Ling, Ling Yun. Don't hurt him, he is the bull king!"

Tie Shanshan knew Ling Yun's strength, if Ling Yun made a move, Niu Wang might lose his life.

"Niu Wang, why did you become like this?"

Ling Yun used the power of thunder to forcefully suppress Niu Wang and seal his power.

"A cow!"

The Bull King calmed down, but he still hadn't recovered his human form. Tie Shanshan ran over and hugged him tightly.

"His three souls have shifted, and his soul is in chaos. Only by taking him to the Soul Sect and asking the Soul Sect Master to help him recover."

The bull king was mentally attacked by the Great Heavenly Demon God at that time, and the three souls were displaced, so he became unconscious.It is not an easy task to sort out the three souls.

Only spirituality can do that.But with the realm of the Bull King, ordinary spiritual practitioners dare not help him sort out the three souls at all, only the soul master can do it.

"Soul Sect, but will the Soul Sect help Ah Niu regain his sanity?"

Tie Shanshan asked.Although she has never dealt with Lingxiu, she also knows the existence of Soul Sect.That is the well-deserved overlord of the Nanzi area.If Tian Ni was still around, and if Tian Ni came forward, the Soul Sect might sell them favors.

"Yes, just take this order and go to the Soul Sect. By the way, I don't know where Tianni is now."

Ling Yun handed over the special order of the soul sect to Tie Shanshan. As long as she took the special order of the soul sect and went to the soul sect, the master of the soul sect would naturally help the three souls of the bull king return to their thrones.

But the most important thing right now is to find Tian Ni!

"My master! She was captured by those weirdos."

Tie Shanshan choked up.

"Hiss! Then you know the Heavenly Lotus of the World!"

Ling Yun couldn't help but gasped.It is not difficult to guess the purpose of the Heavenly Demons to capture Tian Ni.Now that Tianni fell into the hands of the Heavenly Demons, it would be a disaster if the Pure World Lotus was also taken away by the Heavenly Demons.

"The sky lotus! It's in Ah Niu's body. Those strange people seem to be coming for that sky lotus! At that time, Master saw that the situation was not good, so he asked Ah Niu to swallow it into his stomach. There is a storage space in Ah Niu's body."

Bull demons are born with two stomachs, one of which is used for storage.

"Uh! Sure enough, it's inside him!"

Ling Yun used his soul eye to inspect Niu Wang, and the Jingshi Tianlian was indeed in his body.Jingshi Tianlian belongs to the heavy treasure, although it was swallowed by the bull king, but the bull king has not refined it, so naturally it will not be affected.

Now that he knew that the Jingshi Tianlian was in Niu Wang's body, Ling Yun naturally wanted to take it out.It is safer to put it here than to put it in the body of the Bull King.

"Ling Yun, what is the purpose of Tianlian today?"

Seeing Jingshi Tianlian being taken out by Ling Yun, Tie Shanshan immediately asked.

"This flower is not comparable to the ordinary treasures of heaven and earth, but it is a treasure that can restrain the sky demons. Miss Tie, leave this lotus with me for the time being, and return it after I find Tian Ni."

"it is good"

Tie Shanshan knew.If the news of Jingshi Tianlian's stay with her gets out, she will definitely not be able to keep it, so it is most appropriate to hand it over to Ling Yun for safekeeping.

"Boy Ling, since the Heavenly Demons already know about the Jingshi Tianlian, there is a possibility that they will go to Tiandu!"

You Zifeng reminded Ling Yun.

Not many people know about the existence of Jingshi Tianlian in Tianni Temple.But this day the demons still came to the door.What about the Vientiane Glass Pagoda?In the Xizhou Continent, most of the forces know that it is a treasure of heaven.

"Hiss! Miss Tie, take the Bull King to the Soul Sect as soon as possible, I need to go back to Tiandu to have a look."

At present, Lu Wanrou and Ling Xianyu are still in Tiandu, if something happens to Tiandu.That would be bad for both of them.


Tie Shanshan replied that Ling Yun had disappeared in front of her.

"Miss Iron, who is that person! He used his sword energy to easily subdue this bull demon."

"That's right, he can't be the legendary Sword God of Sealing Demons!"


Meng Sanlang had seen the power of the Bull King before, but the Bull King was so strong that they were powerless to resist, but was easily surrendered by Ling Yun, how could they not be shocked.

"He is not the sword god of sealing demons, but the sword god of the North District, currently the number one man on the continent of Xizhou."

Although Tie Shanshan has no interest in Ling Yun, she admires him very much.


Ling Yun is currently the most influential person in the Western State Continent.Now in the Xizhou Continent, whether it is Tianzang Temple, Tiandu, or Soul Sect, they have all recognized him.

To form an alliance with these giants with one person's strength is unmatched by others.

Yellow area, Magic Mountain

"My lord, we didn't find the so-called Heavenly Lotus of the Pure World! But we brought back the strong man who proved the spirit there."

The No. [-] Heavenly Demon God waved his hand, and several little Heavenly Demon Gods escorted Tian Ni over.

"Proving God level, it just so happens that this deity can resurrect the NO.12 Heavenly Demon!"

Zhou Shaohao is now able to step down from the Heavenly Demon Throne, which means that he has mastered the power of the Heavenly Demon Throne.

"The King of Ming does not move his seal!"

Tian Ni suddenly made an attack, and stamped his palm on Zhou Shaohao's body.She was restrained by the two great heavenly demon gods earlier, but it was a fake.Because she knew that she was not the opponent of No. [-] Heavenly Demon God and No. [-] Heavenly Demon God, and it was impossible to escape from them, so she pretended to be restrained.

I plan to take the opportunity to make trouble!

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Shaohao laughed out loud, obviously not hurt by Tian Ni.

"How can you still move"

Tenny was taken aback.The immovable seal of King Daming is one of the top ten mudras of the Buddhist sect, and she had tried her best just now.An expert of the same level has mastered her move, and will definitely not be able to move in a short time.

But Zhou Shaohao was fine.

(End of this chapter)

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