extreme dog days

Chapter 2154 Heading to the Underworld Gate

Chapter 2154 Heading to the Underworld Gate

"It should be God Wuchen!"

Ling Yun looked around for a while, closed his eyes and felt the remaining power fluctuations around him, and said with a serious face.

"Amitabha, Shen Wuchen is the young master of the ancient god clan you mentioned earlier."

About Shen Wuchen, the prophet had heard Ling Yun talk about it before.For Shen Wuchen's evil deeds, it is the anger of both humans and gods.

"Well! He also appeared in the Sword God Pavilion before, but he was wounded by me and Yuyan and fled. Unexpectedly, he followed Tan Zong here and beheaded him. It seems that this time Tan Zong appeared in the Sword God Pavilion , it is no coincidence that the Protoss attacked the Divine Gate!"

No matter how stupid Ling Yun was, he could guess that Qin Yuyan's murder this time was definitely inseparable from Shen Wuchen.After all, the Protoss attacked Shenmen, and Shen Wuchen appeared in the Sword God Pavilion, obviously going for Qin Yuyan.

It is not difficult to imagine that the reason why Shen Wuchen asked the Shenmen to attack Shenmen was to prevent Shenmen from being able to spare himself to help the Sword God Pavilion. As for the reason why the evil monk Dazang appeared in Shenmen, it should be an accident.

"Hiss! In this way, the instigator is the young master of the God Clan."

The Prophet also understood.Ling Yun had explained to them about Shenmen before.The catastrophes caused by the Shenmen in the past were all caused by the Shenzu.Now that Shenmen has severed ties with the Shenzu, and even if there is Lingyun's relationship, both Tianzang Temple and Tiandu have accepted Shenmen.

No longer care about the sins committed by Shenmen in the past!

However, the existence of this protoss is a serious problem in the Western Province Continent.

"Ban Gu, is his body still useful?"

Although Ling Yun hated Tan Zong, but now that Tan Zong was dead, if the burial could turn Tan Zong's corpse into a treasure, he would be happy to see it succeed.

"It's useless, not only the sword soul in his body has been taken away, but also the essence of his body is gone!"

Burying the ancients is the corpse ancestor, and he can turn the corpses of the strong into treasures.It's a pity that after Ling Yun's inspection, the half of the sword soul in Tan Zong's body is no longer there. It is obvious that Shen Wuchen attacked Tan Zong because of that half of the sword soul.

What Ling Yun didn't expect was that Shen Wuchen and Tan Zong's physique and energy were also absorbed together.Without the physique and energy, Tan Zong's corpse would be of little value to the ancient burial. Even if it was refined into a corpse family, it would be just an ordinary walking corpse.

The reason why Shen Wuchen wanted to get the half of Tan Zong's sword spirit and physique essence was to make himself a real sword cultivator.

Although his fit with Zhou Shaofeng is very good, but based on this alone, it will be very difficult for him to return to his former peak strength.

Moreover, Zhou Shaofeng is not a sword cultivator himself. Even if Shen Wuchen occupies his body and can display the sword realm, he is not a perfect sword cultivator, so he cannot enter the sword realm.

That's why he needed Sword Soul, but he didn't go to Sword Domain.If he went to Sword Soul at that time, he would be in danger.Entering the sword domain, his soul may be stripped from his body by the sword domain.

"My lord, how to dispose of his body."

Tan Zong was the murderer of Qin Yuyan, and now his body has no value at all, so it is up to Ling Yun to say whether he wants to be big or not.

"Be cremated!"

Ling Yun took a deep breath, if Tan Zong was still alive, he wouldn't mind cutting him into pieces.But now that he is dead, Ling Yun is not so magnanimous to bury him, so cremation is perfect.

However, he let Zang Gu do it, and Tan Zong's body was gone in an instant.


The prophet symbolically helped Tan Zong recite a scripture on the past life, and finally erected a tablet without characters for Tan Zong, which was the utmost kindness to him.This person is not worthy of leaving a name in the world.

Half a month later, Ling Yun searched almost all over the Beizi area, but couldn't find the whereabouts of Shen Wuchen and the Shenzu, so he had to give up for the time being, and went to Huangquanmen with Xingmang.

He had already lost Qin Yuyan, but he didn't want to lose anyone else.

Huangquanmen is located in the westernmost part of the Xizi area, close to the sea, and belongs to one of the oldest mountains in the Xizhou mainland.Because this place is very evil, most people dare not step into it.

The evil gate here is not because of the Huangquan Gate, but has always existed since ancient times.

"What is this, how can fire fly."

Xing Mang saw a strange thing, that is, the scene of the Xiwei Mountain Range at night, with floating flames in many places.Most people know about this phenomenon, but Xing Mang belongs to the kind of ignorant and ignorant people.

"This is called phosphorous fire. It is a natural phenomenon caused by the decay of human bones after death and the influence of natural factors."

Zangu is an expert in this field.This time when he came to Huangquanmen, besides the star python, Lingyun also brought the ancient burial and hell envoys.

"Oh, so amazing! This fire is so fun!"

Although I heard that this is a natural phenomenon produced by the bones of people after death, Star Python obviously doesn't shy away from it.She just thinks that the fire can fly, the color is special, and it is very beautiful.


Just when Xing Mang reached out to touch a large mass of phosphorous fire, Ling Yun pulled her into his arms.

"What's wrong!"

Xing Mang looked puzzled.What's so scary about this fire, she didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of power.


There was a soul fluctuation in that mass of phosphorous fire, but Xing Mang didn't notice it, it was because she had never been in touch with soul skills.

"No, it's Mei!"

The Hell Envoy stepped forward, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he reached into the phosphorous fire and took out a cloud of blue light. The light tried to escape from his hand, but was swallowed by the Hell Envoy directly.

(End of this chapter)

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