extreme dog days

Chapter 2180 Five Color Mountains

Chapter 2180 Five Color Mountain

"Back to the Black Marsh, after seven days, the Pure Land will lend you three days."

Huang Tian Guidi pondered for a while, and suddenly frowned, because he sensed that they had already found this place in the Black Marsh, and they probably would find this place in a short time.

At this point he has no choice but to make a decision as soon as possible.

It is obviously unrealistic to verbally agree to borrow Lingyun Pure Land and ask Lingyun to help him kill Heimao, a fifth-level ghost and immortal.But it is possible to help him retreat from the Black Marsh.

"A word is settled!"

Ling Yun agreed immediately.

The Huangtian Ghost Emperor rescued Huang Li, Heimu and the others naturally guessed that the Huangtian Ghost Emperor was in this mountain range. At this time, they had already searched for Huang Tian Ghost Emperor's whereabouts in the mountains.

Although the place where Huangtian Ghost Emperor is located is very hidden and can block the detection of soul consciousness, but the mountain peak where it is located is too obvious.This mountain is called Five Color Mountain.

The soil in the mountains has five colors, and there is a sense of standing out among the mountains.

"Five Color Mountain, this is the legendary Five Color Mountain."

When Chong Lou saw this mountain, he couldn't help being overjoyed.Wuse Mountain has always been the legend of the Houtu Ghostland, and it is also known as the holy mountain of the Houtu Ghostland. However, except for the ghost emperors of the past, other ghosts do not know the whereabouts of this mountain.

"Five-color Mountain, you mean, this is the holy mountain with five-color soil, right?"

Black Marsh has also heard of the Five-color Mountain, because there is a kind of soil in the Five-color Mountain, which is called the Five-color Soil, but it is second only to the material for refining soldiers, and the Five-color Soil also has another function, that is, to shape puppets, forge, Repairing the ghost body is a good thing.

Whether it is the ghosts in the Thick Earth Ghost Domain who want to get the five-color soil, or the ghosts in the other four ghost domains are jealous of this soil.

"That's right. This mountain is the source of the five-color soil. And it is rumored that there may be five-color stones in the mountain. Haha!"

Chonglou was excited for a while, multicolored stones, they are spiritual objects of heaven and earth.He has only seen it in the records.

"Hiss, it seems that the Huangtian Ghost Emperor is in this mountain."

Bingyue took a deep breath.They Blackwater Ghost Domain helped Black Marsh win the Thick Earth Ghost Domain. Apart from helping them control the Thick Earth Ghost Domain with the help of Black Marsh, they also wanted to find the five-colored soil.

This time, there is nowhere to find if you have broken through the iron shoes, and all your kung fu has been wasted.

When Chong Lou saw the Five Colors Mountain, he rushed over there impatiently, and the Black Marsh was no exception.Guini glanced at Bingyue, and then rushed over.

On the top of the five-color mountain, there is a small natural formation. If you pass over it, you will not be able to discover the existence of the five-color mountain. This is why the five-color mountain is here, but it has not been discovered.

And the top of Five Colors Mountain is also the place where the aura of heaven and earth gathered, so Huangtian Ghost Emperor healed his wounds here. If he didn't climb to the top of the mountain, it would be impossible to know his existence.


Illusory Sword Realm, Illusory Sword Seal!

Chonglou climbed to the top of the Five-color Mountain first, but before seeing half of the ghost, he encountered a huge holy sword. He was about to block the holy sword, but the holy sword turned into a sword seal and swept him out of the Five-color Mountain .

"Sword seal, wow!"

Chonglou let out a scream, secretly screaming unlucky in his heart.

"Hmm! Not good!"

Black Marsh climbed the five-color mountain after the heavy building, and seven soul chains were entwined towards him before he even landed. The speed was extremely fast. He only avoided three of them, but was entangled by the other four, and his face suddenly changed.

Run the power to break free from the shackles of the soul chain.

Boom, boom!

"Get out!"

Black Marsh successfully broke three soul chains, and then exploded with strength, trying to pull out the hell messenger behind the soul chains.

"What a powerful force!"

The messenger of hell groaned in a low voice, but there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Black Marsh exploded with strength and pulled out a black shadow. When the black shadow appeared, he attacked immediately, but it turned out that it was just a clone, and his face changed drastically.


He launched his full power twice in a row, and just now in order to defeat the Hell Envoy who sneaked up on him with a single blow, the offensive was too fierce. Once he missed the air, the offensive was too fierce, and he failed to withdraw his hand in time to defend, which naturally gave the Hell Envoy another opportunity.

The power world opened, and countless soul chains danced around him.

"Hmm! Nether Ghost Claw!"

Guini followed them to the top of the five-color mountain, saw the Chonglou, and the black marsh were attacked one after another, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect, and used his ghost skills to grab Lingyun's illusory sword realm.

"Heh, do you think your ghost claw can catch my sword realm?"

Guini successfully grasped the Illusory Sword Realm with the Nether Ghost Claw, and just as he was about to be triumphant, Ling Yun's voice came from his ear.

"Well! Sword Realm, you are a sword repairer!"


Gui Ni screamed out, and his Nether Ghost Claw was cut in half by the Illusory Sword Realm.Fortunately, he pulled back in time, otherwise his right hand might not have survived.

Knowing that the opponent was a sword cultivator, he naturally didn't dare to fight with bare hands, so he turned around and released two iron claws to attack Ling Yun.The iron claw seemed to have eyes, and it held the phantom sword very precisely.

"Hmm! Heh!"

The sword was restrained, and the situation was not good for the sword repairer.But to Ling Yun, it was harmless.When Iron Claw held onto the Unreal Sword, he sensed a huge pulling force, and Ling Yun let it go and let the Unreal Sword be snatched.

"Haha, sword cultivator, where is your sword?"

Seeing Ling Yun, Guini was overjoyed.He has already grasped the Unreal Sword in his hand.

"It's in your hands!"

"It's good to know! A sword cultivator without a sword is like a tiger without teeth. Haha...what's going on!"

In Guini's impression, if a sword cultivator does not have a sword in his hand, his general strength will be greatly reduced.

(End of this chapter)

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