extreme dog days

Chapter 2186 Chapter 2 Real Body: Dao Body

Chapter 2186 Second Real Body: Dao Body

"According to what you say, isn't this colorful holy stone useless to me?"

Ling Yun felt pity for a while!Although the messenger of hell said that this stone can only use one kind of power, if he can use it, then he can let the second real body practice thunder real body, or swordsmanship.

"Not necessarily. As the saying goes, there are yin and yang in the world, yin and yang give birth to the five elements, and the five elements act on all things. You can refine this stone again and let it give birth to the five elements. Then you can refine it to become your second real body, also known as the Taoist body "

The messenger of hell looked at the colorful holy stone.For ghosts, this colorful holy stone can directly refine a second real body, but for humans, it needs to be born with five elements.

Only in this way can the second real body of the human race be refined and evolved.

"Uh! You mean adding five elements. Right?"

Ling Yun thought for a while, then came to his senses, and looked at the Hell Envoy excitedly.


The messenger of hell nodded.

"Give me the soil to breathe."

Ling Yun stretched out his hand and said to Huang Tian Guidi.

"Uh! Haha, isn't this emperor giving away his wife and bed at the same time? How dare you think about it!"

Huangtian Guidi rolled his eyes and laughed angrily.Ling Yun opened his mouth to beg for a breath of soil, feeling as if he owed him.This five-colored holy stone is his property, if it wasn't for his injury, he wouldn't have given it up to others. Now that Ling Yun has it, he is ashamed to ask him for it.

Although the soil of one breath is not comparable to the five-color holy stone, it is also a spiritual object of heaven and earth, and the supreme material for refining Weibing.

"Earlier, the great judge of the land promised me that he would give me the land of the two parties, and lend me the pure land. Otherwise, you think I would be willing to swim in the muddy waters of your underworld."

In the previous battle, Ling Yun spent a lot of effort to retreat Bingyue, Black Marsh and other four and fifth-order ghosts and immortals. How dangerous.

And behind this ice moon is the Blackwater Ghost Domain.Heishui Ghost Domain dared to attack Houtu Ghost Domain, which showed that the strength of Heishui Ghost Domain was by no means inferior to that of Houtu Ghost Domain.

Is it too much to ask for a breath of land at this time?

"Well! Since the land judge promised you, this emperor will naturally not break his promise. However, the soil of the breath is stored in the soil capital, but now I cannot give it to you."

Hearing that this was what the land judge had promised Ling Yun, Huangtian Ghost Emperor naturally had nothing to say.And when he thought about it carefully, as Ling Yun said, if he didn't have enough benefits, he wouldn't be able to take the risk.

But even though the One Breath Soil is kept by Huangtian Ghost Emperor, it is impossible for him to carry it with him.

"Uh! The soil has not been occupied, I'm afraid it has fallen into the hands of the Black Marsh at this time!"

Ling Yun was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Ghost Emperor Huang Tian with a worried face.The land capital has changed hands at present, and is occupied by the black marsh.How could Black Marsh miss such a spiritual thing as the Soil of One Breath?

"You can rest assured about this. Unless the emperor dies, otherwise he will not be able to obtain the land of one breath."

Huangtian Ghost Emperor said confidently.

"The Soil of One Breath has been sealed in the Treasure of the Earth Capital, and the gate of the Treasure has been sealed by the Houtu Ghost Emperor himself. This is why the Black Marsh is so eager to get rid of my father."

Huang Li explained.

There is a treasure in the earth capital, which is in charge of the thick earth ghost emperors of all ages.Although the Black Marsh now occupies the capital and forced Huangtian Ghost Emperor away, if he can't open the treasure, then his name as Ghost Emperor is not worthy of his name.

Among the treasures of the earth capital, not only the breath of soil is sealed, but also various materials, as well as the exercises left by the strong men of the thick earth ghost domain in the past.Without these things, Black Marsh would not be able to secure the position of Ghost Emperor.

Black Marsh usurped the throne, and if he wanted to open the treasure door, he had to kill Huangtian Ghost Emperor.When the Huangtian Ghost Emperor died, the seal on the treasure gate would naturally disappear.

"I see!"

Ling Yun frowned.Whether he wants to believe it or not, it doesn't seem to work.

"You don't have to rush to find five-element spirits to refine colorful holy stones, and these five-element spirits are hard to find. Most of the five-element spirits are masters of the five ghost domains. With your current strength, it's difficult! "

The five ghost domains of the underworld have existed for many years, and most of the five elements are in their hands, and the rest are hard to come by.Therefore, Huangtian Ghost Emperor thought that if Ling Yun wanted to find the spirits of the Five Elements, he could only fight for them from among their five ghost domains.

And with Ling Yun's current strength, it's not that Ghost Emperor Huangtian looks down on him.If it wasn't for his power being sealed by the five Ninghun needles, Ling Yun would definitely not be his opponent even if he was seriously injured.

"Actually, you don't necessarily need five-element spirit objects. Spirit beast cores are also possible. But with your current strength, you need at least the cooperation of spirit beast cores above the fifth level."

Spirit beasts are definitely rare in the fighting world, but in this underworld, although they are rare, they are not without them.The spirit beasts are almost no different from the spirits of heaven and earth, even better than some spirits of heaven and earth, and nothing less.

Therefore, the core of the spirit beast can naturally replace the five elements and be used to refine the colorful holy stone. This effect may be better than using the five elements for refining.


Ling Yun nodded.If it is true as Huangtian Ghost Emperor said, the five elements in the underworld are in the hands of the five ghost domains, then hunting spirit beasts and taking their cores to replace the five elements is naturally a good choice.

"Uh! This is also a way. With your strength and his help, it is barely feasible to deal with ordinary spirit beasts of the same level. But I might as well tell you that there are sixth-level spirit beasts in the underworld. Even this emperor dare not provoke him."

(End of this chapter)

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