extreme dog days

Chapter 2228 Ancient Flame Ridge

Chapter 2228 Ancient Flame Ridge

Everything is retribution!If she hadn't been narrow-minded and vicious, how could she have fallen into such a situation.


"Sir, where are we going?"

Thirteen Niang had visited Chiyan Ghost Domain before, so she knew that the direction they were heading at this time seemed to be one of the two most terrifying dangerous places in Chiyan Ghost Domain.

"Ancient Flame Ridge!"

Ling Yun didn't hide it. He had watched the records of the Immortal Grass in the Houtu Ghost Domain and the possible existence of fifth-order spirit beasts.The place where the fifth-order fire-type spirit beasts are most likely to exist in the Scarlet Flame Ghost Domain is the Ancient Flame Ridge.

And even if there are spirit beasts in other places, most of them will not exceed the third level. It is even said that they have existed before, but they have already been hunted and killed by the strong men of the Scarlet Flame Ghost Domain.

Ancient Yanling is extremely dangerous, not only the environment is special, but there are also rumors that there are not only one or two fifth-order spirit beasts.At the same time, there were ghosts and immortals of the fifth rank who died here.

It is precisely because of the danger that ghosts and immortals below the fifth level dare not come here at all, so there are plenty of spiritual herbs here, and the possibility of undead herbs is also very high.

"What! Guyanling! Sir, what are you going to do in Guyanling? No, no, are you planning to hunt fifth-order fire-type spirit beasts?"

Thirteen Niang had heard about the dangers of Guyan Ridge for a long time. Since she knew that Ling Yun and the Hell Envoy were both fifth-level ghosts and immortals, her first thought was that they wanted to fight fifth-level fire-type spirit beasts.

Fifth-order fire-type spirit beasts are very difficult to mess with!

"That's right, the boss needs the core of a fifth-order fire-type spirit beast!"

The messenger of hell responded.


Thirteen Niang was really taken aback.

"You know this place, tell me about it."

As for the ancient Yanling, Ling Yun only knew that there were most likely to be fifth-order fire-type spirit beasts and immortal grass there.I don't know anything else.Because the records he read belonged to the records of Houtu Ghost Domain, so it is naturally impossible to be comprehensive.

"Guyan Ridge is one of the scariest dangerous places in the Scarlet Flame Ghost Domain. More than two fifth-level ghost immortals died there. According to rumors, there is more than one fifth-level spirit beast there, and the most terrifying one is the ghost fire shadow dragon. Entering the Ancient Flame Ridge, if you encounter it, you will die!"

Guyan Ridge is one of the first places where spirit beasts appeared in the underworld. Because there are powerful spirit beasts there, no ghost cultivator dares to hunt them down.

The ghost fire shadow dragon is the spirit beast overlord of Gu Yanling.The ghosts and immortals who entered the ancient Yanling in the past and tried to hunt it and seize the core of the spirit beast all became food in its belly, and there were many fifth-level ghosts and immortals among them.

Even the fifth-level ghost immortal died under this ghost fire shadow dragon, and naturally no ghost cultivator dared to provoke it as time passed.

"Uh, ghost fire shadow dragon, is it a sixth-order spirit beast?"

Although the fighting power of spirit beasts is stronger than that of ghost cultivators, even if ghost cultivators can't beat spirit beasts, they can always escape.Especially the fifth-order ghost fairy, the speed of this ghost fairy is three points faster than that of the human race.

Even if the fifth-level ghosts fight alone, even if they can't beat the fifth-level spirit beasts, they can always escape!

But if you encounter a sixth-order spirit beast, it's hard to say.

"Sir, don't you know how much stronger spirit beasts are than our ghost cultivators?"

"And it is rumored that the ghost fire shadow dragon has a special ability, that is, as long as its shadow is entangled by it, even a fifth-level ghost fairy cannot escape."

Spiritual beasts usually have their talents, and their names represent their talents.

"Uh, besides the ghost fire shadow dragon, there are other fifth-order spirit beasts."

The Hell Envoy and Ling Yun were both taken aback for a moment. Since they knew that the ghost fire shadow dragon was powerful, they would naturally not provoke it easily, unless there was only the ghost fire shadow dragon in Guyan Ridge.

"I'm not sure about this, there should be more! By the way, I heard that in addition to the powerful fifth-order spirit beasts in Gu Yanling, there are also spirit beasts living in groups, which are very scary, such as Bi Fang! Huo Spirit wolves and the like! That is also very difficult. If Mister wants to find fifth-order fire-type spirit beasts, why don't we look for them elsewhere!"

Thirteen Niang wanted to persuade Ling Yun not to go into Guyan Ridge, it was too dangerous.

After all, there used to be a fifth-order ghost fairy there, and it was no joke.

"Then do you know where there are fifth-order fire-type spirit beasts?"

The main purpose of Ling Yun's trip was to hunt fifth-order fire-type spirit beasts. As for the immortal grass, he thought he could look for it elsewhere.If there are fifth-order fire-type spirit beasts in other places, he can consider not entering Guyan Ridge.

"Spirit beasts are good, but I'm not sure about fifth-order fire-type spirit beasts."

Spirit beasts are rare in the first place, and fifth-order spirit beasts are even rarer.Except for Guyan Ridge, Thirteen Niangs had never heard of the Red Flame Ghost Realm, and where else did fifth-order fire-type spirit beasts exist.

"Then we can only go to Guyan Ridge for a walk! As long as you are careful, you should be fine."

Although Gu Yanling is dangerous, Ling Yun still yearns for it.Precious and dangerous, he wants to forge a clone with five-colored holy stones, so he has to take this risk.

"It's okay, the boss's strength, as long as he doesn't encounter a sixth-order spirit beast, he can give it a go."

The messenger of hell has great confidence in Ling Yun.He knew that although Ling Yun was not yet a fifth-order god-witness powerhouse, he could fight against the fifth-order peak with strength alone, and his combat power could even resist the fifth-order Dzogchen.

"Is sir strong?"

Thirteen Niang asked curiously.She had seen Ling Yun's strength before, but she felt that Ling Yun didn't try his best to defeat King Lian.

So how strong Ling Yun is, she has no idea.

"Of course, I can't beat him anyway."

The messenger of hell is speaking the truth, if he can beat Ling Yun, how could he be willing to be his little brother!

(End of this chapter)

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