extreme dog days

Chapter 2247

Chapter 2247


Extreme pupils.

The ultimate eye pupil grows with his realm, and his realm has not yet reached the fifth level. If you want to use the terrible destructive power of the extreme eye pupil to kill the ghost fire shadow dragon, you must break its defense and cause wounds .

hum, hum

hold head high!

Two red lights entered the head of Ghost Naruto, and two blood-red vortices appeared immediately.It's just because of the power of the ghost fire shadow dragon, the defense is too strong, so the speed of the spread of the two extreme wounds is a bit slow.

It's still just the size of your thumb.

"I screwed up, poof!"

Seeing that it failed to spread instantly, Ling Yun couldn't help but curse.At the same time, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Ang, Ang

Although the wound is not big, the extreme damage caused by the extreme pupils cannot be stopped unless the ghost fire shadow dragon suppresses it with all its strength.

It is only a matter of time before the wound expands.

If Ling Yun wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible, he had to stop it so that it could not use its strength to suppress the extreme wound.

"The wound is still there! I see!"

Ling Yun was overjoyed to see that the wound on Guihuoyinglong's head hadn't healed.Use the thunder golden body to attack directly, and use the power of thunder to prevent the ghost fire shadow dragon from suppressing the wound.

If it cannot be suppressed, it will die.

One stick of incense, as Ling Yun continued to attack, the strength of the ghost fire shadow dragon became weaker and weaker, because its beast soul was greatly wounded, whose wound was on its dragon head.

"The defense is gone! Ultimate [-]"

The ghost fire shadow dragon's spirit beast defense power disappeared, and now only the defense of the spirit beast's body remains. With Ling Yun's full strength, it is absolutely no problem to break through the ghost fire shadow dragon's body.

hold head high!


When Guihuoyinglong was about to die, his dragon claws stretched out and hit Ling Yun hard. Even with the Thunderbolt golden body, he was severely injured, and a large piece of flesh and blood was torn off from his body.

Ling Yun successfully beheaded the ghost fire shadow dragon, and also picked out the core of the ghost fire shadow dragon, but before he could catch his breath, the flame barbarian gave up attacking King Xian and rushed over.

It teamed up with the Flame-eating Spirit Snake, almost tied the battle with King Xian, and couldn't attack for a long time. Seeing Ling Yun beheading the Ghost Fire Shadow Dragon and being seriously injured, it came immediately.


Ling Yun's face changed drastically. He knew that Xianwang Mingming had the ability to help him stop Lie Yan Barbarian Bear, and he deliberately set Lie Yan Barbarian Bear to deal with him.The king's purpose is obvious.

He wanted to use the hands of Lie Yan Barbarian, even if he couldn't destroy Ling Yun, he would still inflict heavy damage on him.And without the participation of the flame barbarian on his side, he also had a chance to kill the flame eating spirit snake.

After the flame-eating snake is extinguished, he will come over to deal with Ling Yun and the flame bear.

This is killing four birds with one stone.

As long as he succeeds, all three fifth-order spirit beasts will be his, and he can still destroy Ling Yun.

It's a pity that his calculations failed in the end.Because Ling Yun has a killer move.That is, only the seventh level can possess supernatural powers.

"Destroy the soul!"

Facing the pressing palm of the Raging Flame Bear, Ling Yun was so desperate that he was backlashed by the power, and reacted as quickly as possible, and a palm was imprinted on the Raging Flame Bear, and the soul-killing magical power instantly annihilated the beast soul of the Raging Flame Bear.

The inner core of the flame barbarian burst immediately, and a large number of cracks appeared.


Ling Yun flew upside down, spurted blood on his back and fell to the ground.

King Xian had already made sufficient preparations, and with the strongest blow, beheading the flame-eating snake, he immediately rushed towards Ling Yun, ignoring even the core of the flame-eating snake.

Because now his biggest threat is Ling Yun,

"Send you back to the west!"

"Is it"

"What, lie down, 屮!"

King Xian rushed to Ling Yun's side, and was about to chop off Ling Yun's head with a sword, but Ling Yun, who was supposed to be stunned, opened his eyes, and at the same time, the supreme sword energy directly brushed King Xian out.

"You, scheme against me!"

King Xian understood that Ling Yun was pretending to be dizzy just now in order to lure him over.

"Don't you plan on me too! It's a pity! It's a short move! Sword Qi Prison!"

Ling Yun looked at King Xian coldly, and with a soft drink, the supreme sword energy immediately formed a cage of sword energy and surrounded King Xian.


King Xian swung his sword with all his strength, breaking the cage of sword energy.He is a quasi-sage, and he cannot be confined by the sword energy alone.

"Xian Wang, right! You have to pay a price for plotting against me!"

Ling Yun had already stood up, with the supreme sword energy surrounding his body. Although his aura had not diminished, he was seriously injured. His bones could be seen on his body. If it was any deeper, he might even be able to see his internal organs.

It was all supported by Thunder's golden body, and facing a strong man like Xian Wang at this time, he didn't dare to waste his strength to heal his injuries.

"Your injury is serious. If you fight me head-on, I guarantee that you will die. If you give me the core of the ghost fire shadow dragon, I promise to leave immediately."

Previously, when they fought against fifth-order spirit beasts, the consumption was similar, but Ling Yun suffered a dying counterattack from the ghost fire shadow dragon, and Thunder's golden body was severely injured.

If Thunder's golden body hadn't been severely injured, how could it have been torn off a large piece of flesh and blood!

At this time Ling Yun was covered in blood, and his clothes were dyed red.

King Xian is absolutely sure that he can drag Ling Yun to death.Because his and Ling Yun's strengths are almost the same.


Ling Yun replied very simply.

"Haha, your courage. After you die, the core of the ghost fire shadow dragon must belong to this king, and even the things on your body will belong to this king."

Although King Xian was sure of winning over Ling Yun at this time, he knew it very well.Fighting to the end, the price he paid was also immeasurable.Only then did he open his mouth to discuss with Ling Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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