extreme dog days

Chapter 2285 Four Great Ghost Guards

Chapter 2285 Four Ghost Guards

"Even my father is afraid of the joint strength of these four ghost guards. The best way is to separate them."

Xuanzhao naturally also heard about the four ghost guards in the volcano dungeon.One-on-one, he can barely deal with one, after all, he is the warrior of the Fire Immortal Ghost Mansion, the strongest warrior.

But when the four of them teamed up, even a veteran fifth-order ghost fairy like his father Xuantong found it difficult.

"Aren't you stupid! Separate them, is it possible? The four of them have the same mind, unless assassination! Kill one first by surprise, otherwise there is no chance to separate them. Because they deal with one, there are four, and the other group is still four One. It’s a shame that you are still a ghost general in the Huo Immortal Ghost Mansion, and you don’t even know about this, so you’ll be ashamed.”

Linguoguo glanced at Xuanzhao, originally she was too lazy to talk to Xuanzhao, but when she heard his proposal, she directly despised him to the extreme.

"Hmm! Ah!"


Approaching the volcano dungeon, there were bursts of blushing voices.That's right, the four ghost guards are doing big things right now.The four ghost guards are guarding here, so they cannot leave.

However, the nearby ghost camp is under their management. Usually, if they need anything, they will notify the ghost camp to let them do it.

And because it is boring for them to guard here, they often ask the ghost camp to help them find female ghosts to accompany them.

"What noise! ​​How could there be a nun's voice in this volcanic dungeon? Ah, you, why are you kicking me!"

Xuanzhao was stunned, he didn't even react.As a result, Ling Guoguo kicked him down.

"Are you stupid, are you stupid!"

Lingguo is crazy, listening to this melody, do you still need to ask?

"Or, wait a minute!"

Ling Yun naturally understood what happened inside, so it would be embarrassing to break in at this time!To be honest, he never expected such a dramatic situation to occur.

"What are you waiting for! Just break in and scare them to death! Hey, we're here to find trouble."

Ling Guoguo said, rushed in immediately, and then gave a loud drink.


"I'm going to you! What the hell!"

"so beautiful!"

"Mom! What the hell! Scared to death!"

"What's going on, I seemed to see a ghost just now!"

"I saw it too, and it's very beautiful!"

"Go, go out and see!"

The four ghost guards were really taken aback by Lingguo.One of them was almost scared into accident.The two female ghosts who were summoned were all pale.

The four ghost guards rushed out regardless of their appearance, and when they saw Lingguoguo and Lieyanling, they were immediately distracted.

"It's so beautiful! Hehe, okay, Ye San has made progress! You actually found us two such beautiful ghost concubines, so good! You can go back and tell Ye San that we will agree to his request!"

"That's right, we agreed to accept him as an apprentice. Haha, beauty, here I come!"


The four ghost guards all misunderstood, they thought that Ling Yun and Xuanzhao were sent by the ghost camp to give them beauties.

"Disgusting, cut it off."

"Agreed! Cut!"

Both Linguoguo and Lieyanling turned their backs and said with a blushing face.These four guys are too shameless.

"Roger that!"

Ling Yun smiled, when Ling Guoguo went in and led the four ghost guards out, he had already released the Supreme Sword Qi, which has the ability to hide. ,

These four ghost guards came out undefended, and they never thought that they were here to make trouble, so the ending was miserable.


"Ah, it hurts. Wow!"

The four ghost guards were all frightened, they were all cut off, what's going on!

The next second, they looked at each other and fell down one after another.

"That's it, that's it!"

Xuanzhao didn't even respond.He couldn't even imagine how Ling Yun did it.Because I didn't see Ling Yun making a move.

"Hiss, the sword cultivator is really powerful! No wonder Uncle Kui doesn't want to make friends with him."

Ling Guoguo was also taken aback.She has some understanding of the strength of the four ghost guards.Even if her Uncle Kui made a move, it would be impossible to instantly kill the four ghost guards.

But the sword cultivator can!

"Fake it! How did they die!"

It took a long time for Xuanzhao to open his mouth.

"Are you going or not!"

Linguoguo turned around and glanced at Xuanzhao, the four ghost guards were all dealt with, and if they didn't go into the dungeon immediately to rescue Xuantong Guijuan, did they want to wait for the Huoxian Ghost King and the others to come?

Blue Flame Ghost judged that they failed to destroy the cracking map, so they naturally thought that those who took the cracking map would come to the Volcanic Dungeon, if they didn't enter the Volcanic Dungeon before they arrived, it would be very troublesome.

Fire Immortal Ghost Mansion

"What, you didn't buy the crack map, what are you doing?"

When Huoxian Ghost King heard the answer brought back by Lanyan Guijuan, his expression immediately sank.Lan Yangui judged that they failed to buy the crack map, which meant that the crack map fell into the hands of other ghost cultivators.

Since the other ghost cultivators dared to come forward and take pictures of the solution, they naturally wanted to crack the volcano dungeon.

He knew very well what kind of ghost cultivators were imprisoned in this volcano dungeon.Once the opponent successfully cracked the volcano dungeon, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"There's nothing we can do! If you had given me [-] million at that time, I wouldn't have lost!"

Lanyan Guijuan asked the Fire Immortal and Ghost King for [-] million money, but the Fire Immortal and Ghost King only gave him [-] million.If he had [-] million in hand at that time, how could he lose.At this time, the cracking map must have been destroyed by him.

So he doesn't think it's his fault.

"Okay, okay, blame me. Since you haven't sold the cracking map, then return the [-] million Mingqian to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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