extreme dog days

Chapter 2302

Chapter 2302 Thousand Steps Altar

"Hmm! Judge Yanglong colluded with forces outside the Ghost Palace, how is this possible!"

"In the Scarlet Flame Ghost Domain, apart from the existence of the Underworld Auction, there are no other forces sprouting. You mean the Underworld Auction."

The two older judges present obviously did not believe that Yi and the judges had colluded with forces other than the Scarlet Flame Ghost Palace.Because in the Scarlet Flame Ghost Domain, only the Hell Auction exists.

However, the underworld auction is not limited to the Red Flame Ghost Domain, there are also underworld auctions in the other four ghost domains.This underworld auction has always only hosted auctions to collect money,

It is impossible for them to participate in any ghost palace struggle.

Unless they want to give up auctions other than Chiyan Ghost Domain.

"Impossible! If our Underworld Auction Society intends to seize power over the Scarlet Flame Ghost Hall, we will only be upright and upright, and will never use other names."

Ling Guoguo stepped forward and said.This is a scapegoat, and they will not take it up in the underworld auction.

If the Hell Auction wanted to seize power, it would have done it 3000 years ago, when the Scarlet Flame Ghost Hall was seriously injured.

"Why are you so sure?"

Judge Vulcan looked at Lingguo and asked.

"Because I came from the underworld auction."

Ling Guoguo raised her head and held her chest high, looking very proud.

"Perhaps before that, I would have thought it was related to the Underworld Auction. But now I'm sure it's definitely not the Underworld Auction."

Lie Yanling has already learned the true identity of Ling Guoguo.She is a descendant of the former Spirit Emperor of the Spirit Flame Ghost Palace.If they really want to take back the Ghost Palace at the Underworld Auction.

Wouldn't it be better to use the name of Emperor Ling?Moreover, with the current arrangement of forces in the Red Flame Ghost Domain in the Underworld Auction, they don't need to help the King Xian to take the throne at all.

"Why is the princess so sure?"

Xuantong asked.Because Lie Yan once suspected that the black hand behind this scene was the Hell Auction.

After all, the Underworld Auction has such a background.

"Because I am a descendant of the Ling Emperor!"

Ling Guoguo stepped forward and introduced himself solemnly.


"Descendants of the Spirit Emperor!"

Hearing the identity of Ling Guoguo, even Chi Zhantian was shocked.As for the former Lingdi, even Chi Zhantian admired him deeply.

Moreover, the volcanic dungeon they were in at this time was built by Ren Lingdi at the cost of his life.

"I came here to free the ancestors."

In the past, the Red Flame Ghost Hall was entrusted by the Ling Emperor. Ling Guoguo's grandfather left a legacy before his death.

Since then, he has severed relations with the Red Flame Ghost Palace.

Just wanting to destroy this volcano dungeon is not an easy task.Originally, Ling Guoguo's father planned to wait until the end of his lifespan before coming to crack the volcanic dungeon.

Let his ancestors be set free!No more suppressing this volcanic dungeon and suffering for eternity.

"Haha! What a big tone! Do you think you can destroy this place?"

Chi Zhantian laughed.It is not easy to destroy this volcanic dungeon.Even if it was him, he wouldn't even be able to climb up to the thousand-step altar!

To destroy this volcanic dungeon, the first step is to get on the stage to obtain the key to open the volcanic dungeon, which is the ghost order of the former Lingdi.

"With your strength, can't you go up?"

Ling Yun looked at Chi Zhantian and asked.

"Perhaps you can give it a try. A thousand-level altar, tenth-level one gravity! A thousand-level is a hundred gravity. I only reached the eight hundred and sixty-fifth level. It is well-deserved number one."

Chi Zhantian pointed to the thousand-step altar and said in a deep voice.With his strength, he couldn't bear the pressure after reaching the eight hundred and sixty-fifth step, so he could only retreat.

If he didn't retreat, even if he was a sixth-order ghost, he would be crushed to pieces by that terrifying force.

"I'll try it!"

Lie Yanling spoke first, and then stepped onto the thousand-step altar.At first, the hundred steps didn't put much pressure on her, but after reaching the hundred steps, her speed slowed down.

"Hiss, this girl from the Lie family is not simple, she has surpassed all ghost generals."

Vulcan couldn't help but sigh in admiration when he saw that Lie Yanling had reached the [-]th step.Because the sixteen former ghost generals present only stopped at about three hundred and fifty steps.

The geomaniac stopped at four hundred and seventy-one steps.

"It's four hundred and fifty. She's about to surpass me. Could it be that she's reached the fifth-order ghost fairy realm?"

The geomaniac was surprised for a while.Because entering here, whether it is Lieyanling or Lingguoguo, their power is forbidden, so even Chi Zhantian can't see what level they have reached.

This thousand-step altar, every step up, the power will continue to accumulate.Usually below the fifth-level ghost fairy, it cannot exceed the five-hundredth level.At present, among the fourth-order ghosts and immortals, the one who has climbed the highest is the earth power maniac.

At this time, Lie Yanling had already walked up to four hundred and fifty steps. Although the speed had slowed down, it was obviously a little difficult, but reaching five hundred steps seemed to be not a big problem.

"Five hundred and eighty steps, hiss! Vulcan, she seems to be surpassing you."

"This girl from the Lie family is not simple!"

Both judges sighed.The thousand-step altar is very special, aimed at the wood-type ghosts.If the fifth-level powerhouses of the wood-type ghost clan were here, it would be pretty good for them to reach the third-hundredth level.

Going any higher is definitely suicidal.Otherwise, how can we say that this place was established by the Red Flame Ghost Palace for the Qingmu Ghost Palace?The ghost races of the other four families are expected to be able to ascend the thousand-step altar, obtain the spirit emperor's ghost order, and undo the prohibition.

(End of this chapter)

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