extreme dog days

Chapter 2315

Chapter 2315

Of course, this requires the cooperation of the ghost cultivators around Jing Pan.

A few days ago

"What the hell!"

"Yanshan, do you still remember me?"

"Xuan, Xuantong ghost sentence, you, you are not..."

Yanshan Guiling couldn't help being startled when he saw Xuantong Guiping who came suddenly.He is the disciple of Xuantong Ghost Pan, but after he learned that Xuantong Ghost Pan was thrown into the volcano dungeon, he could only choose to be loyal to the Fire Immortal Ghost King.

"Volcano dungeon? This seat was rescued by the three princesses, and I was lucky enough to get out! Yanshan, the Huo Immortal and Ghost King intends to assist King Xian in his rebellion. Do you want to help him do evil?"

Xuan Tong Gui Judgment asked earnestly.Yanshan Ghost Order is one of his most proud disciples. If he doesn't have the ability, he can't sit in the position of Ghost Order in the main city.

"Teacher, at that time you were in trouble and thrown into the volcanic dungeon. The students had no choice! By the way, the ghost king just ordered the students to lead the ghost soldiers in the city to assist Jingsan in taking back the four major ghost cities of Beixian! Those four ghost cities should be The ghost soldiers from Lie Wang's ghost mansion are also taken away! It's just that there are only [-] ghost soldiers in the student city, even if you want to help Lie Wang's ghost mansion, you have more than enough heart and not enough strength!"

When Yanshan Guiling saw that Xuantong Guijuan had returned safely, he was naturally willing to stand with him.However, although he is the main city's ghost order, he still appears to be weak in the face of the ghost mansion's elite.

"Jingpan is a ghost with little knowledge, and it is difficult to take on a big responsibility. I told Huoxian back then, what a pity! He actually helped him to the top. Yanshan, go to Jingpan and offer him advice. Let him lead the third battalion of the ghost mansion, and the fourth battalion." Battalion, ghost soldiers from the Fifth Battalion are going to seize the city. You understand!"

Xuantong Ghost Judge said with a smile.

The ghost soldiers of the fourth battalion and the fifth battalion were previously controlled by Xuantong ghost prisoner.His son Xuantong is also the chief general of the Fourth Ghost Battalion.Let Jing Pan transfer the ghost soldiers from the fourth battalion and the fifth battalion, and he can just take back the ghost soldiers from these two battalions.

"I understand! The teacher is wise!"

Yanshan's eyes lit up, and he secretly admired Xuantong Ghost Judgment in his heart.

Beixian City

Yanshan took the initiative to ask for orders, and dispatched troops to the North Fire Mountain Range to bring back the ghosts in the city. He deliberately sent out the ghost soldiers from the fourth and fifth battalions in the city.The purpose is to let these ghost soldiers go to contact Xuantong.

Xuantong Ghost Sentence had mastered these two ghost battalions before, as soon as he appeared, the ghost soldiers of these two ghost battalions would naturally obey him immediately, and the ghost order of the fourth battalion was still on Xuanzhao's body.

As the commander of the fourth ghost battalion, Xuanzhao, once the ghost orders come out, the ghost soldiers of the fourth ghost battalion will naturally follow orders.

The ghost soldiers of these two ghost battalions took back the ghost soldiers pretending to be the ghost clan in the city as planned, and then subdued the [-] ghost soldiers of the third ghost battalion who stayed in the ghost city.

For a while, Jing Pan, who was in the city of Beixian, became a lonely ghost.

"Okay, that's great. This seat took back the four ghost cities of Beixian without bloodshed. This is a great achievement. Hehe!"

Jing Pan received the news that the three major ghost generals had successfully recaptured the other three Beixian ghost cities.And there is no need to fight at all, just like this Beixian City, when their ghost soldiers rushed there, the ghost soldiers from Lie Wang's Ghost Mansion had already retreated.

This is frightened by his army!

Now he has taken back the four ghost cities of Beixian without a single soldier, and he can boast for a long time when he goes back.

"Ghost Judgment Sir, what's the matter and how happy you are!"

Yanshan came in, heard Jingpan's voice of chuckle, so he asked.

"Haha, the three major generals have sent back news that they have taken down the other three ghost cities, and the three ghost cities are all intact. When they arrived with their troops, those cowards in the Liewang Ghost Mansion had already retreated .Ha ha!"

Jing judged how happy she was.

Such a feat of taking back the ghost city without bloodshed can be recorded in the book. Does he have the expectation that he will be named a military god?

Of course, this is not actually his credit, but there is no way!Who made him the coach of this battle!The credit does not belong to him, but to whom!

"Uh, then congratulations to the ghost judge. This kind of victory fully demonstrates the reputation of the ghost judge!"

Yanshan smiled, and thought in his heart, you bastard, just laugh now, and you will cry later.

"Haha, let's not talk about it, I have already prepared a banquet, and I will have a drink with me. By the way, I have recruited a beautiful woman today! Guaranteed that you will want to snatch me after seeing you!"

Jingpan was happy, and regardless of whether Yanshan agreed or not, she took him to the banquet hall in Fuzhong, where they sang and danced.

"Go to bed! You are charming!"

Seeing the girls dancing in the banquet hall, Yanshan can sit there.Isn't the lead dancer Lie Yanling? Jing Pan doesn't know him, but he does!

"Well, it's not bad! But this is what I like, you can't snatch it."

Looking at Lie Yanling, Jing Pan was drooling. He can guarantee that this is the most beautiful female ghost he has ever seen, not one of them.

"Steal your charm, that's Princess Lie San. If you give it to me, I won't even be able to afford it. Still grab it?"

Yanshan cursed secretly in his heart.

What kind of existence is Princess Lie San.Not only the princess of Liewang Ghost Mansion, but also the number one talented woman recognized by Chiyan Ghost Palace, besides her noble status, she is also a fifth-rank ghost fairy.

Can he afford a small ghost order?

"How is it, does it look good?"

At the end of the song, Lie Yanling stopped, looked at Ling Yun who was drinking and enjoying the dance, and asked.

"Good-looking is good-looking, but don't you think you are too boring?"

Even Ling Yun didn't know that Lie Yan Ling could still dance?It's just that he didn't expect that now that the overall situation has been settled, is it necessary for Lie Yanling to betray something here?

"Do you think I danced for that idiot? I danced for you."

Lie Yanling had already walked to Ling Yun's side and fed him the spiritual fruit with his own hands.

"Hey, hello, hello! This seat is the real master! This seat is the ghost judge!"

She was obviously a beautiful woman prepared for him, but why did she start chatting with an irrelevant guy, and she was still flirting, did she make a mistake?He thought that Lie Yanling had admitted the wrong owner.

In other words, he is sitting on the main seat,

"I say you're an idiot, but you still don't believe it. Take a look, that one here thinks you're the right one!"

Lie Yanling smiled sweetly. Although the meaning of the words was obvious, the voice sounded a little crisp!

(End of this chapter)

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