extreme dog days

Chapter 2341 Time is running out

Chapter 2341 Time is running out

"Grand Judge, he has always been very mysterious! And Yi and Judge, but he single-handedly promoted them. Without his order, even if Yi and Judge have a life-and-death relationship with King Xian, they would never dare to act rashly."

King Lian also had great ambitions, but he couldn't get in touch with the three judges at all, without the support of the three judges, and the current Chi Emperor valued Lie Yan.

He has no place in the throne at all, so he has no choice but to obediently act as a foil and seek his own benefits from it.It's just that he didn't expect that he would fall into Ling Yun's hands in the end.

"Hiss! Mysterious, by the way, I remember Xuantong Ghost Judge said that Prince Lie suspected that Judge Yang was secretly colluding with forces outside of the Scarlet Flame Ghost Palace! He must have a purpose in supporting King Xian!"

When we were in the Volcano Dungeon earlier, Xuan Tong mentioned Lie Yan's suspicion of Yang Ye.Of the three judges in the Scarlet Flame Ghost Hall, only one Judge Yanhu secretly supported Prince Lie.

"Ugh, such a thing!"

Both Yanchuan and Lianwang showed expressions of surprise.

"Let's not go to Liewang Ghost Mansion, go directly to Scarlet Flame Ghost Palace!"

Ling Yun came back to his senses and said solemnly.

"Ah! Why!"

Qian Hegui asked puzzledly.

"Think about it! Even the Grand Judge supports King Xian. If King Lie's Ghost Mansion wants to turn defeat into victory, what is the best way!"

"Ghost Emperor, please come out!"

Reminded by Ling Yun, Yanchuan and King Lian also reacted.

"That's right! In addition, since Judge Yang dared to let Yi and Judge be so blatant to help King Xian attack Lie Wang's Ghost Mansion, it would definitely not be an easy task for Chidi to get out."

Ling Yun guessed.

"Ugh! They dare to attack Lord Ghost Emperor!"

"Isn't this nonsense? Forging the king, ordering the flame ghost, ordering the ghost soldiers to set off, and rush to the Red Flame Ghost Palace as quickly as possible, and let's go to the ghost palace to have a look first!"

Right now, the situation in the Scarlet Flame Ghost Palace is in chaos, not only affecting the four ghost palaces, but even the judges of the Ghost Palace have moved their hands, so the only thing that can quell this war is to ask the Red Emperor to leave the gate.

But Chidi retreated, was trapped in it, and trying to rescue him was by no means an easy task.

Scarlet Flame Ghost Palace

Judge Yangye has rushed back to the Chiyan ghost town with the two envoys of seduction.

"Nothing seems to have changed!"

One of the ecstasy envoys inspected the ghost town and found nothing amiss.Because after Lie Yan took the Chiyan Ghost City, he immediately started to arrange it, so that Yangye would not see that the Chiyan Ghost City was taken by him.

The purpose is to buy time to rescue Chidi.

"Enter the city!"

Yang Ye frowned, he felt a little uneasy.But he also didn't see the clue.

"Welcome the High Judge to return to the city!"

"Welcome back, Grand Judge!"


Although the Chiyan Ghost City is the main city of the Chiyan Ghost Palace, because the Red Emperor often practiced in closed doors, Yangye took care of all the affairs of the ghost town, and Yangye has always established his own image in order to seize power one day.

In Chiyan Ghost City, his voice is extremely high.

Every time he returns from going out, the ghost town ghosts who see him will cheer for his return.

Lie Yan had already arranged all these things, so when he returned to the city, Yang Ye didn't realize that the ghost city had been taken away before that.

"This seat is leaving, but something happened."

Back at his judge's mansion, Yang Ye asked the butler, the ghost servant.

"Nothing happened, why do you ask such a question. You seem to have been away for less than a day!"

The butler ghost servant replied.It's not that he doesn't know what's going on outside.Rather, he has always been the ghost cultivator arranged by Lie Yan here.

"Well! It's okay, you step back!"

Yang Ye waved his hand!Signal to let the housekeeper go down.


The housekeeper's ghost servant was actually very nervous, because he knew that this matter would not be hidden for long, after all, most of the ghost servants and ghost guards in the judge's mansion had been cleaned and replaced.

"Well! Who are you, why haven't I seen you before!"

Although the steward ghost servant told him everything was normal, Yang Ye still felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it. He surrounded the mansion, and the ghost guards in the mansion were replaced. He didn't find anything wrong, after all, he is a great judge How could a sixth-level ghost fairy, a ghost saint-level powerhouse, pay attention to those ghost guards.

But there are some ghost servants in this ghost mansion, maids are different, after all, they often see him, after a long time, even if they don't usually pay attention to them, they are familiar.

He saw several ghost servants with strange faces one after another, which inevitably made him suspicious.

"My lord, I, I'm new here!"

The servant girl was just arranged by the butler ghost servant, and she seemed a little nervous.

"This seat asks you! Did something happen in the ghost city before!"

Yang Ye is very cautious!Already suspicious of the housekeeper ghost servant.Although usually recruiting ghost servants and maidservants are all in charge of the housekeeper ghost servants, but there are so many new faces in this mansion all of a sudden, it's no wonder he doesn't suspect it!

"No, nothing happened!"

The maid seemed a little hesitant!It's no wonder she didn't know about such a big thing that happened in the ghost town before!

"Call the butler!"

Yang Ye said in a cold voice.

"Yes Yes!"

The maid didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly ran to call the butler over.

"My lord, what are your orders for the younger one?"

"I will ask you again, what happened in the ghost town."

Yangye asked in a cold voice.

"No, nothing happened. Didn't your lord ask me just now! Ah!"

As soon as the steward finished speaking, Yang Ye grabbed his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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