extreme dog days

Chapter 2366 Battle Spirit Wolf

Chapter 2366 Battle Spirit Wolf


"The defense is really strong!"

"Aww! Aww"

Ling Yun punched ten times in a row, but none of them could break through the red spirit wolf's animal body defense.However, the attack effect of the power of thunder is very obvious.If he can break through the defense of his animal body and allow the power of thunder to act on him, then Ling Yun will surely win.

The red spirit wolf was attacked. Although the beast body was under the ravages of the thunder force, it became so ruthless that it really drove itself crazy. It directly raged against the force of the thunder, forcibly arousing the power to break the thunder seal of heaven and earth, thus driving Ling Yun to the ground. overturned out.


The scarlet spirit wolf also became ruthless, desperately defending its animal body and was cut by the supreme sword energy, and rushed out enduring the skin trauma.

The two spirit wolves stood shoulder to shoulder, it seemed that Ling Yun had really annoyed them.

"Very fierce! It's really hard to deal with!"

Looking at the two fifth-order spirit wolves, Ling Yun's scalp felt numb for a while.If there were two ghost immortals of the fifth rank, even if they were both at the peak of the fifth rank, Ling Yun wouldn't feel much pressure.

Because as long as he finds a weak point in their strength defense, with his sword level, or Thunder Gold Body close attack, there is a chance to kill them.

But this fifth-order spirit beast is different. If it is an early fifth-order spirit beast, it is okay, but like these two fifth-order spirit wolves, their own strong defense capabilities, with Ling Yun's current state, even in the case of an explosive power field They can't be cut with the sword.

Melee attack obviously doesn't work either, I've tried it just now.



Ling Yun was thinking about how to deal with them, but the two spirit wolves would not give him time to think, and attacked him one after the other, almost out of sequence.

To face the enemy head-on, no matter which spirit wolf he faces first, he will be injured by the other spirit wolf, so Ling Yun can only choose to avoid its edge.

"It seems that the only way is to break through their defenses first! What a trouble, if my sword level can reach the sixth level, I can directly break through their defenses with one sword."

The two fifth-order spirit beasts were both late-stage fifth-order spirit beasts. If Ling Yun wanted to kill them, he had to break their defenses first.

call out!

People and swords unite, and sword seals unite!

Ling Yun took the initiative to attack, holding the phantom sword, and rushed towards the red spirit wolf.At the same time, run the field of strength and push your own strength to the limit.


The scarlet spirit beast screamed, and its power defense was broken!The Unreal Sword pierced into its body, but only penetrated an inch, and Ling Yun was thrown out.Before Ling Yun could attack the red spirit wolf again, the red spirit wolf had already rushed over.

"It came so fast!"


Ling Yun hastily rotated the Thunder Golden Body, he had already planned to use the Thunder Golden Body to withstand the attack of the red spirit wolf, because he was thrown out, and he couldn't avoid the attack of the red spirit wolf for a while.

Although Thunder's golden body withstands the attack, the red spirit wolf's strength is too great, and he was sent flying directly, breaking two big trees with his body, leaning against a boulder, cracking the boulder up.


The red spirit wolf took advantage of the victory to pursue, and rushed over, smashing the boulder to pieces.But when Ling Yun rushed towards him, he had already rushed towards the scarlet spirit wolf, and once again performed the move of combining human and sword into one.

But this time he used his own sword move, piercing the scarlet spirit wolf's neck with a sword, breaking through its defense once again, penetrating an inch with the sword.

"Heaven and Earth Thunder Seal!"

Ling Yun waved his palm and stamped it on the hand holding the sword, and the power of thunder attacked the scarlet spirit wolf through the illusory sword.Just like before, Ling Yun was still thrown out.

The red spirit wolf rushed over again, but this time it was a step too late, Ling Yun also used the human sword to unite, and once again stabbed the red spirit wolf.

The scarlet spirit wolf was attacked by the thunder seal of heaven and earth, and under the damage of the thunder force, its defense was sometimes strong and sometimes weak.Ling Yun seized the opportunity and stabbed its forehead with a sword.


"Break! Infinite extension!"

The scarlet spirit wolf screamed, stretched out its wolf claws and slapped Ling Yun, but Lingyun took a step faster, and the sword realm extended infinitely, straight into the scarlet spirit wolf's body.



The red spirit wolf opened its mouth and spewed red flames!This was completely out of Ling Yun's surprise!Facing the flames spewed out by the fifth-order spirit wolf, Ling Yun didn't dare to bear it head-on. In the situation before him, both sides would suffer, so there was no need for that.


The red spirit wolf also opened its mouth and spewed flames, and the surrounding area was instantly ignited by the fire!

huh, huh

"Extreme pupils, open!"


The spirit wolf breathes fire and needs to concentrate the strength in the body, so it cannot heal itself!After Ling Yun avoided the attack of the flames, he immediately opened his extreme pupils and attacked the wound on his forehead with the destructive power of the pupils.

The destructive power of extreme pupils is terrifying!Coupled with the fact that the scarlet spirit wolf was still breathing fire intensively, its own protective power was weakened, which naturally gave the ultimate eye pupil an opportunity to continue to expand the damage.


Hearing its scream, the red spirit wolf stopped breathing fire, and rushed towards Ling Yun even more frantically, not giving Ling Yun a chance to kill the red spirit wolf.The scarlet spirit wolf was damaged by the extreme eye pupil, and the wound was above the forehead, so he fell to the ground at this time.

Although he is not dead, he will not even be able to stand up for a while.

Naturally, the body's defense ability also dropped significantly.Now with Ling Yun's strength, he can be killed directly with a single sword foot.

"Unfortunately, the strength is not enough after all!"

Facing the spirit beast defense in the late fifth stage, Ling Yun secretly groaned in his heart.With his current strength, at most he can only rely on the sword level to directly break through the defense of the fifth-order early-stage spirit beast.

If you want to kill a late fifth-order spirit beast, you can only break its defense first.

(End of this chapter)

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