extreme dog days

Chapter 2409 The ability to devour ghosts

Chapter 2409 The ability to devour ghosts

The evil spirit was very satisfied with Black Marsh's performance.He is very clear that the reason why Black Marsh came here today is definitely not because he figured it out three hundred years ago. If he wanted to become his slave, he must have been wronged and came to seek his help.


Black Marsh responded and left immediately.Now he can't wait to go out immediately, frantically absorb ghosts and ghost bodies, and then come back and let the evil spirits help him refine them.As long as he successfully controls the Houtu Ghost Domain, then he will be able to deal with the evil spirits.

One month later

"Report, report, High Judge, the ghost village in front is also empty! Not a single ghost!"

"What! What's going on here? Could it be that the Blackwater Ghost Palace already knew our intentions?"

Huangtian Ghost Emperor's army, led by Judge Lu, quietly bypassed the territory of the Scorched Earth Ghost City and came to the territory of the Black Marsh Ghost City. However, they have passed through more than a dozen ghost villages and two ghost towns after entering here, but they have never seen any ghosts. figure.

"No! This is the thick earth ghost domain, not the black water ghost domain. If the black water ghost palace did it, they would never evacuate the ghost clan here in advance. And there is no need for this! On the contrary, remove the ghosts here Clan, on the contrary, they are scaring the snakes!"

Ling Yun said.

Huangtian Ghost City entrusted Ling Yun with the matter of attacking the Black Marsh Ghost City.In addition to Ling Yun, Xing Mang, Zan Gu, Hell Envoy, Huang Quan Saintess and others also followed.

Ling Yun decided to intervene in the battle of the underworld, and the Saintess of Huangquan and the others had no choice but to accompany him crazy.

"If it wasn't the work of the Black Water Ghost Palace, then who could it be!"

The territory of the Black Marsh Ghost City is adjacent to the Black Water Ghost Domain, so Judge Lu and the others thought that the Black Water Ghost Palace had discovered their whereabouts and deliberately cleared the area.

However, reminded by Ling Yun, if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is really no need for this.

Because the ghost clan in the Black Water Ghost Palace is definitely not alive or dead in the Houtu Ghost Domain!Even if this area is considered to be controlled by the Black Water Ghost Palace so far, they will never care.

So how could they do such an act of scaring the snake?

"You ask me, who will I ask! Send ghost soldiers to investigate and see if similar things happen in other ghost towns and ghost villages nearby!"

Ling Yun gave Judge Lu a white look.Everyone just came here, what does this guy mean by him?

Want to make him want to talk nonsense?If he is talking nonsense, if this guy can believe it, then there is no one else.

A day later, a group of ghost soldiers found a ghost fairy who was seriously injured and unconscious.This ghost fairy is one of the hermit ghost cultivators in this swamp territory. At that time, he encountered the ghost bodies and ghosts of a group of ghosts in the black swamp.So he shot to stop it, but he couldn't beat the black marsh at all.

If he didn't run fast, his life might be lost.

"you're awake!"

When the ghost fairy woke up, Judge Lu came to look for him with Ling Yun and the others.

"You are……"

The ghost fairy frowned and looked at Ling Yun and the others.He belongs to the hermit cultivator, and although his cultivation has reached the fifth-level ghost immortal, he doesn't know Judge Lu!

"This continent! The Great Judge of the Ghost Palace!"

Judge Lu asked.Lu Da has been the chief judge of the Houtu Ghost Palace for at least five thousand years. The ghost clan in the thick earth ghost domain may not know the name of their ghost emperor, but they will definitely not know the name of the chief judge.

"You are the judge of the land!"

"Well! What's your name! It's the ghost clan in this swamp territory."

"Junior Chenfeng, pay homage to the Chief Inquisitor!"

Chen Feng immediately bent down and saluted, expressing his respect for Judge Lu.Although he is also a fifth-level ghost fairy, the Great Judge Lu is a fifth-level ghost fairy who has been famous for a long time, and he is even more expensive as the High Judge of the Ghost Palace.

His cultivation base and status are naturally higher than him, and Judge Lu is highly respected in Houtu Huangquan.

"Don't be too polite! You are hurt, what's going on."

Chen Feng's injury was very serious, otherwise he wouldn't have passed out on the road.

"It's a long story!"

After Chen Feng took a deep breath, he told Judge Lu and the others what had happened.It's a pity that although he met Black Marsh at that time, Black Marsh was wearing a mask, so he couldn't recognize his appearance.

"You mean, the missing ghosts in this area are all dead."

Ling Yun couldn't help asking a question.After investigation by the ghost soldiers, the whereabouts of the ghost clans in the two ghost towns and seven ghost villages nearby are unknown.You must know that there are not many places where you can live in this swamp territory, so the number of ghosts in each ghost village is greater than that of ghost villages in other places.

Therefore, the number of ghost clans in these two ghost towns and seven ghost villages is at least a million.If they were all dead, that would be terrifying.

"That's right, and I saw with my own eyes, that guy wiped out a group of ghosts and absorbed them into his body! I don't know what kind of evil power it is, it's too terrifying. I've never seen or heard of such an evil power!"

Thinking of the time when the black marsh absorbed the ghost body and ghosts of the ghost clan, Chenfeng felt a lingering fear in his heart.

"What! Absorb the ghost body of the ghost clan, ghost! This, this..."

Judge Lu seemed to have thought of something, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Judge Lu, do you know something?"

Dao Shen noticed that his face was strange, so he took the lead in asking.

"Evil spirits! Legendary evil spirits!"

Judge Lu's voice trembled a little.

"Evil spirit?"


Obviously none of the people present had heard of the legend of evil spirits, especially Ling Yun and the others.

"The old man has seen legends about evil spirits in the archives of the Ghost Palace! He was born when the world of the underworld changed, and he was born with an evil ability to devour ghosts. He doesn't care about this The ability is called "Na Ling". His appearance in the past caused a catastrophe in the thick earth ghost domain. In less than a year, more than one tenth of the ghosts in the ghost domain were killed! It caused all the strong people in the ghost domain at that time. Attention to the readers, it was only then that they united to seal it severely. The place of this seal is in this swamp territory!"

As for the existence of ancient evil spirits in the Houtu Ghost Realm, it is naturally impossible that there is no record in the Houtu Ghost Palace.It's just that terrifying existences like ancient evil spirits are generally classified as top secret files, which is not something ordinary ghosts can look through.

(End of this chapter)

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