extreme dog days

Chapter 2432 Flower Song

Chapter 2432 Flower Song

And like Ling Yun, who was wrapped in a black robe and acted mysteriously, and came alone, generally they would not dare to neglect.Usually, only those ghost immortals above the third level, or a certain family of ghost cultivators came out to practice, and they didn't want to reveal their identity as ghosts.

It is by no means something they can afford to offend.

So in this case, it is natural to first ask if they want to stay in their best room.The so-called incense room is usually in the restaurant of the underworld, but it has another meaning.

"Xiangfang! Let's go!"

This is the first time for Ling Yun to stay in such a restaurant in the underworld. Although there was such a restaurant in the Scarlet Flame Ghost Palace before, Ling Yun has never been there.

So he didn't know what was going on in the restaurant.

However, as soon as you hear it, you can tell that it must belong to the best guest room in this restaurant.Anyway, he is not short of money, Huangtian Ghost Emperor gave him one billion Mingqian, if he can't spend it all, if he brings out Mingqian, he can only burn it as paper.

"Okay, sir, please pay the rent first,"

The waiter was naturally happy when he heard that Ling Yun was going to live in the fragrant house.If there are ghosts staying in their restaurant, they get a commission, and the commission for this incense house is higher.

"Okay, how much!"

The waiter thought that Ling Yun should know the charging standard of their fragrant room, so he didn't tell him directly.

"Ten thousand"


Ten thousand lives in one room, Ling Yun was speechless for a while.Expensive, and not expensive in general!Money in the underworld is not easy to earn!In an ordinary inn, if you stay for a year or so, you don't need to spend [-] yuan.

But staying here in an incense room, and only for one day, turned out to be [-].

"Uh, sir, you don't have no money, do you?"

Ling Yun didn't know the price of the fragrant room, and when he heard the price, he was stunned for a while. The waiter gave him a contemptuous look, and his tone seemed disrespectful.

I'm afraid that if Ling Yun tells her that he really has no money, she will scold him a lot. Isn't this a waste of her expression?


"What! 10 million pass!"

The waiter was dumbfounded.

For 10 Mingqian, Ling Yun directly gave her a [-] million pass, how can this be found!

In the underworld, ghost money is universal, so the pass is also universal, even if the 10 million pass in Ling Yun's hand belongs to the pass issued by the Houtu Ghost Palace.

It can also be exchanged in the other four ghost halls.

This is the rule of the Five Palaces of the Underworld!

Even if the five ghost halls are in turmoil, the pass will not be affected.

"Can't you find it?"

Ling Yun actually has a [-] pass on him.However, that ticket belongs to the Red Flame Ghost Palace.The Red Flame Ghost Hall and the Qingmu Ghost Hall are peaceful now, but in the battle between the two halls in the past, I don’t know how many ghosts in the Qingmu Ghost Realm died in the Red Flame Ghost Realm, and there will be more or less feuds exist.

That's why Ling Yun didn't take out the pass to avoid being targeted.

After all, he was wrapped in a black robe, and ordinary ghosts could not only see that he was a human, but also couldn't tell which series of ghosts he belonged to.

If because of this, it is regarded as a secret agent sent by the Red Flame Ghost Palace to infiltrate the Qingmu Ghost Domain, how wronged it is!

"Look, I can find it! Just wait."

The waiter was dumbfounded for a while!This was the first time she met the owner who came to live in a restaurant and directly took out a 10 million pass.In the past, the largest denomination was in millions.

And to be able to take out a million pass, they are all local tyrants!

She can't afford to offend a million-level person, let alone a million-level person. She despised the other party just now, and now she is afraid after thinking about it for a while.

Ling Yun naturally wouldn't care about anything with her, he came here just to take a rest.

There is no 99 million Mingqian at the front desk that can be exchanged to Ling Yun, so the waiter naturally has to ask the shopkeeper of their restaurant for instructions.

Today this restaurant is inhabited by a nobleman, and the shopkeeper is accompanying him.This distinguished guest is the son of one of the rare elixir families in Qingmu Ghost Domain.

"Hua Shao! I specially arranged two Xiangniangs for you from Qianxiang Tower, you are satisfied!"

The shopkeeper of the restaurant said with a smile on his face.

In the Qingmu Ghost Realm, you can offend the ghost order of the Qingmu Ghost Palace, but you must not offend the elixir family here, especially the elixir family like the Spirit Flower Family where Hua Shao lives, and the Medicine Garden Family.

They reckon that as long as they say a word casually, countless ghost cultivators can attack you, and even fifth-level ghost immortals are willing to sacrifice their lives for it.

Therefore, a young master like Hua Shao who came out of the elixir family, as long as he doesn't encounter ghosts and immortals above the fifth rank, he can definitely walk sideways without any problem.

"Hehe, the shopkeeper really understands my heart! No wonder you can become the shopkeeper of the restaurant established here in the underworld! The beauty of Qianxianglou is the most top existence in our Qingmu ghost domain! There is no reason to be dissatisfied!"

There are few flowers, and the Song of Flowers hugs left and right, which is very useful for the wave of flattery from the shopkeeper.In other words, their Linghua family has a long history of contact with the underworld auction, and Hua Zhige is also one of the suitors of the underworld lady Ling Guoguo.

At the same time, he is also one of the suitors who are most likely to marry the lady of the underworld. This restaurant belongs to the property of the underworld auction. Let's talk about flattery.

If on that day, this Young Master Hua becomes the son-in-law of their underworld auction, then he will be his master.

"It's better to spend less and be satisfied!"

The shopkeeper said hurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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